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was the murder of Aegon and Rhaenys truly an evil deed?

Lord Warwyck

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Rhaenys might have been used to start a new dynasty. So, I would keep Aegon similar to Bloodraven kept Daemon II to prevent a new Blackfyre Pretender being crowned. As long as Aegon was alive, Viserys would never have any claim to the IT and perhaps the Sealord would never accept them. And at one point, I would send Aegon to the NW after Viserys was dead.

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I think the act is viewed as brutal and evil now but...

looking at a medieval mindset (even up to recent times) children were thought of as just smaller adults-

add in the high infant mortality rate up until the recent times and you have a culture that does not value childhood in the same fashion as we do as well as the 'normalcy" associated with infant deaths-

I do not think the way they were killed was necessarily brutal in and of itself- They most likely died quickly- had the mountain pulled their tiny little fingers and toes off until they died - that would have been brutal (again in context) -

If the policies set forth by the regime cause the death of commoner infants through starvation- a much more agonizing death- is that considered just as evil as bashing them against the wall?

I wish I could remember the name of the tribe - but they are somewhere in central asia/india- because their group is so small - adults are valued over children because the death of one adult is greater then the deaths of children for the welfare of the community- because of the tigers- they send the kids out to collect food- if they are eaten - they can make more kids-but it takes longer to replace an adult- sounds evil as f**k to me though-

so in short- evil for us today- hell yes- evil in the context of the time period the books are mimicking?- I am not so sure - more likely par for the course-

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Multiple Choice question:

You are a Usurper who has fought a hard and bitter war to rid the realm of a Mad King, and, incidentally, claim the throne for yourself. As you storm the last castle, you burst alone into an upper room, and there you find two small children cowering in a corner. They are the Mad King's grandchildren, and it occurs to you that if you do not slay them now, they may grow up to challenge your new dynasty, and your ass may sit less comfortably on its ugly iron chair. What should you do?

[A] Kill the brats.

Kill the brats, but don't be brutal, 'coz hey, that isn't nice.

[C] Spend a bit of time considering whether or not you could achieve roughly the same result by other means with minimal extra risk to you and your new dynasty. If the answer is "no" then kill the brats. Also, before killing them, you might want to shed a tear or two to show you have a good heart.

[D] No! Don't kill them! You will be cursed by the gods and your soul will burn for all eternity in the deepest of the Seven Hells.

The correct answer, of course, is [D]. Congratulations to all those (sadly very few) who gave it, or some reasonable approximation thereof. Shame on all those who answered [A], , [C] or some approximation thereof.

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The same loyalists who instead flocked to Viserys when he became heir after the death of Rhaegar and Ageon? Those guys? It would have been smarter to keep Aegon alive and marry him in your new dynasty. Keep Aegon close to you if the Targaryen's claim is that dangerous. Kill him and his claim just flies oversea to Viserys and then Daenerys and then to whatever Blackfyre or half blooded targaryen who brush off his family tree and is able to trace a line to some famous king. Given how much they intermarried, there's likely hundreds of nobles able trace descent to a Targaryen king or the other. If the loyalists are that loyal that they'll always want a Targaryen, they'll find one, however diluted. Heck, Robert should know, he is the 'Targaryen' that the rebels put on the throne.

The likes of Varys or Littlefinger will scheme against you no matter what. Varys might even have gone as far as invent a claimant if (f)Ageon theory is correct. The sane thing to do is try to identify the schemers and kill them. Anything else is a fool's game, and a dirty one at that.

No, the ones who plots and spins tales to make ready for the Dragon's return. Doran and Varys for instance.

Marrying Aegon to anyone is Stark-level stupidity. You know what that will grant you? It will grant a line with a claim, which they will consider superior, so that as soon as the main line would have some kind of problem, unpopularity or a period of weakness and the realm is soon ablaze with fire and drowned in rivers of blood. Its very interesting to see how the people who cares so much for the lives of others forget the lessons the Blackfyres thought the realm when they made the realm bleed for decades in various wars.

There's a world of difference between being one in a hundred with some distant blood and being the direct descendent on the sword side. I think this is fairly obvious in Westeros. The Starks have married with lots of other Northern Houses yet you can't replace a proper Stark in Winterfell with any Manderly or Glover, just because some dozen of generations ago their faddy porked a Stark. We see this in the Stark loyalists in the North and we see it with the Blackfyres. As long as there's a king for them to follow they'll never lay down their arms and let the King's Peace reign. When Maelys died, then the Blackfyres stopped causing problems. That's how Westeros works.

Robert is a Baratheon related to the Targaryens. Different thing.

So the sane thing is for the root and reason to the schemes to flourish, kill the schemers and hope it goes away? Since the reason and focus of their scheming is left new schemers will come to take the place of the old.

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Rhaenys might have been used to start a new dynasty. So, I would keep Aegon similar to Bloodraven kept Daemon II to prevent a new Blackfyre Pretender being crowned. As long as Aegon was alive, Viserys would never have any claim to the IT and perhaps the Sealord would never accept them. And at one point, I would send Aegon to the NW after Viserys was dead.

This. It's a perfectly reasonable solution and Rhaenys marrying Robert's heir also takes away any claim for possible children of Viserys or Dany.

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What kings waiting in the wings did the Targaryens have after the Blackfyres were gone? I can't recall.

Baratheons and other people with even more distant claims. Ned said Robert had the better claim, which means there were worse claims.

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