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Are you a Male Sansa fan? Please come and tell me why? and is your a female fan also come share the love.

The Weirwoods Eyes

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Sansa made a terrible first impression on me, just as an entitled self absorbed brat. I think her lying about Arya owning Joffrey is the moment I decided I disliked her at first. The more I reread, the more she grows on me though. She's had to grow up real quick and survive a lot of terrible circumstances. She's definitely different from Arya, Dany and Brienne as she pretty much will accommodate her circumstances rather than try to force a change in them. But unlike the trio of characters I named earlier, she's less likely to get herself killed. Really she has the makings of a tragic character, a romantic whose real life events pretty much shattered her dreams. Now she seems half way into being Littlefinger's protege, who seems to be influencing her into becoming like the person she hates most, Cersei.

She has her own strength of will and definitely throws up walls of passive resistance to her tormentors but she's not the heroine in her stories at all even if she still clings to her romantic notions. I still wanna know what's up with her remembering the Hound kissing her. The actual character aside, her story is always very interesting as she's always neck deep in the political intrigue of King's Landing and later the Vale. There are very few of her chapters that I find just plain boring and end up skimming through.

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I'm a fan of the current iteration of Sansa.Her initial introduction was terrible to me. She was annoying, starry eyed, callow, and superficial, as she was supposed to be. Pre-teen girls aren't exactly super interesting for adults of either sex to read about. Once she started going through bad shit and the curtain was pulled back a bit, she became a far more interesting, far more compelling character. I don't necessarily identify with her, but I do like her chapters a lot more. The dash of LF here and there doesn't hurt either.

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Sansa made a terrible first impression on me, just as an entitled self absorbed brat. I think her lying about Arya owning Joffrey is the moment I decided I disliked her at first. The more I reread, the more she grows on me though. She's had to grow up real quick and survive a lot of terrible circumstances. She's definitely different from Arya, Dany and Brienne as she pretty much will accommodate her circumstances rather than try to force a change in them. But unlike the trio of characters I named earlier, she's less likely to get herself killed. Really she has the makings of a tragic character, a romantic whose real life events pretty much shattered her dreams. Now she seems half way into being Littlefinger's protege, who seems to be influencing her into becoming like the person she hates most, Cersei.

She has her own strength of will and definitely throws up walls of passive resistance to her tormentors but she's not the heroine in her stories at all even if she still clings to her romantic notions. I still wanna know what's up with her remembering the Hound kissing her. The actual character aside, her story is always very interesting as she's always neck deep in the political intrigue of King's Landing and later the Vale. There are very few of her chapters that I find just plain boring and end up skimming through.

I'm a fan of the current iteration of Sansa.Her initial introduction was terrible to me. She was annoying, starry eyed, callow, and superficial, as she was supposed to be. Pre-teen girls aren't exactly super interesting for adults of either sex to read about. Once she started going through bad shit and the curtain was pulled back a bit, she became a far more interesting, far more compelling character. I don't necessarily identify with her, but I do like her chapters a lot more. The dash of LF here and there doesn't hurt either.


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Lets hope she and Brienne will get together. I mean lets face it Brienne is the "true knight" she always wanted. :P

We have an entirely separate canon made specifically for lady-on-lady pairings.

"It should have been you" Cat is an adult.

I like Sansa. I hate Cat. Her chapters are terrible

I view Catelyn's hatred of Jon like a really ugly boil on a otherwise engaging person: Unless forced to look at it, avoid like greyscale. That is one of the moments in which it cannot be avoided and it made me want to punch through a wall.

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I love how many people feel the need to put "Straight" after "Male Sansa Fan."

That being said, I am all of these things, for whatever arbitrary worth that affords my opinion.

I don't know where I place Sansa, it's quite highly but is foggy at best. I have the feeling the more I look into it the greater my like of her will become.

I also felt more tension with her chapters in King's Landing than most people chapters period. Having to wake up and face a unfettered nutter everyday with a smile takes nerves and "Stark-dom" whatever people might say about Sansa.

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I never hated Sansa, not in the first book and not in the following sequels. I wasn't happy with some of her choices, but interesting stuff was always going on around her. I've never understood people who find Sansa's chapter's "boring." And yeah, she really started to grow on me as a character. She's genuinly decent and treats everyone with dignity. I really relate to keeping my thoughts private and being polite, just how I was raised. There's this really strong respect I have for Sansa, and I'm really excited to see where she goes.

I saw some posts at the top of this thread and I also really enjoyed Catelyn's chapters and I can't understand why so many people hate her. She's the quintessential Medieval mother and I think she's awesome-sauce.

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Sansa hasn't had the best of times, making the wrong choices and paying dearly. I can appreciate why there's those who haven't taken to her at all. I must admit, I wasn't sure at first. I saw a parallel, with differences, between Sansa and Arya. How could I not like Sansa when I love to support Arya? One is the story balance to the other, in so many ways.

That's all from the books.

From the show, you can't have two very different actresses on set that are so much alike off set. Sophie's become a very attractive young lady. Maybe influences rub off from people like Diana Rigg being around. What looks like an easy role isn't so easy with such luminaries of British Stage and Screen around her.

What got me about Sophie was the switch in character at the end of last season. Even her voice changed.

And so we return to the books..... Sansa's arc may be about to go where she has to go, deep into the heart of darkness. I can't wait for the next book in the series to find out.

And back to the show.... Clearly this coming season is a big one for Sansa. Clearly, Sophie's done some work to attract attention or else she'd not be about to become Jean Grey. (As Sophie's said, she's got to match what Famke's already done.) Obviously, we're about to embark into something else regarded as the heart of darkness, treading where the books haven't revealed.

I would love for Bran to help restore Sansa's ability to warg!! Who knows? Perhaps that still of Sansa in the bath..... You never know! Surely the ability becomes dormant until kicked into action again. It isn't likely to disappear just like that when the initial link is broken. That would give Sansa a new edge in both books and show.

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I have mixed views on Sansa.

I can appreciate her characterization and development as the story moves on. But she largely has no genuine agency and the few times when she does have agency, she screws up badly and her family ends up suffering for it and unlike with her mother, there's no real justification for any of it. Sure, she's a kid. But so are Bran and Arya and do you see them practically betraying siblings and family members for the sake of the very person who tried to kill them? They along with Jon Snow were able to make the best of their situations while Sansa just keeps messing up any chance to make her's better.

For instance, her fiance attacks a baker's boy, attempts to murder her sister and then when questioned about the events, she chokes and acts neutral...because you know, any normal person would truly help out the psycho that tried to kill their sister. As a result, Nymeria has to be driven away and Lady is killed.

I could also speak about her betraying her father's plans to Cersei (the woman who ordered Lady's death); Not going with Sandor when offered the chance (wouldn't be rosy, but it's better than stay in a lannister-controlled city being sacked by an army who may rape/kill her); or blabbing the Tyrell's plan to Ser Dontos which lets the Lannisters find out about it. But they all speak for themselves as Sansa herself admits that she was stupid in hindsight.

However, moments such as her subtle defiance of Joffrey in a few key moments and becoming Littlefinger's unspoken understudy give an indication that Sansa does have some iron in her frail frame. The fact she's now the Key to the North within lands that were extremely friendly to her father gives her an ample opportunity to for a comeback that more than makes up for her earlier appearance.

Plus, the TV show portrayal really grew on me. (except for Season 1 Sansa...cringes...)

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I am a guy and I used to hate Sansa. I just couldn't get past the fact that she sold out her entire family for Lanister approval.

After a couple reads I have given her a bit more credit. There are so many obnoxious female characters (Cersei, Asha, Dany, etc.) that go so far out of their way to be grrrrrls that its kind of refreshing to see a girl who is at least trying to uphold her societies expectation of her and who isn't actively bitting off more than she can chew time after time.

I mean she is no Margery or Val or Melisandre, but like I said at least she isn't Dany or Cersei.

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