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Crows,Wolves,Dogs and Men: The Dog and his she-Wolf

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Using the Prologue chapter In a Dance with Dragons, I think it is possible to identify Sandor the Hound of House Clegane as a "hidden warg" in the first 5 books. He then becomes mentor of Arya in a similar fashion to Haggon and Varamyr.

Yes people will say that it is impossible but I think the story of Bump and Lump ( house with 3 dogs ) is a direct connection to the Hound and the Mountain ( house with 3 dogs ).

the lack of a POV from this character for 5 straight books leaves the " warg secret " reveal possible for Winds of Winter.

Sandor of House Clegane is the Seven Who Are One, re-born also known as the Stranger.

Sandor of House Clegane is a servant of Him of Many Faces at The Temple of Black and White.


Sandor of House Clegane was " Balerion the Black Dread ", Rhaenys kitten (puppy) and saw his brother Ser Gregor kill the daughter of the Dragon Prince that knighted him as well as the " True " Aegon.

Did he warg/skinchange into the " direwolf/stag " so that the Stark children could have their pups?

Did he warg/skinchange into the " Stranger " to win the tourney of the Hand?

Did he warg/skinchange into the " boar " that killed Robert to get revenge for killing Rhaegar?

Did he warg/skinchange into the " old blind hound " to prevent the singer from raping Sansa?

Did he warg/skinchange into the " Dog " to travel with Meribald after Arya left him without the gift?

Is he working with Littlefinger (SheWolves "sansa" "arya" "lyanna" "catelyn" "jon snow") because of his " connection " to Old Lady Whent to help Sansa/Arya against Dragons/Lions? Black, Night, Ice

Or his he working with Vary's (Dragons/Lions/Snakes "aegon/dorne" "dany/?" "tyrion/CR") because of his inside knowledge as witness/Baelerion the Black Dread of the deaths of Aegon and Rhaenys by his Brother who was sent by (Direwolves,Lions.Stags,Falcons,Fish). White, Dawn, Fire

" a man strange to Arya, a tall knight with black hair and burn scars on his face." the Stranger

" You'll be sewing all through winter. When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers. Arya didn't think it was funny. I hate needlework! she said with a passion, It's not fair! Nothing is fair Jon said. He messed up her hair again and walked away from her, Ghost moving silently beside him." GOT Arya 6

this is a preview of how good I am at pulling quotes. If this interests you keep reading.

1. " Ser Rodrik tugged thoughtfully at his white whiskers. What are you suggesting? he asked the prince. Live steel. Done, Robb shouted back. You'll be sorry! The master-at-arms put a hand on Robb's shoulder to quiet him Live steel is too dangerous. I will permit you tourney swords, with blunted edges. Joffrey said nothing, but a man strange to Arya, a tall knight with black hair and burn scars on his face, pushed forward in front of the prince. This is your prince. Who are you to tell him he may not have an edge on his sword, ser?" GOT Arya 6

this is the first time we are introduced to Sandor. Why would he want Robb to fight Joffrey with live steel?

because he wants the " murder " of his lionprince to look like an unfortunate mishap.

We don't need no Golden LionKing, might cause the end of the world as we know it...

2. " the burned man look at Robb. How old are you, boy? Fourteen, Robb said. I killed a man at twelve. You can be sure it was not with a blunt sword. Arya could see Robb bristle. His pride was wounded. He turned on Ser Rodrik. Let me do it. I can beat him. Beat him with a tourney blade, then, Ser Rodrik said." GOT Arya 6

this is the first " lesson " that Sandor teaches Arya.

you can't kill a man with a blunt sword. Something sharper with a point is required... A needle.

We could have avoided Doomsday for another generation if the " Ser " would have just let Direwolf prince of Winterfell kill the Lion prince of Casterly Rock... it was an accident, my lord.

3. “ Dogs were the easiest beasts to bond with; they lived so close to men that they were almost human. Slipping into a dog’s skin was like putting on an old boot, its leather softened by wear. As a boot was shaped to accept a foot, a dog was shaped to accept a collar, even a collar no human eye could see. Wolves were harder. A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf. Wolves and women wed for life, Haggon often said. You take one, that’s a marriage. The wolf is part of you from that day on, and you’re part of him Both of you will change.” ADWD Prologue

It is important to start this theory with a Prologue chapter because these give us our best " insight " into what is really going on in a Song of Ice and Fire.

First who is the Hunter? he is the " old man " who teaches the most powerful warg/skinchanger in the book. The Hunter says dog/direwolves are the best animals to use.

This is given from Varamyr's Point of View ( his real name is Lump but this will be recalled later.) Sixskins a elite " warg/skinchanger " is a Lord who serves the Mance Rayder King-beyond-the-Wall faction, who started his life as a outcast due to a kinslaying that involved dogs...

a dozen villages payed him fealty...

In this point of view Lump tells us that dogs are the easiest animal of all to " skinchange ". I ask everybody to keep in mind that Sandor of House Clegane sigil is three dogs and he serves the Lion's of Casterly Rock. Everybody who reads this thread should look into how they came about their titles and lands.

A collar no human eye could see...

this is describing how easily it is for skinchangers/wargs to fully assume control of a dogs body. Also a hint at Sandor.

Wolves and women wed for life...

Sansa and Arya's father figure after Eddard's death is Sandor Clegane. He is the knight that most represents the " old ways " of House Stark. That is why i belive he is also the " hidden warg protector " of these two little ladys.

My avatar is Arya stark and my name is Daeron's Black boots.

Using this quote we can connect skinchanging/warging to putting on boots. This will be important later on.

4. " You cannot hide from me child. Come closer now. Cold fingers walked down Arya's neck. Fear cuts deeper than swords, she reminded herself. She stood and approached the fire warily... I see you, she whispered. I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the Lord that smelled of death... She began to sob, her little body shaking. You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours, Begone from here, dark heart. Begone! " SOS Arya 43

fear cuts deeper that swords... Syrio is Sandor ( this will be proven later don't worry just hold on.)

this Woods Witch ( if you don't know this is an important aspect of First men culture and wildling culture so if anybody is going to recognize a warg/skinchanger it will be this women) tells her " dark heart " to begone. This is going to be very relevant to future aspects of the " gift " that is skinchanging/warging.

The " heart " has something to do with the blood magic of a warg/skinchanger. Varamyr will confirm this with future quotes.

she approached the fire warily... the dog is also scared/scarred of fire. Important connection to story that will be explained by continued mentions in further quotes.

5. " He snatched it one handed from the air and lowered it over his head, and where the man had sat only a dog remained, snarling at the fires." SOS Arya 50

This quote is important to begin this theory because it is seen from Arya's perspective at The Red Wedding.

She throw's him the infamous Hounds Helm ( a symbol of the Stranger, The Seven Who are One, aka him of many faces) and he begins to do battle so they can escape from the chaos.

From her perspective he tells her that he is going to ransom her back to her mother and brother.

If we could see if from Sandor's POV I suspect it would look more like a skinchanging dog assassian approaching the battle a little bit too late. He wanted to sneak in and warn the King of the North and her mother about what was about to take place.

The question that everybody will jump to is why didn't he tell her this was the plan?

The answer is because she is a " untrained she-wolf " in the proper arts of skinchanging/warging/giving the gift of mercy.

If you don't believe me re-read the chapter. It reads like a how to manual for a faceless man mission.

6. " Stupid little bitch, fires glinted off the snout of his helm, and made the steel teeth shine. You go in there, you won't come out. Maybe Frey will let you kiss your mother's corpse. Maybe we can save her... Maybe you can i'm not done living yet. Stay or go she-wolf, live or die, your... Arya spun away from him and darted for the gate. Run fast as a wolf. His axe took her in the back of the head..." SOS Arya 50

Lessons abound in this quote.

This is the first time he calls her " she-wolf ".

He has yet to teach her how to give " the gift " to anybody.

This exact sequence will be recalled multiple times in her dreams later so it is very important.

kiss your mother's corpse? yes this quote foreshadows Beric Dondarrion kissing her back to life. How in the Seven Hells did the Hound know this would happen.

Maybe you can i'm not done living yet? In Winds of Winter Lady Stoneheart going to get some mercy.

This will be recalled in a dream sequence. So it is very important for the reader to remember and rexamine from time to time.

7." Salt pork for the wedding feast, if it please you, ser. The Hound mumbled his reply, his eyes down, his face hidden." Storm of Swords 50

his face hidden. So Sandor was faceless?

I believe this the one of the best clues we have that point towards him being a servant of the Temple of Black and White.

8. " M'lady told me to bring him, ser, Clegane said humbly. He's a wedding gift for young Lord Tully. What lady? Who is it you serve? Old Lady Whent, ser. Does she think she can buy Harrenhal back with a horse? the knight asked. Gods, is there any fool like an old fool? Yet he waved them down the road. Go on with you, then. Aye, m'lord. The Hound snapped his whip again, and the old drays resumed their weary trek." Storm of Swords 50

Lady Catelyn's Mother? strange...

9. " Ser Donnel Haigh, he said. I've taken more horses off him than I can count. Armor as well. Once I near killed him in a melee. How come he didn't know you then? Arya asked. Because knight are fools, and it would have been beneath him to look twice at some poxy peasant." Storm of Swords 50

FM lesson being taught...

also Ser's are fools ( his brother is dumb. )

10. " So long as he kept his eyes down you could not see his face, only the whites of his eyes peering out. He looked like some down-at-heels farmer. A big farmer, though. And under the roughspun was boiled leather and oiled mail, Arya knew. She looked like a farmer's son, or maybe a swineheard. And behind them were four squat casks of salt pork and one of pickled pig's feet... Keep your eyes down and your tone respectful and say ser a lot, and most knights will never see you. They pay more mind to horses than to smallfolk. He might have known Stranger if he'd ever seen me ride him." Storm of Swords 50

This in my humble opinion is the same " type " of lesson she recieves at the Temple of Black and White.

11. " He would have known your face, though. Arya had no doubt of that. Sandor Clegane's burns would not be east to forget, once you saw them. He could'nt hide the scars behind a helm, either; not so long as the helm was made in the shape of a snarling dog. That was why they had needed the wayn and the pickled pigs' feet. I'm not going to be dragged before you brother in chains, the Hound had told her. And I'd just as soon not have to cut through his men to get to him. So we play a game." Storm of Swords 50

oh yea Sandor of House Clegane is teaching many things to our little she-wolf. Is she listening? I think so...

But not to the fact that a " Red Wedding " is about to take place. She isn't that aware of her surroundings yet. But Sandor's plan is to sneak in and sneak out with 3 direwolves in his pack. This is Arya's point of view not his.

12. " If the Hound would have let her she would have sleep all day and all night. And dreamed. That was the best part the dreaming. If her nights were full of wolves, her day belonged to the Dog. Sandor Clegane made her get up every morning whether she wanted to or not. " SOS Arya 54

This is the first reference to Septon Meribald's Dog. yep people before AFFC in SOS we get the name of his traveling companion and it was sitting right their in plain sight.

Also if she is dreaming in her POV, could he have been dreaming in his POV. About whom? a little bird about to be wed...

The fact GRRM choses to connect Sandor to so many of her dreams will be noted in further quotes. please pay attention because the number of times is staggering.

This is number 1.

13. “ By the time Lump slipped inside his skin it was too late. No, father, please, the tried to say, but dogs cannot speak the tongues of men, so all that emerged was a piteous whine. The axe crashed into the middle of the old dog’s skull, and inside the hovel the boy let out a scream. That was how they knew.” ADWD Prologue

The basis of my theory that Sandor is a skingchanger is founded on this Prologue chapter from A Dance with Dragons.

Its quotes/hints/references will be continually interjected to show the connection to Sandor Clegane and warging/skingchanging.

This kinslaying of Bump by Lump is very symbolic of Brother vs. Brother.

Sandor The Hound ( Joffrey's Mad Dog) vs Ser Gregor The Mountain that Rides

The Gravedigger vs Ser Robert Strong.

The first time Varamyr Sixskins was killed was when he was warging/skinchanging the family dog after killing his brother.

Do we think 3 dogs fighting a lion connects to warging/skinchanging? I do.

14. " As he slid the blade back out and wiped it on the dead man, he looked at Arya. That's where the heart is, girl. That's how you kill a man." SOS Arya 54

This is a lesson being taught.

Not just some random one off killing on the kingsroad.

It was not Eddard Stark or Jon Snow who taught her how to take a man's life but Sandor The Hound of House Clegane.

I think the gift of mercy was always a important part of GRRM's storyline. The release of the Mercy chapter from Winds of Winter yesterday basically very much supports this pet " dog " theory of mine.

15. " Will we bury him? Why, Sandor said. He don't care, and we've got no spade. Leave him for the wolves and wild dogs. You brothers and mine. He gave her a hard look. First we rob him though." SOS Arya 54

Once again we have Arya calling him Sandor.

The frequent back and forth from the Hound to Sandor cannot be taken lightly or just simply dismissed as useless literary device employed by GRRM.

Why wouldn't Arya call him The Hound when he made such a statement as this? seems like dogs like digging...

This foreshadows him becoming the Gravedigger as well.

Because she is taking the words to heart. Your brothers and mine. Treating her like a She-Wolf is giving her " the name " that she uses to warg Nymeria in her dreams.

He gives her " self-confidence " to awaken her " gift ".

He is leaving the " corpse " for the " wargs " to eat...

16. " I should not be dreaming of wolf dreams, the girl told herself. I am a cat now, not a wolf. I am Cat of the Canals. The wolf dreams belonged to Arya of House Stark. Try as she might, though, she could not rid herself of Arya. It made no difference whether she slept beneath the temple or in the little room beaneath the eaves with Brusco's daughters, the wolf dreams still haunted her by night... and sometimes other dreams as well." AFFC Cat of the Canals

vain and cruel is this she-wolf... and don't get me started on weseals.

This connects Cat of the Canals to Balerion the Black Dread ( king of the Red Keep syrio made her catch. )

Syrio is Sandor. This will be proven with future quotes.

She cannot separate from call herself a " wolf ". Who else did this? Sandor. Does the Kindly Man really want her to do this? no he doesn't, he just wants her to be able to " hide " her " gift " the same thing Sandor/Syrio want.

17. "Other beasts were best left alone, the hunter had declared. Cats were vain and cruel, always ready to turn on you. Elk and deer were prey; wear their skins too long, and even the bravest men became a coward. Bears, boars, badgers, weasels... Haggon did not hold with such. Some skins you never want to wear boy. You wont like what you become. Birds were the worst, to hear tell of it." prologue

Once again we need to bring up the Prologue chapter in Dance with Dragons to " tie " the quotes and theory together. This description of " beasts " by Haggon is given to use by GRRM so that we can recall all the different " names " or " beasts " that Arya of House Stark has been.

Cat is connected to Cat of the Canals and also Balerion the Black Dread.

Hot Weasel soup anybody? i will add a few extra quotes back into this one when i get the time.

This lesson of Haggon to Varamyr ( Lump ) is the same type of lessons that Sandor the dog teaches Arya the wolf.

18. " Men were not meant to leave the earth. Spend too much time in the clouds and you never want to come back down again. I know skinchangers whove tried hawks, owls, ravens. even in ther own skins, they sit moony, staring up at the bloody blue." prologue

Once again bad news for Bran. Birds stare up at the Bloody Blue.

Umm White Walkers and Heart of Winter in the Lands of Always Winter anybody?

White Raven King rules the Sons of Craster In the Lands of Always Winter with eyes like blue Sapphire's?

Birds and direwolf/dogs are as different as night & day according to Haggon in regards to warging/skinchanging.

19. " Not all skinchangers felt the same however. Once when Lump was ten, Haggon had taken him to a gathering of such. the wargs were the most numerous in that company. the wolf brothers, but the boy had found the others stranger and more fascinating. Borroq looked so much like his boar that all he lacked was tusks, Orell had his eagle, Briar her shadowcat ( the moment he saw them, Lump wanted a shadowcat of his own) the goat women Grisella... None of them had been as strong as Varamyr Sixskins, though, not even Haggon." Prologue

If I had ever created a thread about Orell ( being a husband) I would have added this little nugget to a certain part of a love triangle between a red head, a bastard and his first kill.

Varamyr met Orell when they were 10 years old and they were from separate tribes.

So clans/tribes/families/lands/lords/magnar's are seperated by what " animals " their skinchangers most frequently use.

We have a connection to Lump ( Varamyr 3 skins then Six skins after he kills Haggon. But at this meeting prior to Mance calling the banners he gets his first glimpse of other types of skinchangers.)

Wargs is defined specifically in this Prologue as being " wolf-brothers " this will be further explained to Arya Stark by Sandor Clegane by using quote number # 8.

Dogs and Direwolfs are brothers of the same tribe of Skinchangers seperate from Birds, Cats, Bears etc. etc.

and whether you want to admit it or not we have a connection to Sandor Clegane in this quote.


Sandor rides (sneak peak yall he skinchanges!) a horse called Stranger.

20. “ To eat human meat was abomination, to mate as wolf with wolf was abomination and to seize the body of another man was the worst abomination of all. Haggon was weak, afraid of his own power. He died weeping and alone when I ripped his second life from him. Varamys had devoured his heart himself. He taught me much and more, and the last thing I learned from him was the taste of human flesh.” ADWD Prologue

Arya's favorite thing to do is eat human meat with her pack.

This makes her the most powerful warg/skinchanger south of the Wall. She must be assigned a mentor/teacher/magister to guide her on her transformation just like Lump was given to Haggon. The teaching was done when he killed his master.

The last thing he taught Varamyr was that a true warg/skinchanger's life was spent " eating/giving the gift of mercy " to other humans/beasts...

This ties into the " cursed " nature of the powers that the Children of the Forest taught to the First Men.

21. " So much for my brave brothers of the Kingsguard. Who killed him? The Imp its thought, him and his little wife. What wife? I forgot you been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out the tower window. But she left the dwarf behind, Cersei means to have his head. The Hound sat closet to the door, his mouth twitched but only on the burned side. She ought have dipped him in wildfire, he drained his wine cup right away" SOS Arya 54

Arya notice's the reaction on Sandor's face.

This is a key element in her Faceless Men training.

Her sister was able to read this unreadable man as well because she was in love with him. Both always pick up on his face twitch.

Who killed him? What wife?

as a warg/skinchanger ( The Black Dread King of Red Keep ) he already knows, just wants them to say it out loud for Arya to hear.

I give this quote so that people can see how Sandor Clegane always has people intimidated into giving up information or acting in a particular way. Many of his lessons in the Arya chapters are the sames one taught at the Temple of Black and White.

If you disagree with this interpretation of the text go back and re-read the chapter.

I think he already knows all this info but just wants Arya to have it was well. He can't tell her she must find out on her own so that she has proper cause/right to give the douchebags on her list the gift's the deserve...

This will be proven with future quotes. drained his wine cup right away. Cups are important to The Temple of Black and White. see mercy and Sansa thread ( part 2 had to be spilt up.)

22. " The Tickler backed away. Arya could smell his fear. The shortsword in his hand suddenly seemed almost a toy against the long blade the Hound was holding, and he wasn't armored either. He moved swiftly never taking his eyes off Sandor Clegane. It was the easiest thing in the world to step up behind him and stab him. Is there gold in the village? she shouted as she drove the blade into his back. Is there silver? Is there food? Where is Lord Beric. Where did he go? How many knights? How many, how many, how many, how many. Her hands were red and sticky when Sandor dragged her off him." SOS Arya 54

the she-wolf can now smell fear...

This is one of Arya's first list kills. It is a direct assist by the guy not being able to take his eyes off " Sandor Clegane ". She doesn't call him the Hound. This is a sign of respect that she is attributing to his " reputation ".

Also next notice the manner in which she kills him. Stabs him in the back. I could pull a littlefinger/sansa quote right her to make my point about " hidden daggers " but i have another thread!

Notice she mentions where did lord beric go? she actually wants to know the answer to this question. Yes he would ask everybody this, but she is having second thought about being under the mentorship of the Hound. ( Only she doesn't becuase she knows killing is the sweetest thing their is.)

Finally sticky red hands will be foreshadowed in Mercy Winds of Winter chapter. Notice also she calls him Sandor.

Please take note of the Winds of Winter chapter's use of singing Mercy, Mercy, Mercy... how many ( stab/mercy ) how many ( stab/mercy ) how many ( stab/mercy )

23. " mercy ser. The Hound gave him a smack across the face that made him scream again. Don't call me ser, he turned back to Arya, this ones your she-wolf. You can do it. she knew what he meant. Arya went to Polliver and knelt in his blood long enough to undo his sword belt. Hanging beside his dagger was a slimmer blade, too long to be a dirk, too short to be a mans sword but it felt just right in her hand. You remember where the heart is? She nodded, mercy, she slipped the blade between his ribs and gave it to him" SOS Arya 54

He doesn't want to be called Ser, because that is his brother's name.

Calls arya she-wolf. This name allows arya to better connect with her pack. She knows she is the she-wolf of winterfell. This is the secret that she keeps from the Faceless Men.

So keeping the secret that you are a skingchanger/warg is the most important lesson for a member of this guild. This also fits in with the hatred for " wargs " spoken about by the common folk. To be identified as a person who can connect with animals is instant death.

This is the 1st story that ties the current Winds of Winter chapter George has blessed us with.

We have a heart connection (remember Lump/Haggon) and giving him the gift.

This is the motto/creed of the Faceless Men.

24. " His eyes opened, Do you remember where the heart is? I was only... Don't lie he growled. I hate liars, I hate gutless frauds even worse, go on do it. When Arya did not move, he said, I killed your butchers boy. I near cut him in half and laughed about it later. he made a queer sound and it took her a moment to see that he was sobbing." SOS Arya 54

What is the most " important " aspect of being a Facless Man?


He growled, I HATE LIARS. ( he loves his little lady liars Arya and Sansa though ).

He is sobbing because this is one of the worst things he has ever done in his entire life. ( this is only my opinion since we don't have a Sandor Point of View.)

he had to kill the butchers boy, so that the lions would let him back into the fold after not returing with Nymeria. He paid the price for Arya's hate so her direwolf could escape.

Ned killed Lady not Sandor.

25. " Why did you do that? It is Arya of House Stark who chews on her lip whenever she is thinking. Are you Arya of House Stark? I am no one. She was angry. Who are you? She did not expect the waif to answer, but she did." AFFC Cat of the Canals

this is called the " lying " game by Arya. It is the same game Sandor will play with Sansa at the beginning of Game of thrones. If you already have your mind blown go to the other thread and pick it up from there.

I will now continue along the Arya storyline and continue to prove he is a warg/skinchanger/faceless man.

26. " I was born the only child of an ancient House, my noble father's heir, the waif replied. My mother died when I was little, I have noe memory of her. When I was six my father wed again. His new wife treated me kindly until she gave birth to a daughter of her own. Then it was her wish that I should die, so her own blood might inherit my father's wealth. She should have sought the favor of the Many-Faced God, but she could not bear the sacrifice he would ask of her. Instead, she thought to poison me herself. It left me as you see me now, but I did not die. When the healers in the House of the Red Hands told my father what she had done, he came here and made sacrifice, offering up all his wealth and me. Him of Many Faces heard his prayer. I was brought to the temple to serve, and my father's wife received the gift." AFFC Cat of the Canals

once again this is a duplicate of what Sandor The Hound of House Clegane does with Sansa at the beginning of Game of Thrones. Check out Puppy and his Lady to continue the theory from there.

This is just to show Arya & Waif---->Sandor & Sansa.

27. " Arya considered her warily. Is that true? There is truth in it. And lies as well? There is an untruth, and an exaggeration. She had been watching the waif's face the whole time she told her story, but the other girl had shown her no signs. The Many-Faced God took two-thirds of your father's wealth, not all. Just so. That was my exaggeration. Arya grinned, realized she was grinning, and gave her cheek a pinch. Rule your face, she told herself. My smile is my servant, he should come at my command. What part was the lie? No part. I lied about the lie. Did you? Or are you lying now? " AFFC Cat of the Canals

Arya has figured out " mastered " the art of lying. Or so she thinks. ( she must now attempt it while blind.)

28. " But before the waif could answer, the kindly man stepped into the chamber, smiling. You have returned to us. The moon is black." AFFC Cat of the Canals

Arya has taken the life of " Daeron " and brought his " Black Boots " to the Temple of Black and White. She did this becuase he planned to leave the Black Brotherhood.

In chapter One of A Game of Thrones what happens? Ned chops off a guys head for leaving the Night's Watch.

This is the same thing Arya was doing. ( She was being a Faceless She-Wolf giving Mercy.)

Now her training must be " bump " ed up to the next level. ( That is a pun for those who are able to follow this thread. )

The Kindly Man is upset.

29. " and the pretty little bird, your pretty sister, I took the bloody song, she never gave it. I meant to take her too. I should have. I should have fucked her bloody and ripped her heart out before leaving her for that dwarf. A spasm of pain twitched on his face. Do you mean to make me beg bitch, do it! the gift of mercy avenge your little michael. Mycah, Arya stepped away from him. you don't deserve the gift of mercy." SOS Arya 54

Another faceless men lesson in Face reading. spasm of pain twitched on his face. She knows he loves Sansa.

Ripped her heart out. This seems to be very important to wargs/skinchangers. Also this could be his one true love and he left her for a lion/dragon to wed.

He calls it " the gift of mercy."

The Temple of Black and White gives " the gift of mercy."

Sandor Clegane is singing the greatest hits of Braavos without us ever being given a quote of him going there. ( strange and Stranger IM more than heretical O.)

This quote is has future relevance in Mercy chapter of Winds of Winter.

30. " The Hound watched her saddle Craven through eyes bright with fever. Not once did he rise and attempt to stop her, but when she mounted he said, A real wolf would finish a wounded animal. You shouldn't have hit me with an axe and you should have saved my mother." SOS Arya 54

a real wolf would finish a wounded animal...

giving her another lesson. the question we must now ask our self is it a warg/skinchanging or Faceless Men/The Gift lesson.

She gives him one as well. These are her last words to him...

The Craven flees from the Stranger...

31. " crows fled before wolves, wolves fled before men. She had abandoned the cold white prize in the mud where she had dragged it, and ran, and felt no shame. When the morning came, the Hound did not need to shout at Arya or shake her awake. She had woken before him for a change, and even watered their horses. They broke their fast in silence until Sandor said. This thing about your mother... It doesn't matter, Arya said in a dull voice. I know she's dead I saw her in a dream. The Hound looked at her a long time then nodded. No more was said of it." SOS Arya 54

this is the dream sequence in which Arya the She-Wolf wargs/skinchanges Nymeria Queen of The Pack to pull her tully (fish)/ whent (bat) mother out of the water.

This was foretold by the Hound at the opening of the OP. Do you remember?

frey will let you kiss your mothers corpse... only she doesn't do it and Beric the 6th Incarnation does.

so when put into the proper context this is just a discussion between two wargs/skinchangers.

Please also take notice of her calling him the Hound then Sandor then The Hound again.

This will be happening frequently throughout these quotes and I will try to always take note of it everytime this happens as I feel it adds support to my theory that something is amiss ( we don't have full story ) about Sandor Clegane's true nature...

32. " You're not worth spit to me now, and I don't want to hear your whining. I should have let you run into that bloody castle. You should have, she agreed, thinking of her mother. You'd be dead if i had. You ought to thank me. You ought sing me a pretty little song, the way your sister did. Did you hit her with an axe too? I hit you with the flat of an axe, you stupid little bitch." SOS Arya 54

teaching her more lessons. about life, about love, about warfare, about treachary, about friendship.

but even a man as clever as Sandor can't match wits with Arya.

Did you hit her with an axe too? no she-wolf i was only her Florian...

this quote directly connects to the last words she says to him before leaving him without " the gift "...

33." and higher still they passed a lichyard where a brother bigger than Brienne was struggling to dig a grave. From the way he moved, it was plain to see he was lame. As he flung a spadeful of the stony soil over one shoulder, some chanced to splatter against their feet. The gravedigger lowered his head. When Dog went to sniff him he dropped his spade and scratched his ear." AFFC Brienne 45

i see this as Gravedigger confirmation that Sandor Clegane has been ( remember this was foreshadowed in Storm of Swords with the killing of the man on the Kingsroad. ) skinchanging/warging Dog.

we don't have no stinking spade she-wolf... now you do!

34. " The Hound died there, in my arms. You may have seen a big black stallion in our stables. That was his warhorse, Stranger. A blasphemous name. We prefer to call him Driftwood, as he was found beside the river. He has his former masters nature. The horse, she had seen the stallion, had heard it kicking, but she had not understood. Destriers were trained to kick and bite. In war they were like a weapon, like the men who rode them. Like the hound, it is true then Sandor Clegane is dead. He is at rest, the Elder brother paused..." AFFC Brienne 45

the horse is cannot be controlled by anybody but Sandor Clegane becuase of it's skinchanging connection to this " evil " man.

the horse's name is Stranger, the same Stranger that has one candle in Temple of Black and White.

This connection will be explained later but keep this in mind.

We have 4 different names mentioned in order here... Stranger to ----> Driftwood then, the Hound died to ---> Sandor Clegane rested.

the elder brother paused...

I have mentioned before how important these frequent name changes are for this character. This is how Arya and Sandor are connected.

They are seen as outcasts who constantly are given " nicknames " by different people who see the different aspects of their personalities.

The God of Seven Faces ( Sandor ) The God of Many Faces ( Arya )

35. " There was only the oncoming horseman and and the longaxe in his hand. He wore a surcoat over his armor and she saw the two towers that marked him for a Frey. She did not understand. The knight followed at a trot, only darkness behind his eyeslit. They went round once, twice, a third time. The knight curse her. You can't run... the axe head caught him square in the back of the head. Behind him was the Hound, still mounted on Stranger. Get my helm, Clegane growled at her..." SOS Arya 50

The Hound-----> mounted on Stranger----> Clegane growled... this suggests faceless men and warging/skinchanging abilities if my special rose colored glasses are put on.

Consider the fact that when these name changes are being thrown at the reader he is saving her life from a " frey ".

The same family that swore alligance to Robb King of The North in CoK.

The same brother she never ever got to see again.

The same brother who had his warg/skinchanging head ripped off.

Hopefully this analysis is starting to take effect by now and the mystery that is the seven who are one is starting to become more clear for my fellow posters.

this is from Arya's point of view. So she sees the aspect called " the Hound " on top of the god of death in regards to the faith of the seven. This cannot and should not be overlooked or simply dismissed.

When we eventually get to the Temple of Black and White all of these quotes will eventually make sense, if you keep all these past quotes in mind.

36. " The Seven are always with me, said Meribald, and I have my faithful servant, and Dog. Does your dog have a name? asked Podrick Payne. He must, said Meribald, but he is not my dog. Not him. The dog barked and wagged his tail. He was a huge, shaggy creature, ten stone of dog at least, but friendly." AFFC Brienne

this is a hint at the skinchanging aspect of Sandor Clegane.

He must, said Meribald, but he is not my dog. Not him. This suggests that recently he has met this dog. But the fact that he has travelled with this dog all across the circuit contradict this statement.

Therefore Sandor being inside this animal makes the most logical sense. He is back at the Quiet Isle doing his thing while also watching over Brienne and Podrick.

I will show why Sandor ( Dog ) has a special interest in Podrick's well being with another quote.

37. " Who does he belong to? asked Podrick. Why, to himself, and to the Seven. As to his name, he has not told me what it is. I call him Dog. Oh, Podrick did not know what to make of a dog named Dog, plainly. The boy chewed on that a while, then said, I used to ahve a dog when I was little. I called him Hero. Was he? Was he what? A hero. No. He was good dog, though. He died. Dog keeps me safe upon the roads, even in such trying times as these. Neither wolf nor outlaw dare molesst me when Dog is at my side." AFFC Brienne

this quote also helps further hint at Sandor being in control of Dog. consider that Sandor is the " truest " hedge knight ( don't call him ser ) in the seven kingdoms. Of course he is warging/skinchanging this animal.

One more quote is all I have to prove this crackPET theory of mine. But a dog named Dog doing some " strange " behavior should convince you that there is more going on than what most posters believe.

If you think Sandor Clegane is the Last Hero then well... use this quote if you want. Kinda should put old Nan's quote here. If you are reading this drop the story in a post and i'll put it in. You know there is a dog at the end...

Last hero quest for secret city of Children of the Forest and his last companion is a dog...

Arya quest for the " secret city of Braavos " in search Faceless Men and her last companion is a hound...

38. " The wolf dreams were the good ones. In the wolf dreams she was swift and strong, running down her prey with her pack at her heels. It was the other dream she hated, the one where she had two feet instead of four. In that one she was always looking for her mother, stumbling through a wasted land of mud and blood and fire. It was always raining in that dream, and she could hear her mother screaming, but a monster with a dog's head would not let her go save her. In that dream she was always weeping, like a frightened little girl. Cats never weep, she told herself, no more than wolves do. It's just a stupid dream." AFFC Cat of the Canals

This is where " dreams " start to become a main focus in my theory.

Dreaming in regards to Arya's point of view is warging/skinchanging. The special ability she was born with. The special ability that Jon Snow allowed all his brothers and sisters to enjoy when he found the direwolf pups.

Sandor was at Winterfell when all of this was going down. He has seen it all. And we never get to hear what he truely thinks about things. If people disagree and think we " know " everything there is to " know " about Sandor without seeing the world through his eyes doesn't get that GRRM has left him out on purpose.

5 straight books and No Sandor chapter. Strange.

If you don't think anything I say is making any sense i suggest you stop reading right here. This is only quote 21 and we have 109 more to go. But if you leave now you are going to miss my connection to Winds of Winter chapter that George released as just hours after I posted this thread.

pretty damn cool if you ask me!

39. " Varamyr could see the weirwood's red eyes staring down at him from the white tree trunk. The gods are weighing me. A shiver went through him. He had done bad things, terrible things. He had stolen, killed, raped. he had gorged on human flesh and lapped the blood of dying men as it gushed red and hot from their torn throats. He had stalked foes through the woods, fallen on them as they slept, clawd their entrails from their bellies and scattered them across the muddy earth. How sweet their meat had tasted. That was the beast, not me, he said in a hoarse whisper. That was the gift you gave me." ADWD Prologue

I have decided to draw everything back to the Prologue since the basis of my theory centers around Varamyr ( Lump ) being a story Geroge wrote to provide backstory on Sandor.

if you disagree that is fine but the dog is only going deeper down the rabbit hole from here...

This is one of the most important quotes in the book to identify Sandor as a warg/skinchanger who has " blood " ties to Winterfell.

This confession sounds exactly like something Sandor would say even down to the mention of " the gift ".

Yes the gift is skinchanging/warging that Haggon taught him, but if we connect these two it also means Faceless Men.

That is why I think Arya from the very beginning was being groomed/watched/protected by Sandor for her future role as avenger of House Stark.

It just so happens that this Loyal Dog ( his masters are not the Lions, maybe FM, maybe something greater. Shit he slayed Beric in the Hollow Hill people. This guy is unstoppable force.) falls in love with a Lady.

40. " The Hound had been dying when she left him on the banks of the Trident, burning up with fever from his wound. I should have given him the gift of mercy and put a knife into his heart." AFFC Arya 6

Somehow I think George was smiling down on The Incarnation when he released his Winds of Winter Arya Chapter yesterday. Hopefully this means that by Winter 2014 we might have the book ( Holiday season is when is would sell most copies. He has released like 4 or 5 some odd chapters. Theon, Arya, Arianne, Barry, Tyrion, Victarion. So yea we might almost be there people.

This ties back into my main hypothesis and structure of quotes.

" the gift " " heart " " mercy " are all central themes to her Faceless Men training and show up numerous times when she arrives at the Temple of Black and White. I will provide more quotes that back this statement up.

41. “ She woke with a gasp, not knowing who she was, or where.The smell of blood was heavy in her nostrils… or was that her nightmare, lingering? She had dreamed of wolves again, of running through some dark pine forest with a great pack at her heels, hard on the scent of prey.” WOW Mercy

this is the 3rd wolf dream in a row in this theory. If you are failing to see how i make connections from AFFC to ADWD to WOW stop reading this!

Varamyr ( Lump ) connects to Arya connects to Sandor connects to Haggon.

Her prey is Lannisters ( eating men in general when she has takes control of Nymeria from half a continent awhile as the She-Wolf of Winterfell.)

42. “Half-light filled the room, grey and gloomy. Shivering, she sat up in bed and ran a hand across her scalp. Stubble bristled against her palm. I need to shave before Izembaro sees. Mercy, I’m Mercy, and tonight I’ll be raped and murdered. Her true name was Mercedene, but Mercy was all anyone ever called her…” WOW Mercy

this is a call back to Sandor. This entire chapter is dedicated to him of seven faces.

43. “ It was a real mummer’s cloak, purple wool lined in red silk, with a hood to keep the rain off, and three secret pockets too. She’d hid some coins in one of those, an iron key in another, a blade in the last. A real blade, not a fruit knife like the one on her hip, but it did not belong to Mercy, no more than her other treasures did. The fruit knife belonged to Mercy. She was made for eating fruit, for smiling and joking, for working hard and doing as she was told.” WOW Mercy

it cannot be confirmed but the blade is more than likely Needle.

44. “ That, and Mercy’s smile. She might be bald and skinny, but Mercy had a pretty smile, and a certain grace.” WOW Mercy

Arya is no longer wearing " her " face. The face of mercy is something else entirely. Now do we see how it might be possible Sandor was Syrio? don't worry i have TONS more proof that this is true.

45. " Beside the entrance, Big Brusco had painted over the title of the last show, and written The Bloody Hand in its place in huge red letters. He was painting a bloody hand beneath the words, for those who could not read. Mercy stopped to have a look. That’s a nice hand, she told him.” WOW Mercy

This quote is a callback to Storm of Swords at the Crossroads Inn.

It was there that Sandor taught her some " faceless men/skinchaging " lessons and got her needle back. She had sticky red hands after killing The Tickler.

that is a nice hand she told him... this means hey nice bloody hands, I know a thing or two about bloody hands.

46. “ The Bloody Hand offered two kings, the fat one and the boy. Izembaro would play the fat one. It was not a large part, but he had a fine speech as he lay dying, and a splendid fight with a demonic boar before that. Phario Forel had written it, and he had the bloodiest quill of all of Braavos.” WOW Mercy

Sandor warged/skinchanged the " Demonic Boar " and killed Robert himself.

Phario Forel ( Syrio Forel---> Sandor Clegane.)

He killed robert while warging the boar to get revenge for death of Rhaegar.

47. “ By then Marro had appeared behind him, gaunt and terrible in the Stranger’s long black robes. His face was black as well, his teeth red and shiny with blood, while ivory horns jutted upwards from his brow. Bobono could not see him, but the balconies could, and now the pit as well. The Gate grew deathly quiet. Marro moved forward silently.” WOW Mercy

Marro=the Stranger=Sandor in the play.

Marro would have to be representive of The Hound because at somepoint this would be " acted out " as he fled from KL and the fires...

48. “ On stage, Bobono was bargaining with Marro’s sinister Stranger. He had a big voice for such a little man, and he made it ring off the highest rafters now. Give me the cup, he told the Stranger, for I shall drink deep. And if it tastes of gold and lion’s blood, so much the better. As I cannot be the hero, let me be the monster, and lesson them in fear in place of love.” WOW Mercy

odd that Arya/Mercy's favortie line in the play is Tyrion/Bobono making a deal with Sandor/Marro's sinister Stranger.

also we have GRRM connecting the Stranger to the Temple of Black and White. This will be fleshed out with further quotes and references.

if the cup tastes of gold and lions blood so much the better...

both Arya and Sandor and Tyrion want this outcome.

the closing line describes them both perfectly

49. “ Arya would never have a better chance to escape. She could ride off on Craven and take Stranger too. She chewed her lip. Then she led the horses to the stables, and went in after him. They know him. The silence told her that. But that wasn’t the only thing. She knew them too. Not the skinny innkeep, nor the women , nor the fieldhands but the hearth. By the others. The soldiers. She knew the soldiers… I don’t want no trouble Ser. His mouth twitched. Are you deaf, fool? I ordered wine. As the man ran, off Clegane shouted after him, Two cups! The girl’s thirsty too!” SOS Arya

Arya is thirsty for cups of gold and Lion's blood same as Sandor.

Notice once again George uses " Craven " and " Stranger " to describe our two travellers.

The is listening, looking, smelling, feeling, seeing and knowing.

50. “ Mercy mouthed the last lines along with him. They were better lines than hers, and apt besides. He’ll want me or he won’t, she thought, so let the play begin. She said a silent prayer to the god of many faces, slipped out of her alcove, and flounced up to the guardsmen.” WOW Mercy

wow the real George Martin hasn't fallen off his game... not one bit.

A guy named JNR pointed out the Lommy/Raff kill to me. This is where these quotes should go if he ever get's around to posting them on this thread for me.

51. " At Evenfall my father's septon always said that there was but one god. One god with seven aspects. That's so, my lady, and you are right to point it out, but the mystery of the Seven Who Are One is not easy for simple folk to grasp, and I am nothing if not simple, so I speak of seven gods." AFFC Brienne

This quote can be connected to the Temple of Black and White and Arya's time spent there. The Stranger is the one god being described.

Also why is Meribald ( a devout man of the Faith ) trying to dismiss the answer given by the lady Brienne of Tarth. Seems odd that he would want to avoid talking about a " mysterious " aspect of the religion that might be interesting or help us understand something that GRRM had not previously provided.

But honestly I think I've figured it out. It has to do with Brienne and Sandor being so damn large.

Also what could connection to " Evenfall " could the Seven Who are One ( Sandor ) have? At somepoint I will add the ultimate aspect of this theory into this thread in this very location. It has to do with Dunk and Egg prequel books!

52." Dog led the way, sniffing at every clump of reeds and stopping every now and then to piss on one; he seemed to know the road as well as Meribald." AFFC Brienne

this is a way of saying that Sandor Clegane has been down walking up and down the kingsroad and knows everything that's going on...

53. " Fifty yards farther on they spied the second body. The scavengers had torn him down, so what remained of him was strewn on the ground beneath a frayed rope looped about the limb of an elm. Brienne might have ridden past him, unawares, if Dog had not sniffed him out and loped into the weeds for a closer smell. What do you have there, Dog? Ser Hyle dismounted, strode after the dog, and came up with a halfhelm. The dead man's skull was still inside it, along with some worms and beetles. Good steel, he pronounced, and not too badly dinted, though the lion's lost his head. Pod would you like a helm? Not that one. It's got worms in it. Worms wash out lad, youre squeamish as a girl Brienne scowled at him. Its too big for him. He'll grow into it. I don't want to, said Podrick. Ser Hyle shrugged, and tossed the broken helm back into the weeds, lion crest and all. Dog barked and went to lift his leg against the tree." AFFC Brienne

this is very odd behavior for a " dog " named " Dog. " he wants to protect Podrick Payne. Why? because Sandor knows Podrick personally and doesn't want to see any harm come to the child.

All that is needed is a quote where Sandor says something to Podrick. I think somebody that thinks this theory might be on to something could locate that quote for me and I will put it in right here.

54. “ The Seven Gods who made us all, are listening if we should call. So close your eyes, you shall not fall, the see you, little children, Just close your eyes you shall not fall they see you , little children.... Did you only sing of six gods? Craster always told us you southerns had seven. Seven ,he agreed, but no one sings of the Stranger. The Strangers face was the face of death. " SOS Samwell 46

This Samwell/Gilly interaction tells us that Sandor Clegane can indeed be directly connected to almost any Stranger/Andal/Faith of Seven storyline.

no one sings of the Stranger... nobody sings prasies of Sandor they all call him Joffrey's Mad Dog.

was the face of death... Sandor almost died when his brother pushed his face into the " fire ".

55. " She helped murder my son. When we find the Imp, we will find Lady Sansa too. She is not dead... but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss. An awkward silence followed." AFFC Cersei

an awkward silence followed...

you damn right it did. This is a Sansa and Sandor connection if you want to go more than heretical.

notice that in my previous quote Samwell says nobody sings of the Stranger, but Cersei says Sansa will do this very thing.

She always dreams about Sandor. In her dreams he is the True Knight. So she dreams of the Stranger/Face of Death.

56. " The old gods are dead, she told herself, with Mother and Father and Robb and Bran and Rickon, all dead. A long time ago, she remembered her father saying that when the cold winds blow the lone wolf dies and the pack survives. He had it all backwards. Arya, the lone wolf, still lived, but the wolves of the pack had been taken and slain and skinned." AFFC Arya 6

this is right before she arrives at the Temple of Black and White at the beginning of A Feast for Crows.

Very important to our overall understanding how Sandor ( the Stranger of the Faith ) lead the She-Wolf ( Old God's ) to the Temple of Black and White.

Her mother is not dead, Sandor is not dead, Bran is not dead, Rickon is not dead, Jon Snow she will soon find out is not dead.

So all isn't that bad in Arya's life. She is being a " pussy ".

57. " The yellow skull was melting too, and the kindliest old man that she had ever seen was smiling down at her. No one has ever tried to eat my worm before, he said. Are you hungry, child? Yes, she thought, but not for food." AFFC Arya 6

this is how " whoever " the Kindly Man is knows she is ready to " serve " him of Many Faces at the Temple of Black and White.

She is the Stranger's disciple.

58. " She could feel the hole inside her every morning when she woke. It wasn't hunger, though sometimes there was that too. To was a hollow place, an emptiness where her heart had been, where her brothers had lived, and her parents. Her head hurt too. Not as bad as it had at first, but still pretty bad. Arya as used to that, though, and at least the lump was going down. But the hole inside her stayed the same. The hole will never feel any better, she told herself when she went to sleep." SOS Arya

we have a " lump " connection to the ADWD Prologue to a " dream ".

also notice that her " hunger " is the exact same thing the Kindly Man will ask her about when she show's that she is ready to join them.

59." Your little one is with the gods now, the woods witch told his mother, as she wept. He'll never hurt again, never hunger, never cry. The gods have taken him down into the earth, into the trees. The gods are all around us, in the rock and streams, in the birds and beasts. Your Bump has gone to join them. He'll be the world and all that's in it." ADWD Prologue

another connection to warg/skinchanging of Varamyr ( Lump and Bump which mean Hound and Mountain.)

this description of " death " is given by a " woods witch " the are the most sacred aspect of the " old gods."

60. " Death is not the worst thing, the kindly man replied. It is his gift to us, and end to want and pain." AFFC Arya

this connects to the " woods witch " description of death.

Death is also the Stranger. So all of the words by this Kindly Man have mutiple meanings.

Sandor is not the worst guy, he gave you an escape ( path to becoming a Faceless Man ) because of your abilites as a warg/skinchanger.

Arya of House Stark was choosen by Sandor of House Clegane to serve Him of Many Faces because she needed to be.

61. " Suddenly she was somewhere else... back in Harrenhal with Gendry, maybe, or with the Hound in the woods along the Trident. Salty is a stupid child, she told herself. I am a wolf, and will not be afraid. She patted Needle's hilt for luck and plunged into the shadows, taking the steps two at a time so no one could ever say she'd been afraid." AFFC Arya 6

so she is thinking about Gendry, Sandor and Jon Snow.

all of them supported her " wild " nature. All of them would agree that she is indeed a " wolf."

Sandor gave her the name " she-wolf " to keep her spirits up and awaken her connection to Nymeria.

She was lost and needed her bond to this animal to survive and make it to Braavos.

Needle is the very first quote of this OP.

62." At the top she found a set of carved wooden doors twelve feet high. The left-hand door was made of weirwood pale as bone, the right of gleaming ebony. In their center was a carved moon face; ebony on the weirwood side, weirwood on the ebony. The look reminded her somehow of the heart tree in the godswood at Winterfell. The doors are watching me, she thought." AFFC Arya 6

the only other " Door " that can see people is the " Black Gate " under the Night Fort.

not sure how these two locations are " connected " but they are.

If Arya is connected to The Black Gate and The Gate of Black and White then Sandor has to be as well.

The text demands this.

63." Then the Hound had stolen her and dragged her to the Twins. Arya had left him dying by the river and gone ahead to Saltpans, hoping to take passage for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, only..." AFFC Arya 6

somehow GRRM wants us to connect Arya--->Jon to Sandor---> Gregor.

look this following quote proves this to be true.

64. " We could go to the Wall. Sandor's laugh was half a growl. The little wolf bitch wants to join the Night's Watch, does she? My brother's on the Wall, she said stubbornly. His mouth gave a twitch. The Wall's a thousand leauges from here. We'd need to fight through the bloody Freys just to reach the Neck. There's lizard lions in those swamps that eat wolves every day for breakfast. And if we did reach the north with our skins intact, there's bloody ironborn in half the castles, and thousands of bloody buggering northman as well. Are you scared of hem? she asked. Have you lost your belly for fighting?" SOS Arya 6

this is when Arya originally had the " idea " for her and the Hound to go to the Wall.

The first quote of the OP suggests that this will happen at the end of the Winds of Winter.

She asks him a question that is directed at his fear for fire ( he fled Kings Landing because Sansa wouldn't leave with him, a broken heart not fear of fire. )

65. " For a moment she thought he was going to hit her. By then the hare was brown, though, skin crackling and grease popping as it dripped down into the cookfire. Sandor took it off the stick, ripped it apart with his big hands, and tossed half of it into Arya's lap. There's nothing wrong with my belly, he said as he pulled off a leg, but i don't give a rat's arse for you or your brother. I have a brother too." SOS Arya

so this quote ( along with the first one in the OP.) suggest that Arya will have to kill Jon with Needle. ( kinslaying )

The King of Winter killed the Night King. ( kinslaying )

The Gravedigger will kill Ser Robert Strong ( kinslaying )

66. " On the day that we are born the Many-Faced God sends each of us a dark angel to walk through life beside us. When our sins and sufferings grow too great to be borne, the angel takes us by the hand to lead us to the nightlands, where the stars burn ever bright. Those who come to drink from the black cup are looking for their angels. If they are afraid, the candles soothe them. When you smell our candles burning, what does it make you think of, my child?" AFFC Arya 6

the dark angel that the Many-Faced God sent Arya was Sandor.

Her suffering was too great to bear ( death of mother,father,brother,brother,brother sister stolen by Imp, Jon is all she has and he is Lord Commander of Castle Black ( King of Night and Death). so Sandor took her by the hand and lead her to the Temple of Black and White in Braavos where there stars burn ever bright.

She came looking for " cups of gold and lions blood " and Sandor placed the order.

The candle that most soothes Arya is the one of the Stranger.


67." Eastwatch was a better place to trade than Castle Black; that was where the ships came, laden with goods from the fabled lands beyond the sea. The crows knew Haggon as a hunter and a friend to the Night's Watch, and welcomed the news he brought of life beyond their wall. Some knew him for a skinchanger too, but no one spoke of that. It as there at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea that the boy he'd been first began to dream of the warm south." ADWD Prologue

so that my theory demands that I be able to provide multiple links to Haggon and Varamyr ( Lump and Bump ) and Sandor and Arya ( Underfoot and Bastard )

the Night's Watch location at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea is known for being a warg/skinchanger hangout.

Haggon is a mother fucking snitch.

Also when wildlings/wargs/skinchangers come into contact with the " outside world/civilization/eastwatch " and then dream of leaving the other side of the Wall and taking their " gift " elsewhere.

Strange that Arya the skinchanger/warg/faceless girl would want to go to this location in particular.

68. " Braavos might not be so bad. Syrio was from Braavos. and Jaqen might be there as well. It was Jaqen who had given her the iron coin. He hadn't truly been her friend, the way Syrio had, but what good had friends ever done her? I don't need any friends, so long as I have Needle. She brushed the ball of her thumb across the sword's smooth pommel, wishing, wishing... If truth be told, Arya did not know what to wish for, any more than she knew what awaited her beneath that distant light." AFFC Arya 6

Syrio is Sandor ( I still have yet to provide the proof for this but if you continue to follow along all will become clear.)

Syrio taught Arya how to use Needle properly ( not really because he had limited time before Ned's head came off.)

Her last friend before this quote is pulled is Sandor.

The sword was given by Jon Snow and recovered by Sandor.

The " distant light " is what the Kindly Man will tell her about once she arrives. Sandor's death was the last thing she regrets but she knows he took her from the Red Wedding got her Needle and put her on the boat with tons of Facless Men training ( she is unaware of this.)

Her wish ( the hunger ) is about to come true...

69. " other beasts were best left alone, the hunter had declared. Cats were vain and cruel, always ready to turn on you." ADWD Prologue

Yes I have plenty of proof that my theory is true but I thought I'd remind people of this one in case they forgot. This is pulled from Haggon's account to Lump about which " beasts " he should enter into.

70. " You are marked by the way you speak, so you must be some girl of Westeros... but a different girl, I think. She bit her lip. Could I be Cat? Cat. He considered. Yes. Braavos if full of cats. One more will not be noticed." AFFC Arya

this is call back to her mother Catelyn.

this is a call back to the King of the Red Keep Balerion the Black Dread.

Balerion the Black Dread witnessed the murder of Aegon and Rhaenys.

Syrio Forel told her to catch this cat.

When cactching cats this habit of " biting her lip " showed up.

72." The one-eared black tom arched his back and hissed at her. Arya padded down the alley, balanced lightly on the balls of her bare feet, listening to the flutter of her heart, breathing slow deep breaths. Quiet as a shadow, she told herself, light as a feather. The tomcat watched her come, his eyes wary." GOT Arya 32

this is the King of the Red Keep Balerion the Black Dread.

who wargs/skinchanges this animal?

some will say Varys but for reasons that will be explained in Puppy and his Lady this cannot be true.

73. " Catching cats was hard. Her hands were coverd with half-healed scratches, and both knees were scabbed over where she had scraped them raw in tumbles. At first even the cook's hug fat kitchen cat had been able to elude her, but Syrio had kept her at it day and night. When she'd run to him with her hands bleeding, he said, So slow? Be quicker, girl. Your enemies will give you more than scratches. He had dapped her wounds with myrish fire, which burned so bad she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. Then he sent her out after more cats." GOT Arya 32

This Game of Thrones chapter foreshadows Cat of the Canals in A Feast for Crows.

Syrio Forel has a relative or something else is going on betwen him and Phario Forel.

Phario Forel tells us a " demonic boar " killed the King.

I have yet to look into it but Sandor seems the most logical killer now in my opinion.

This quote is the first time she " bites her lip."

He sent her out after more cats... she had still yet catch the black cat. But when she does a very " strange " encounter between Varys and Illyrio is discovered by our little " spy."

Whoever controls Balerion the Black Dread wanted her to listen to these to fat mummer's.

74. " The Red Keep was full of cats: lazy old cats dozing in the sun, cold-eyed mousers twitching their tails, quick little kittens with clws like needles, ladies cats all combed and trusting, ragged shadows prowling the midden heaps. One by one Arya had chased them down and snatched them up and brought them proudly to Syrio Forel... all but this one, the one-eared black devil of a tomcat. That's the real king of this castle right there, one of the gold cloaks had told her. Older than sin and twice as mean. One time, the king was feasting the queen's father, and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin's fingers. Robert laughed so hard he like to burst. You stay away from that one child" GOT Arya 32

this quote proves that Sandor Clegane is Balerion the Black Dread.

Robert and Twyin are responsible for Ser Gregor Clegane killing Aegon and Rhaenys.

The Mountain found out that The Hound was protecting these two children and burned his face.

He tried to help them escape down the " tunnel " that leads to the " brazier " where the 3 headed dragon tile mosiac is located.

This is where the murders took place and where his brother pushed his " face " into the Seven Hells.

Years later as this cat he tries to get Fat Drunk Rob to choke on his food by insulting/humiliting Tywin but his " teachers " at the Temple of Black and White told him to not interfer like that again.

This can be " proven " true with OP of Puppy and his Lady.

75. " Do you deny that House Clegane was built upon dead children? I saw them lay Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys before the Iron Throne. By rights your arms should bear two bloody infants in place of those ugly dogs. The Hound's mouth twitched. Do you take me for my brother? Is being born Clegane a crime? Murder is crime. Who did I murder?" SOS Arya

Sandor did not murder Aegon and Rhaenys but Ser Gregor did.

And then he pushed his face into that " magick " brazier at the bottom of the Hand's Tower.

The Hound's mouth twitched... Arya knows that this encounter is causing him to " lie " or remember something that causes him pain.

If he wasn't there why would he care?

He wouldn't.

76. “ The mists seemed to part before her and close up again as she passed. The cobblestones were wet and slick under her feet. She heard a cat yowl plaintively. Braavos was a good city for cats, and they roamed everywhere, especially at night. In the fog all cats are grey, Mercy thought. In the fog all men are killers.” WOW Mercy

this " cat " quote is supposed to connect Cat of the Canals to Balerion the Black Dread.

Arya to Sandor.

77. " In the evening she played the lying game with the waif, but without eyes to see the game was very different. Sometimes all she had to go on was tone and choice of words; other times the waif allowed her to lay hands upon her face. At first the game was much, much harderm the next thing to impossible...but just when she was near the point of screaming with frustration, it all became easier. She learned to hear the lies, to feel them in the play of the muscles around the mouth and eyes." ADWD Blind Beth

this quote explains all of Sandor's past " mouth twitches."

the lies also connect " the game " to the same " game " they play to sneak into Red Wedding.

Feeling the face, to notice lies connects to Sandor as well.

Now that she is blind the face of the Stranger ( Death/Sandor ) is all that she sees.

78." Rhaenys was a child too. Prince Rhaegar's daughter. a precious little thing, younger than your Arya. She had a small black kitten she called Balerion, did you know? I always wondered what happened to him. Rhaenys like to pretend he was the true Balerion, The Black Dread of old, but I imagine the Lannisters taught her the difference between a kitten and a dragon quick enough, the day they broke down her door. Varys gave a long weary sigh, the sigh of a man who carried all the sadness of the world in a sack upon his shoulders." GOT Eddard 58

i don't know how to interpret this quote.

does he know about Sandor?

Is he a fellow Faceless Man?

Seems like all of this could be possible, but what we do know is that Balerion the Black Dread was in the room when Rhaenys and Aegon were killed.

This cat tried to kill Robert by stealing some chicken from Tywin. ( revenge a dish best served cold.)

I tend to think he is evil if he saved " Aegon " and killed the Pisswater Prince and let Rhaenys die.

My guess is that Lord Baelish ( Littlefinger during tourney of false spring was best friends with Rhaegar and Sandor.)

anyways all accounts of what Sandor did during Robert's Rebellion have been erased from the novel. You can't find a quote anywhere, trust me i've looked!

79. “ Arya would never have a better chance to escape. She could ride off on Craven and take Stranger too. She chewed her lip. Then she led the horses to the stables, and went in after him. They know him. The silence told her that. But that wasn’t the only thing. She knew them too. Not the skinny innkeep, nor the women , nor the fieldhands but the hearth. But the others. The soldiers. She knew the soldiers… I don’t want no trouble Ser. His mouth twitched. Are you deaf , fool? I ordered wine. As the man ran, off Clegane shouted after him, Two cups! The girl’s thirsty too!” SOS Arya

this is at the Crossroad Inn.

the new Winds of Winter chapter Mercy demands that this quote connect Sandor and Arya to:

1. Faceless Men

2. Temple of Black and White

3. Skinchanging/warging

4. Cats

5. Wolves and Dogs

6. The Gift

7. Winterfell

8. Old Gods ( Children of the Forest )

9. New Gods ( Faith of the Seven Who Are One. the Stranger.)

look, hear, feel, taste , smell, feel, think , know ( # 2 and cups also connect to Mercy as well.)

80. “ On stage, Bobono was bargaining with Marro’s sinister Stranger. He had a big voice for such a little man, and he made it ring off the highest rafters now. Give me the cup, he told the Stranger, for I shall drink deep. And if it tastes of gold and lion’s blood, so much the better. As I cannot be the hero, let me be the monster, and lesson them in fear in place of love.” WOW Mercy

Bobono ( evil demon monkey ) is making a deal with Marro ( the Stranger/ Sandor.)

The cup connects Sandor to Temple of Black and White.

He is the monster.

These are the two cups that he orders for Arya and himself at the Crossroads.

81. " One man had died at the feet of the Stranger, a single candle flickering above him. She could feel its heat, and the scent that it gave off tickled her nose. The candle burned with a dark red flame, she knew, for those with eyes, the corpse would have seemed awash in a ruddy glow. Before summoning the servin men to carry him away, she knelt and felt his face, tracing the line of his jaw, brushing her fingers across his cheeks and nose, touching his hair. Curly hair, and thick. A handsome face, unlined. He was young. She wondered what had brought him here to seek the gift of death. Dying bravos oft found their way to the House of Black and White, to hasten their ends, but this man had no wounds that she could find." ADWD The Blind girl

feet of the Stranger. ( the feet of Sandor of House Clegane. I imagine there is a statue for the Old God's and this will be " her " shrine just like this is " his ".

each region has their own " faceless men " who serves the purpose of giving the " gift " to people that inhabit there lands.

She hears the flicker, feels the heat, smells the scent, knows that there is " red light " because she used to not be blind. (she sees.)

Then she " checks " his face. This is will directly tie back to Sansa and Sandor at the beginning of Game of Thrones.

Look at The Puppy and His Lady to fully understand the connection between these two quotes.

look, hear, feel, taste , smell, feel, think , know ( # 3 )

82. “And to him I said, Each night in the alleys of Braavos I see a thousand like him, and the Sealord laughed, and that day I was named the first sword. Arya screwed up her face. I don’t understand. Syrio clicked his teeth together. The cat was an ordinary cat, no more. The others expected a fabulous beast, so that is what they saw. How large it was, they said. It was no larger than any other cat, only fat from indolence, for the Sealord fed it from his own table. What curious small ears, they said. Its ears had been chewed away in kitten fights. And it was plainly a tomcat, yet the Sealord said ‘her,’ and that is what the others saw. Are you hearing? Arya thought about it. “You saw what was there. Just so. Opening your eyes is all that is needing. The heart lies and the head plays tricks with us, but the eyes see true. Look with your eyes. Hear with your ears. Taste with your mouth. Smell with your nose. Feel with your skin. Then comes the thinking, afterward, and in that way knowing the truth.” Arya GOT

this quote was first provided by George R R Martin back in 1996.

So this means he always meant for Syrio ( the swordsman that teaches Arya how to wield Needle.) to be Sandor the Faceless Man.

A Feast for Crows came out in 2005 and only then was anybody able to make this connection.

I am suprised that more people haven't in the past.

look, hear, taste, smell , feel , think , know. ( yes people this is # 1.)

83. " The Stranger had his shrine as well, though hardly anyone ever came to him. Most of the time only a single candle stood flickering at his feet. The kindly man said it did not matter. He has many faces, and many ears to hear." AFFC Arya

the Kindly Man is telling her that the Stranger is Sandor of House Clegane if she chooses to hear it...

Balerion the Black Dread, the direwolf mother & stag that killed her, his horse named after death, the demonic boar that killed robert, the old blind dog that saves Sansa from rape, the dog named Dog that travels with Meribald.

This is how we know he is " The Seven Who Are One."

He is one single man giving " the gift of mercy " to westeros.

84. " And come the morning, when the night wolf left her and she opened her eyes, she saw a tallow candle burning where no candle had been the night before, its uncertain flame swaying back and forth like a whore a the Happy Port. She had never seen anything so beautiful." ADWD Blind Beth

This is the candle of the Stranger.

either the waif or the kindly man put it in her room after she " passed " her test.

The whore foreshadows Mercedene the Braavosi Mummer being " sexually explict in nature." lol

85. " It is good to know. This is two. Is there a third? Yes. I know that you're the one who has been hitting me. Her stick flashed out, and cracked against his fingers, sending his own stick clattering to the floor. The priest winced and snatched his hand back. And how could a blind girl know that? I saw you. I gave you three. I don't need to give you four. Maybe on the morrow she would tell him about the cat that had followed her home last night form Pynto's, the cat that was hiding him the rafters, looking down on them. Or maybe not. If he could have secrets, so could she." ADWD Blind Beth

I hate liars, somebody once told her... seems like both Sandor and the Kindly Man love " liars " like Sansa and Arya the she-wolves of House Stark.

Once again we have a connection between Cat of the Canals and Balerion the Black Dread.

the Craven and the Stranger.

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Vegas odds say it revolves around Arya and the Hound.

Arya (direwolf warg) Apprentince and Sandor (dog warg) Master -----> same as Haggon (direwolf warg) Master and Varymyr (dog warg) Apprentince.

edit: is 103 quotes too ambitious for my first post?

i think with proper analysis i should be able to prove that he is a Warg, the Seven Who Are One, Dog, The Stranger, Arya's mentor, Sansa's future lover, LF's partner in crime in regards to FM/Braavos/Arya/Warging?

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Arya (direwolf warg) Apprentince and Sandor (dog warg) Master -----> same as Haggon (direwolf warg) Master and Varymyr (dog warg) Apprentince.

edit: is 103 quotes too ambitious for my first post?

i think with proper analysis i should be able to prove that he is a Warg, the Seven Who Are One, Dog, The Stranger, Arya's mentor, Sansa's future lover, LF's partner in crime in regards to FM/Braavos/Arya/Warging?

Ths thing is, Wargs are bound to wolves. Varamyrs connection with the dog was skinchanging, his connection with the wolf was a warg bond. All wargs are skinchangers but not all skinchangers are wargs.
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Ths thing is, Wargs are bound to wolves. Varamyrs connection with the dog was skinchanging, his connection with the wolf was a warg bond. All wargs are skinchangers but not all skinchangers are wargs.

care to elaborate/define with textual evidence the difference between " skinchanging" and " warg bond"?

Varamyr also known as Lump killed his brother Bump when he ' skinchanged/warged' one of his familes 3 dogs... then he was sent to his master. Arya has defientley killed people in her wolf dreams as well in real life and the hound in a sense is her master/mentor

arya is a warg that skingchanges a cat at the house of black and white. this is hinted at in GOT by the bitting of her lip with syrio, when he sends her out to chase cats, then she bites her lip and calls he self cat of the canals, then she wargs cat to see kindly man.

should i change my op to the hound is a skinchanger not a warg?

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Something I read from GRRM

A warg is bound to a wolf. All wargs are skinchangers, but not all skinchagers are wargs.

So the word 'warging', which is used by many, many people, should be 'skinchanging'.

As far as I can remember, warg is only used as a noun in the book. So Bran is a warg, and Orell was a skinchanger, but they both use skinchanging.

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Something I read from GRRM

A warg is bound to a wolf. All wargs are skinchangers, but not all skinchagers are wargs.

So the word 'warging', which is used by many, many people, should be 'skinchanging'.

As far as I can remember, warg is only used as a noun in the book. So Bran is a warg, and Orell was a skinchanger, but they both use skinchanging.

That's how I see it. And you're right, I think, that "warg" is strictly a noun in the books.

Even "skinchanging" doesn't quite cover the territory, since we now know greenseers can shift their consciousnesses into a tree. This presumably would be "barkchanging."

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Something I read from GRRM

A warg is bound to a wolf. All wargs are skinchangers, but not all skinchagers are wargs.

So the word 'warging', which is used by many, many people, should be 'skinchanging'.

As far as I can remember, warg is only used as a noun in the book. So Bran is a warg, and Orell was a skinchanger, but they both use skinchanging.

well let me be the first to dispell this false belief in difference between warg and skinchanging with textual examples...

"Other beasts were best left alone, the hunter had declared. Cats were vain and cruel, always ready to turn on you. Elk and deer were prey; wear their skins too long, and even the bravest men became a coward. Bears, boars, badgers, weasels... Haggon did not hold with such. Some skins you never want to wear boy. You wont like what you become. Birds were the worst, to hear tell of it." prologue

" Men were not meant to leave the earth. Spend too much time in the clouds and you never want to come back down again. I know skinchangers whove tried hawks, owls, ravens. even in ther own skins, they sit moony, staring up at the bloody blue." prologue

" Not all skinchangers felt the same however. Once when Lump was ten, Haggon had taken him to a gathering of such. the wargs were the most numerous in that company. the wolf brothers, but the boy had found the others stranger and more fascinating. Borroq looked so much like his boar that all he lacked was tusks, Orell had his eagle, Briar her shadowcat ( the moment he saw them, Lump wanted a shadowcat of his own) the goat women Grisella... None of them had been as strong s Varamyr Sixskins, though, not even Haggon." prologe

therefore 'wargs' is just another term for wolf-brothers... arya is a skinchanger... class warg.

i still think the Hound might be a skinchanger... class Dog.

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Which is presumably why Bloodraven is barking mad

in all seriousness...

why does Haggon a veteran skingchanger tell Varamyr (Lump) to stay away from birds (crows,ravens,eagles,owls) and not direwolfs and dogs (wargs).

could their be division in the ranks? did the crow/raven steal another tribes skinchanger when he set his "eye" upon bran?

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just gathering quotes first.

then analysis...

Just a thought, but you could always organize this stuff in word and then copy in once you have added your analysis. A man needs a point otherwise he jumps to conclusions that you are a recently banished person and your thread is de-railed before it ever leaves the station.

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well let me be the first to dispell this false belief in difference between warg and skinchanging with textual examples...

"Other beasts were best left alone, the hunter had declared. Cats were vain and cruel, always ready to turn on you. Elk and deer were prey; wear their skins too long, and even the bravest men became a coward. Bears, boars, badgers, weasels... Haggon did not hold with such. Some skins you never want to wear boy. You wont like what you become. Birds were the worst, to hear tell of it." prologue

" Men were not meant to leave the earth. Spend too much time in the clouds and you never want to come back down again. I know skinchangers whove tried hawks, owls, ravens. even in ther own skins, they sit moony, staring up at the bloody blue." prologue

" Not all skinchangers felt the same however. Once when Lump was ten, Haggon had taken him to a gathering of such. the wargs were the most numerous in that company. the wolf brothers, but the boy had found the others stranger and more fascinating. Borroq looked so much like his boar that all he lacked was tusks, Orell had his eagle, Briar her shadowcat ( the moment he saw them, Lump wanted a shadowcat of his own) the goat women Grisella... None of them had been as strong s Varamyr Sixskins, though, not even Haggon." prologe

therefore 'wargs' is just another term for wolf-brothers... arya is a skinchanger... class warg.

i still think the Hound might be a skinchanger... class Dog.

As I posted above, a warg only involves a wolf. A warg is a skinchanger. This comes from GRRM. Arya and Varamyr are different. One has a direwolf, the other doesn't, among other things. Think about it.
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in all seriousness...

why does Haggon a veteran skingchanger tell Varamyr (Lump) to stay away from birds (crows,ravens,eagles,owls) and not direwolfs and dogs (wargs).

could their be division in the ranks? did the crow/raven steal another tribes skinchanger when he set his "eye" upon bran?

He gave his reasons V6 told us,Haggon said men who skinchanged birds became aloof they would spend hours just steering at the sky.He was telling V6 which animals are best to sknchange because depending on which one the skinchanger "chose" he would have characteristics like the animal.

Dude you got to come up with a way to synthesize what you are trying to say than just taking quotes and spreading them on the screen.

Lastly, a Direwolf is no mere animal, It chooses who it wishes to bond with,V6 couldn't bond with a Direwolf if he went down on one knees and asked it to marry him.

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He gave his reasons V6 told us,Haggon said men who skinchanged birds became aloof they would spend hours just steering at the sky.He was telling V6 which animals are best to sknchange because depending on which one the skinchanger "chose" he would have characteristics like the animal.

Dude you got to come up with a way to synthesize what you are trying to say than just taking quotes and spreading them on the screen.

Lastly, a Direwolf is no mere animal, It chooses who it wishes to bond with,V6 couldn't bond with a Direwolf if he went down on one knees and asked it to marry him.

wait are you saying Haggon didn't teach Lump how to warg/skinchange wolves?

he was part of the wolf-brothers clan when he met Orell...

i thought Lump ate Haggons heart then became Varamyr 3 skins, then collected a few animals ( never a bird). he also pushed him out of his old wolf killing Haggon's 2nd life...

he wanted to steal ghost from JS but didn't...

edit: also this is my first thread and a work in progress. If I am going to say the Hound is a warg/skinchanger who teaches Arya about death and sends her the way to the FM then i should have the nessacry quotes in order before giving my analysis.

you'll just have to wait until im finished before critiquing my work.

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