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Crows, Wolves, Dogs and Men: The Puppy and his Lady

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The Lying Game Revisited: The Puppy and his love for a Lady.

This is part II of Crow,Wolves,Dogs and Men: The Dog and his She-Wolf.

You must read that thread/theory to have " context " to understand this.

By all means not a complete theory. I am missing Arya's kill of Raff and Raff's kill of Lomy, the boar scene that proves sandor did it, a quote that shows him talking to podric, the descriptions of the brazier by tyrion and arya, ned telling her she can keep needle and hiring of syrio, sandor appointment to KG etc. etc.

" Why did you do that? It is Arya of House Stark who chews on her lip whenever she is thinking. Are you Arya of House Stark? I am no one. She was angry. Who are you? She did not expect the waif to answer, but she did." AFFC Cat of the Canals

finally we get a true account of the " lying game ". This is the same " game " Sandor plays with Sansa right after the Tourney of The Hand in Game of Thrones.

" I was born the only child of an ancient House, my noble father's heir, the waif replied. My mother died when I was little, I have noe memory of her. When I was six my father wed again. His new wife treated me kindly until she gave birth to a daughter of her own. Then it was her wish that I should die, so her own blood might inherit my father's wealth. She should have sought the favor of the Many-Faced God, but she could not bear the sacrifice he would ask of her. Instead, she thought to poison me herself. It left me as you see me now, but I did not die. When the healers in the House of the Red Hands told my father what she had done, he came here and made sacrifice, offering up all his wealth and me. Him of Many Faces heard his prayer. I was brought to the temple to serve, and my father's wife received the gift." AFFC Cat of the Canals

this is the exact same type of " sad story " that the Hound gives to the Little Bird.

" Arya considered her warily. Is that true? There is truth in it. And lies as well? There is an untruth, and an exaggeration. She had been watching the waif's face the whole time she told her story, but the other girl had shown her no signs. The Many-Faced God took two-thirds of your father's wealth, not all. Just so. That was my exaggeration. Arya grinned, realized she was grinning, and gave her cheek a pinch. Rule your face, she told herself. My smile is my servant, he should come at my command. What part was the lie? No part. I lied about the lie. Did you? Or are you lying now? " AFFC Cat of the Canals

the " rule your face " is a " lesson " that both Syrio Forel and Sandor Clegane tried to already teach her.

But she noticed syrio's " teeth clicks " and sandor's " face twitches " this is why she is such a good recruit.

I hate liars and gutless frauds... ( no you don't you love the she-wolf and the lady. They are the biggest liars in all the seven kingdoms.)

" But before the waif could answer, the kindly man stepped into the chamber, smiling. You have returned to us. The moon is black." AFFC Cat of the Canals

Arya+Sandor=Faceless Men & Dog+Direwolves= warg brothers. His protection/lessons given to the Stark Lady's of Winterfell now start to make sense.

This game was played right after she " killed " Daeron the Black Brother and took his boots.

The first time we see the " game " played is when Sandor explains how he burned his face.

If you have read Crow,Wolves,Dogs and Men: The Dog and His She-Wolf then you know Sandor is Syrio.

Sandor is Balerion the Black Dread. His brother pushed him into the " magick brazier " at the bottom of the Tower of he Hand when he tried to smuggle Aegon and Rhaenys out of the Red Keep.

The same brazier that Tyrion ( SOS ) and Arya (GOT) notice.

" and the pretty little bird, your pretty sister, I took the bloody song, she never gave it. I meant to take her too. I should have. I should have fucked her bloody and ripped her heart out before leaving her for that dwarf. A spasm of pain twitched on his face. Do you mean to make me beg bitch, do it! the gift of mercy avenge your little michael. Mycah, Arya stepped away from him. you don't deserve the gift of mercy." SOS Arya 54

Another faceless men lesson in Face reading. spasm of pain twitched on his face. She knows he loves Sansa.

Ripped her heart out. This seems to be very important to wargs/skinchangers. Also this could be his one true love and he left her for a lion/dragon to wed.

He calls it " the gift of mercy."

The Temple of Black and White gives " the gift of mercy."

Sandor Clegane is singing the greatest hits of Braavos without us ever being given a quote of him going there. ( strange and Stranger IM more than heretical O.)

This quote is has future relevance in Mercy chapter of Winds of Winter.

The song that Sansa will sing for Sandor is called Mother's Mercy.

" Mercy. I have been singing love songs for hours. My blood is stirred. And yours, I know... there's no wench half so lusty, as one bastard born. Are you wet fore me? I'm a maiden, she protested. Truly? Oh, Alayne, my fair maid, give me the gift of your innocence. You will thank the gods you did. I'll have you singing louder than Lady Lysa." SOS Sansa

then she dreams of Sandor taking her maidenhead on her wedding night and awakes with the old blind hound by her side.

" Her hands were red and sticky when Sandor dragged her off him. Enough, was all he said. He was bleeding like a butchered pig himself, and dragging one leg when he walked. There's one more, Arya reminded him. The squire had pulled the knife out of his belly and was trying to stop the blood with his hands. When the Hound yanked him upright, he screamed and started to blubber like baby. Mercy, he wept. Please. Don't kill me. Mother have mercy. Do I look like your bloody mother? The Hound looked like nothing human" SOS Arya

connects us back to the night he left her.

" Gentle Mother, font of mercy, save our sons from war, we pray, stay the swords and stay the arrows, let them know a better day, Gentle Mother, strength of women, help our daughters through this fray, soothe the wrath and tame the fury, teach us all a kinder way. after a moment the Hound took his blade from her throat, never speaking. Some instinct made her lift her hand and cup his cheek with her fingers. The room was too dark for her to seem him, but she could feel the stickiness of the blood, and a wetness that was not blood. Little bird, he said once more, then rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of retreating footsteps. When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone, she found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. She took out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering." COK Sansa 62

this song allows him the " mercy " of Lady Stoneheart.

Tommen will give the Gravedigger Widow's Wail so he can kill Ser Robert and save his Bride Queen from his Mother Queen.

when he stabs his brother in the heart " gift of mercy " the widow will wail ( Cersei is Robert's widow)

Sandor and Brienne are descendants of Dunk the Lunk the Noble White Knight Lord Commander of the King's Guard and protector of Egg the Unlikely.

They were choosen by Bloodraven to watch over House Stark.

They wield The Oathbreaker and Widow's Wail which was forged from Ice.

“The old High Septon told my father that king’s laws are one thing, and the laws of the gods another," the boy said stubbornly. Trueborn children are made in a marriage bed and blessed by the Father and the Mother, but bastards are born of lust and weakness, he said. King Aegon decreed that his bastards were not bastards, but he could not change their nature. The High Septon said all bastards are born to betrayal . . . Daemon Blackfyre, Bittersteel, even Bloodraven. Lord Rivers was more cunning than the other two, he said, but in the end he would prove himself a traitor, too. The High Septon counseled my father never to put any trust in him, nor in any other bastards, great or small. Born to betrayal,Dunk thought. Born of lust and weakness. Never to be trusted, great or small. Egg, he said, didn’t you ever think that I might be a bastard?" The Sworn Sword

remember that Sandor is " the Stranger."

if he is descended from Duncan the Tall ( great bastard ) then a connection to what the High Septon says about him can be connected to Sandor (dog) in the main series.

" There is a village between those hills. Pennytree, the lad confirmed. The Bracken's call them one name, the Blackwoods another. Aye my lord for a hundred years or so. Before that they were the Mother's Teats or just the Teats. There are two of them, and it was thought that the resembled... I can see what they resemble." ADWD Jamie

just background info for those who might have missed it. All of this is relevant to Sandor's storyline. The sigil of Arlan is chalice. The cup of death is important to the Temple of Black and White and the Faceless Men.

Arlan Pennytree is connected to this place.

" Pennytree proved to be a much larger village than he anticipated. Between the duck pond and blacksmith's forge he came upon the tree that gave the place its name, an ancient oak and tall. Its gnarled roots twisted in and out of the earth like a nest of brown serpents, and hundreds of copper pennies had been nailed to it huge trunk." ADWD Jamie

some how Arlan is connected to Brynden Rivers and Aegor Rivers. He is also connected to Dunk and his " winged chalice " will show up in Winds of Winter in my humblest of opinions. Cups of death anybody? how give me an order of gold and lion's blood bartender...

all of the pennies are " payement " for giving the " gift ".

knocking your socks off yet?

“The elm’s alive, Pate pointed out. See how green the leaves are? Summer leaves, for certain. And I’ve seen shields blazoned with skulls and wolves and ravens, even hanged men and bloody heads. They served well enough, and so will this. You know the old shield rhyme? Oak and iron, guard me well . . .Or else I’m dead, and doomed to hell,” Dunk finished. He had not thought of that rhyme in years. The old man had taught it to him, a long time ago. How much do you want for the new rim and all? He asked Pate.From you? Pate scratched his beard. A copper.” The Hedge Knight

this shows how Dunk is a " hedge " knight and not a " sworn " knight anointed in the seven oils. Also allows us to connect his "guardianship" of Dunk as a service for the " Unworthy " King or some other outside force.

Why else would he be " grooming " Dunk with so many lessons?

Dunk will pass down his lessons to Egg and Sandor with Arya.

Arlan being a facless man make the most senes IMO.

I have never heard of this Arlan of Pennytree, however. You were his squire, you say? He always said he meant for me to be a knight, as he was. When he was dying he called for his long sword and bade me kneel. He touched me once on my right shoulder and once on my left, and said some words, and when I got up he said I was a knight. Hmpf. The man Plummer rubbed his nose. Any knight can make a knight, it is true, though it is more customary to stand a vigil and be anointed by a septon before taking your vows. Were there any witnesses to your dubbing? Only a robin, up in a thorn tree. I heard it as the old man was saying the words. He charged me to be a good knight and true, to obey the seven gods, defend the weak and innocent, serve my lord faithfully and defend the realm with all my might, and I swore that I would.” The Hedge Knight

more backstory that shows Arlan was connected to Aegor and Brynden.

Ser Arlan of Pennytree found me in Flea Bottom, chasing pigs. His old squire had been slain on the Redgrass Field, so he needed someone to tend his mount and clean his mail. He promised he would teach me sword and lance and how to ride a horse if I would come and serve him, so I did. A charming tal… Did you take him home to Pennytree? I didn't know where it was. Dunk had never seen the old man's Pennytree. Ser Arlan seldom spoke of it, no more than Dunk was wont to speak of Flea Bottom. I buried him on a hillside facing west, so he could see the sun go down. The camp chair creaked alarmingly beneath his weight.” The Mystery Knight

proves that he is the Great Bastard of Flea bottom and son of Aegon the Unworthy.

secrets and lies are the most important thing to a Faceless Man & a Hedge Knight.

“Bloodraven had made a start on that already, Dunk saw when they came up on his pavilion. Flanking the entrance, the severed heads of Gormon Peake and Black Torn Heddle had been impaled on spears, with their shields displayed beneath them. Three castles, black on orange. The man who slew Roger of Pennytree.” The Mystery Knight

this is the connection to the " Crossroads " that everybody even me failed to see the first time through. A curse upon this place has something to do with Bloodraven and the original Blackfyre rebellion that we know very little about.

Thus this quote must be connected to Arya and Sandor getting Needle back and her giving " mercy " to her families enemies.

Also same place where Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne stayed and a 12 piece black iron sign was made.

“Even in death, Lord Gormon's eyes were hard and flinty. Dunk closed them with his fingers. What did you do that for? asked one of the guardsmen. The crows'll have them soon enough. I owed him that much. If Roger had not died that day, the old man would never have looked twice at Dunk when he saw him chasing that pig through the alleys of King's Landing. Some old dead king gave a sword to one son instead of another, that was the start of it. And now I'm standing here, and poor Roger's in his grave, The Hand awaits,” The Mystery Knight

shows the Dunk is smarter that he appears about the " old ways " of the gods. ( children of the forest & white walkers. This is a " eye " closing thing that must be connnected to wights. )

also show Dunk is the " great bastard of flea bottom."

“Before long the trees opened up, and they found themselves in what must once have been a weirwood grove. Only a ring of white stumps and a tangle of bone-pale roots remained to show where the trees had stood, when the children of the forest ruled in Westeros. Amongst the weirwood stumps, they found two men squatting near a cook fire, passing a skin of wine from hand to hand. Their horses were cropping at the grass beyond the grove, and they had stacked their arms and armor in neat piles. A much younger man sat apart from the other two, his back against a chestnut tree. Well met, sers, Dunk called out in a cheerful voice. It was never wise to take armed men unawares. I am called Ser Duncan the Tall. The lad is Egg. May we share your fire?" The Mystery Knight

Maynard Plumm is Brynden Rivers commonly referred to as Bloodraven.

This story must be connected to Arya's travels to High Heart and Sandor's victory over Beric Dondarrion.

This will help prove that the " shield " that shows up in this prequel novel hints at Sandor being Dunks descendant.

This is why he works for the Temple of Black and White and The Kingsguard and teaches Arya how to " lie " and give gifts of " mercy " to her enemies.

Dunk notices that Maynard Plumm ( Bloodraven ) can " see " into the future somehow.

Lord Rivers is a skinchanger/warg/faceless man?

" Egg's ears pricked up at that name. Plumm ... are you kin to Lord Viserys Plumm, ser? Distantly, confessed Ser Maynard, a tall, thin, stoop-shouldered man with long straight flaxen hair, "though I doubt that His Lordship would admit to it. One might say that he is of the sweet Plumms, whilst I am of the sour. Plumm's cloak was as purple as name, though frayed about the edges and badly dyed. A moonstone brooch big as a hen's egg fastened it at the shoulder. Elsewise he wore dun-colored roughspun and stained brown leather.” The Mystery Knight

This quote can be proven with Cersei and Jamie quotes from A Feast for Crows. Both came out around the same time and the whole point of the novels I believe was just a hint at this quote.

A " feast " for " crows ".

Lord Rivers ( Lord Snow ) and Lady Stonehearts revenge for Red Wedding ( Purple Wedding anybody?) by means of magick. curses and bloodlines.

Bloodraven ( red ) Maynard Plumm ( purple )

“ Aegon the Unworthy had bedded half the maidens in the realm and fathered bastards on the lot of them, supposedly. Worse, the old king had legitimized them all upon his deathbed; the baseborn ones born of tavern wenches, whores, and shepherd girls, and the Great Bastards whose mothers had been highborn. We'd all be bastard sons of old King Aegon if half these tales were true. And who's to say we're not? Ser Maynard Plumm quipped.” The Mystery Knight

this quote proves that Lord Rivers knows Dunk the Lunk is/was/has always been his " brother ".

So when the Aegon the Unworthy King makes legitimate all bastards on this death bed he does one very important thing.

House Tarth ( Brienne ) and House Clegane (Sandor ) are now part of the Game of Thrones.

either one could be the Prince/Princess that was promised.

I like this because they are " hedge " knights and by the end of the books will make the best Kings/Queens.

I said it here first. So don't be suprised if this turns out to be true in Winds of Winter or Dream of Spring.

Go back to quote number 1 of the She-Wolf thread and this starts to make sense.

He had been born in Flea Bottom, when he ran with Ferret, Rafe, and Pudding, but the old man had saved him from that life. He knew what Ser Arlan of Pennytree would have said to Plumm's suggestions. Take your boy and flee, gallows knight. Before your arms become your destiny. Dunk bristled. How would you know my destiny? Did you have a dream, like John the Fiddler? What do you know of Egg?" The Mystery Knight

once again more proof Dunk---->great bastard of flea bottom---->sandor clegane---->prince that was promised maybe.

I dreamed it. This pale white castle, you, a dragon bursting from an egg, I dreamed it all, just as I once dreamed of my brothers lying dead. They were twelve and I was only seven, so they laughed at me, and died. I am two-and-twenty now, and I trust my dreams." The Mystery Knight

this could literally mean anything. I like to think it means that Dunk is a dragon.

people will say but no! it has to be " egg."

if we use the entire body of work ( starting with game of thrones first in 1996 ) then this actually means what it means.

Dunk is a great bastard taragaryen and his offspring ,Sandor and Brienne, can be proven based upon shields ( warding & protection ) and genetics ( freakish size ).

Also Sandor & Arya is same thing as Dunk and Egg.

does this mean they will travel to Essos and the Temple of Black and White at somepoint with there eggs?

I hope so.

“He was carrying the little man across the room to chuck him out the door when he saw the dragon's egg. Lord Butterwell had placed it on a black velvet cushion atop a marble plinth. It was much bigger than a hen's egg, though not so big as he'd imagined. Fine red scales covered its surface, shining bright as jewels by the light of lamps and candles. Dunk dropped the dwarf and picked up the egg, just to feel it for a moment. It was heavier than he'd expected. You could smash a man's head with this, and never crack the shell. The scales were smooth beneath his fingers, and the deep, rich red seemed to shimmer as he turned the egg in his hands. Blood and flame, he thought, but there were gold flecks in it as well, and whorls of midnight black.” The Mystery Knight

this is proof the Ducan the Tall is the Great Bastard of Flea Bottom.

He was feeling dizzy from the wine, so he leaned against a parapet. Am I going to be sick? Why did he go and touch the dragon's egg? He remembered Tanselle's puppet show, and the wooden dragon that had started all the trouble there at Ashford. The memory made Dunk feel guilty, as it always did. Three good men dead, to save a hedge knights foot. It made no sense, and never had. Take a lesson from that, lunk. It is not for the likes of you to mess about with dragons or their eggs.” The Mystery Knight

I believe this is proof Tanselle to Tall is Old Nan. Instead of going south to dorne and sunspear the troop went north towards winterfell.

It almost looks as if it were made of snow, Dunk turned. John the Fiddler stood behind him, smiling in his silk and cloth-of-gold. What's made of snow? The castle. All that white stone in the moonlight. Have you ever been north of the Neck, Ser Duncan? I'm told it snows there even in the summer.” The Mystery Knight

this shows us that John the Fiddler ( Daemon Blackfyre the 2nd ) had a dream that he " believes " involves him and Dunk.

I tend to think he was dreaming about his descendant ( unknown ) and Dunk's descendant ( Sandor or Brienne.)

“ Have you ever seen the Wall? No, That's where we were going, Egg and me, up north, to Winterfell. Could show me the way the way? Dunk frowned. It's right up the kingsroad. If you stay to the road and keep going north, you can't miss it. The Fiddler laughed. I suppose not ... though you might be surprised at what some men can miss. He went to the parapet and looked out across the castle. They say those northmen are a savage folk, and their woods are full of wolves." The Mystery Knight

Dunk and Egg did eventaully go to Winterfell and he found Tansalle to Tall. This also foreshadows Sandor and Arya going back to the Wall and Winterfell at the end of Winds of Winter or Dream of Spring.

Look at quote # 1 of the theory Dog and She-Wolf to understand this has been George's story all along. Way back in 1996.

“I should have stayed with the chalice, he said miserably. It had wings, at least, to fly away, and Ser Arlan said the cup was full of faith and fellowship and good things to drink. This shield is all painted up like death.” The Hedge Knight

this connects Aegor and Brynden Rivers to Arlan of Pennytree.

the cup full of faith and fellowship ( trying to settle dispute between Bracken and Blackwood.) so it symbolizes " Death."

also notice the " cup " connects us back to the Temple of Black and White.

The shield is the same one Brienne wields in AFFC. The Sworn sword and this novel came out in the same year 2005.

Tanselle is Old Nan. So the shield being all painted up like death would be her specialty ( see Bran stories GOT 96)

“She had made a better job of it than he could ever have hoped for. Even by lantern light, the sunset colors were rich and bright, the tree tall and strong and noble. The falling star was a bright slash of paint across the oaken sky. Yet now that Dunk held it in his hands, it seemed all wrong. The star was falling, what sort of sigil was that? Would he fall just as fast? And sunset heralds night.” The Hedge Knight

Old Nan painted this sigil for Duncan the Tall. This connects him to the Sapphire Isles of Tarth. This sigil is " death."

Sandor Clegane is the face of death, the seven who are one, the stranger, him of seven faces etc. etc.

So this shield also represents the " old gods " and " death." Children of the Forest and the Faceless Men.

Skinchangers and Assassians.

" Your door reminded me of an old shield I once saw in my father's armory. She described the arms as best she could recall them." AFFC Brienne

this was destiny. Very important and GRRM doesn't just do this stuff for no rhyme or reason. This must be connected to more than just a " shield " that dunk used back in the day.

More must be added for the theory to take shape and I belive this theory should help posters understand this quote actually is connected to a larger " web ". The Spider would be able to put all 90 odd quotes together to form a valid hypothesis.

" You did beautifully. It was more a picture than a proper coat of arms, and the sight took her back through the long years, to the cool dark of her father's armory. She remembered how she'd run her fingers across the cracked and fading paint, over the green leaves of the tree, and along the path of the falling star." AFFC Brienne

Brienne is descendant of Ducan the Tall.

Brienne is tall. Dunk was a " hedge " knight. Brienne is a " hedge " knight.

Her sword is called Oathkeeper, not wait Oathbreaker! it was forged from Ice.

To save podrick's life she must give the " gift " of mercy to Jamie the Kingslayer.

"Where's Egg? With the gods. I told you. Dunk reached up and wrapped his good hand around Plumm's neck. Speak plain. I am sick of hints and winks. Tell me where to find the boy, or I will snap your bloody neck, friend or no. The Sept, you would do well to go armed, Ser Maynard smiled. Is that plain enough for you, Dunk?" The Mystery Knight

“My shield, Dunk said to Egg. The boy handed it up. He slipped his left arm through the strap and closed his hand around the grip. The weight of the kite shield was reassuring, though its length made it awkward to handle, and seeing the hanged man once again gave him an uneasy feeling. Those are ill-omened arms. He resolved to get the shield repainted as soon as he could. May the Warrior grant me a smooth course and a quick victory, The Gallows Knight. Come forth and prove your valor." The Mystery Knight

this is the last hit we get from the Dunk and Egg tales, in regards to Sandor and Brienne.

The Gallows Knight is reprentative of Lady Stoneheart---->Beric Dondarrion and his Brotherhood without Banners the Knights of the Hollow Hill-----> Sandor of House Clegane caused all of this to happen---->He is the descendant of Duncan the Tall.

“Where are you going, ser? To my bed, to sleep. I'm drunk as a dog. Be my dog, ser. The night's alive with promise. We can howl together, and wake the very gods." The Mystery Knight

the main hint at Duncan the Tall the Great Bastard of Flea Bottom is related to Sandor the Hound of House Clegane.

Both served as Lord Commander of the Kingguard. Both were Hedge Knights. Both are servants of the Many Faced God at the Temple of Black and White.

The waifs lie and the backstory of Brienne and Sandor being the blood of old valyria ( Duncan the Tall is a great bastard and thus House's Clegane and Tarth can claim the Iron Throne.)

The shield of Brienne the Beauty and the shield of the Gallows Knight is all the confirmation we need.

and the theory begins or continues if you have to choosen to read part 1.

1. " A man does not need to be a wizard to know truth from falsehood, not if he has eyes. You need only to learn to read a face. Look at the eyes. The mouth. the muscles here, at the corners of the jaw, and here, where the neck joins the shoulders. He touched her lightly with two fingers. Some liars blink. Some stare. Some look away. Some lick their lips. Many cover their mouths just before they tell a lie, as if to hide their deceit. Other signs may be more subtle, but they are always there. A false smile and a true one may look alike, but they are different as dusk from dawn. Can you tell dusk from dawn? Arya nodded, though she was not certain that she could. Then you can learn to see a lie... and once you do, no secret will be safe from you." AFFC Cat of the Canals

2. " In the evening she played the lying game with the waif, but without eyes to see the game was very different. Sometimes all she had to go on was tone and choice of words; other times the waif allowed her to lay hands upon her face. At first the game was much, much harderm the next thing to impossible...but just when she ws near the point of screaming with frustration, it all became easier. She learned to hear the lies, to feel them in the play of the muscles around the mouth and eyes." ADWD Blind Beth

3. “ Look at me! Sandor Clegane put a huge hand under her chin and forced her face up. There’s a pretty for you. Take a good long stare. You know you want to. I’ve watched you turning away all the way down the kingsroad. Piss on that. Take a look.” GOT Sansa

4. “ His fingers held her jaw as hard as an iron trap. His eyes watched hers. Drunken eyes, sullen with anger. She had to look. The right side of his face was gaunt, with a sharp cheekbones and a grey eye beneath a heavy brow. His nose was large and hooked, his hair thin, dark. He wore it long and brushed it sideways, becasuse no hair grew on the other side of that face. The left side of his face was a ruin. His ear had been burned away;”

5. “ the feast was over and the beautiful dream had ended with it. The Hound snatched up a torch to light their way Sansa followed close beside him.” GOT Sansa

6. “ there was nothing but a hole. His eye was still good, but all around it was twisted mass of scar, slick black flesh hard as leather, pocked with craters and fissured by deep cracks that gleamed red an wet when he moved. Down by his jaw, you could see a hint of bone whre the flesh had been seared away. Sansa began to cry. He let go of her then and snuffed the torch in the dirt.” SOS Sansa

7.“ No pretty words for that, girl? No little compliments the septa taught you? When there was no answer, he continued. Most of them, they think it was some battle. A siege, a burning tower, an enemy with a torch. One fool asked if it was dragonsbreath. His laugh was softer this time, but just as bitter” GOT Sansa

8.“ I’ll tell you what it was girl, he said, a voice from the night, a sour stench of wine on his breath.” SOS Sansa

9.“ I was younger than you, six, maybe seven. A woodcarver set up shop in the village under my father’s keep, and to buy favor he sent us gifts. The old man made marvelous toys. I don’t remember what I got, bit it was Gregor’s gift I wanted.” GOT Sansa

10.“ A wooden knight, all painted up, every joint pegged separate and fixed with strings, so you could make him fight. Gregor is five years older than me, the toy was nothing to him, he was already a squire, near six foot tall and muscled like an ox. So I took his knight, but there was no joy to it, I tell you.” GOT Sansa

11.“ I was scared all the while, and true enough, he found me. There was a brazier in the room.” GOT Sansa

12. “ Gregor never said a word, just picked me up under his arm and shoved the side of my face down in the burning coals and held me there while I screamed and screamed. You saw how strong he is. Even then, it took three grown men to drag him off me. The septons preach about the seven hells. What do they know? Only a man who’s been burned knows what hell is truly like.” GOT Sansa

13. “ Do you need an escort back to the castle? No, Sansa began. She looked for Septa Mordane, and was startled to find her with her head on the table, snoring soft and ladylike snores. I mean to say… yeas, thank you, that would be most kind. I am tired, and the way is so dark. I should be glad for some protection. Joffrey called out, Dog!” SOS Sansa

14. “ Sandor Clegane seemed to take form out of the night, so quickly did he appear. He had exchanged his armor for a red woolen tunic with a leather dog’s head sewn on the front. The light of the torches made his burned face shine a dull red. Yes, Your Grace? He said. Take my bethroed back to the castle, and see that no harm befalls her, the prince told him brusquely. And without even a word of farewell, Joffrey strode off, leaving her there. Sansa could feel the Hound watching her. Did you think Joff was going to take you himself? He laughed. He had a laugh like the snarling of dogs in a pit. Small chance of that. He pulled her unresisting to her feet. Come youre not the only one need sleep. I’ve drunk too much, and I may need to kill my brother tomorrow. He laughed again.” SOS Sansa

16. “ Did you see him ride today? Yes, Sansa whispered, trembling. He was… Gallant? The Hound finished. He was mocking her, she realized. No one could withstand him, she managed at last, proud of herself. IT was no lie. Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field. She had no choice but to stop beside him” SOS Sansa

17. " How many knights? Few enough, the maester said with a touch of impatience. To be a knight, you must stand your vigil in a sept, and be anointed with the Seven oils to consecrate your vows. In the north, only a few of the great houses worship the Seven. The rest honor the old gods, and name no knights... but those lords and sons and sworn swords are no less fierce of loyal or honorable. A man's worth is not marked by a ser before his name. As i have told you a hundred times before." GOT Bran 53

18. " The next day they rode to a place called High Heart, a hill so lofty that from atop it Arya felt as though she could see half the world. Around its brow stood a ring of huge pale stumps, all that remained of a circle of once-mighty weirwoods. There were thirty-one, some so wide you could have use for a bed. High Heart had been sacred to the children of the forest, Tom Sevenstrings told her, and some of their magic lingered her still. No harm can ever come to those as sleep her, the singer said. It was said to be haunted by the ghosts of the children of the forest who had died here when the Andal king named Erreg the Kingslayer had cut down their grove." ASOS Arya 22

19. " The Brotherhood without Banners, Tom Sevenstrings plucked a string. The Knights of the Hollow Hill. Knights? Clegane made the word a sneer. Dondarrion's a knight, but the rest of you are the sorriest lot of outlaws and broken men I've ever seen" ASOS Arya34

20. " Might be you are knights after all. You lie like knights, maybe you murder like knights. Say what you mean Clegane. A knight's a sword with a horse. The rest, the vows and the sacred oils and the lady's favors, they're silk ribbons tied round the sword. Maybe the sword's prettier with ribbons hanging off it, but it will kill you just as dead. well bugger your ribbons, shove your swords up your arses. I'm the same as you. The only difference is, I don't lie about what I am." ASOS Arya 34

21. " If there were gods, why didn't Lord Beric win? She knew the Hound was guilty. Please, Sandor Clegane rasped, cradling his arm. Im burned. Help me. Someone Help me. He was crying please...you go to hell Hound, she screamed at Sandor Clegane in helpless empty-handed rage. You just go to hell! He has, said a voice scare stronger than a whisper. Lord Beric Dondarrion was standing behind her his bloody hand clutching Thoros by the shoulder." ASOS Arya

22. " Sansa could not bear the sight of him, he frightened her so, yet she had be raised in all the ways of courtesy. A true lady would not notice his face. You rode gallantly today, Ser Sandor, she made herself say. Sandor snarled at her. Spare me your empty little complaints girl and your sers. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight." GOT Sansa 29

23. " He was mocking her she realized. Some septa trained you well. You’re like one of them pretty little birds from the Summer Isles, aren’t you? That's unkind, she could feel her heart fluttering in her chest." GOT Sansa 29

24. " The septons preach about seven hells but what do they know? Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is like. Four years later they anointed him with the seven oils and he recited his knightly vows and Rhaegar Targaryen tapped him on the shoulder and said, Arise ser Gregor." GOT Sansa 29

25. " He squatted suddenly before her, a hulking black shape shrouded in the night, hidden from her eyes. Sansa could hear his ragged breathing. She was sad for him, somehow the fear had gone away. She found his massive shoulder with her hand, He was no true knight, she whispered to him. The Hound threw back his head and roared, Sansa stumbled back away from him, but he caught her arm. No he growled back at her, No little bird he was no true knight." GOT Sansa 29

26. " The Hound has a hungry look in him about him this morning. Even hungry dogs no better than to bite the hands that feed them, Littlefinger called dryly. Sandor Clegane dropped his visor with an audible clang and took up his position. Ser Jamie tossed a kiss to some women in the commons, gently lowered his visor and rode to the end of the lists" GOT Eddard 30

27. " Ned stark would have loved nothing so well as to see them both lose, but Sansa was watching all moist eyed and eager, wood shattered, the Hound reeled,fighting to keep his seat. Sansa gasped." GOT Eddard 30

28. " Sansa said, I knew the Hound would win." GOT Eddard 30

29. " But as Gregor lifted his sword for the killing blow, a rasping voice warned, Leave him be, and steel clenched hand wrenched him away from the boy. The Mountain pivoted in wordless fury, swinging his massive longsword in a killing arc with all his massive strength behind it, but the Hound caught the blow and turned it, and what seemed like an eternity the two brothers stood hammering at each other. Stop this madness in the name of your king, Sandor went to one leg while Gregor swung at open air. His threw his sword in the dirt and walked off." GOT Eddard 30

30. " Is the Hound the Champion now? Sansa asked Ned. No he told he told her, but she had the right of it after all. A few moments later Ser Loras walked back on the field and said, I owe you my life the day is yours ser. I am no ser, the Hound replied, but he took the victory and the champions purse and for perhaps the first time in his life the love of the commons. Everyone cheered as him as he left the lists to return to his pavilion." GOT Eddard 30

32. " Come to the godswood tonight, if you want to go home, come to the godswood tonight if you want to go home, come to the gods wood tonight if you want to go home." COK Sansa 18

33. " Why do you let people call you a dog? You won't let anyone call you a knight. I like dogs better than knights, a hound will die for you, but never lie to you. And he'll look you straight in the face." COK Sansa 18

"34. And what's Joff's little bird doing flying down the serpentine in the black of night? She did not answer, he shook her. Where were you? The g-g-godswood my lord, she said not daring to lie. Praying for the king, praying that he not be hurt." COK Sansa 18

35. " I know a song about Florian and Jonquil. Florian and Jonquil? a fool and his cunt. Spare me. But one day i'll have a song from you, whether you will it or no. I will sing it for you gladly. Sandor Clegane snorted, pretty little thing, and such a bad liar. A dog can smell a lie you know. Look around and take a good whiff. They are all liars here... and every one better than you." COK Sansa 18

36. " Think i'm so drunk that I'd belive that? he let go his grip on her arm, swaying slightly as he stood, stripes of light and darkness falling across his terrible burnt face. You look almost a women... face, teats and you're taller too, almost... ahh you're still a stupid little bird, aren't you? sing me a song why don't you? Go on, sing to me some song about knights and fair maids. you like knight's, don't you?" COK Sansa 18

37. " The longer you keep him waiting, the worse it will go for you, Sandor Clegane warned her. The Hound was always rough tounged, but something in the way he looked at her filled her with dread. Had Joffrey found out about her meetings with ser Dontos? Please no, she thought as she brushed her hair. Ser Dontos was her only hope. Tell me what i've done. Not you your kingly brother. Robb's a traitor, sansa knew the words by rote. The Hound snorted, they trained you well little bird." COK Sansa 32

38. "Your grace, she fell to her knees. Kneeling won't save you know, stand up your to pay for your brother's latest treasons. Your grace whatever my traitor brother has done, I had no part in it. You know that, I beg of you please...STAND HER UP! The Hound pulled her to her feet, not ungently. Leave her face I like her pretty. Boros slammed a fist into her belly driving the air out of her. Tear welled in her eyes, It will be over soon, she soon lost count of the blows. Enough, she heard the Hound rasp." COK Sansa 32

39." What sort of knight beats helpless maids? The sort who serves his king Imp. Careful with those warned the dwarf's sellsword, you don't want to get blood all over those pretty white cloaks. Sandor unfastened his cloak and tossed it to her. Sansa clutched it against her chest, fists bunched hard in the white wool. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin, but no velvet had ever felt so fine." COK Sansa 32

40. " Tyrion glanced around the yard, Where's the Stark girl? Finally Joffrey said, She was riding by me, I don't know where she went. There she is, Joffery shouted pointing. Sandor Clegane cantered briskly through the gates astride Sansa's chestnut courser. The girl was seated behind, both arms tight around the hound's chest. Tyrion called to her, Are you hurt lady Sansa? Blood was trickling down sansa's brow. A man tried to pull me from the saddle. The Hound killed him, I think his arm... her eye's widened and she put a hand over her mouth, he cut off his arm." COK Tyrion 41

41. " Clegane lifted her to the ground. His white cloak was torn and stained, and blood seeped through a jagged tear in his sleeve. The little bird's bleeding, somoeone take her back to her cage and see to that cut." COK Tyrion 41

42. " Yet none of it made her feel less fearful. A stab went through her, so sharp that Sansa sobbed and clutched her belly. She might have fallen, but a shadow moved suddenly , and strong fingers grabbed her arm and steadied her. Let go of me, she cried. Let go. The little bird thinks she has wings, does she? Or do you mean to end up crippled like that brother of yours? " COK Sansa 32

43. " The Hound leapt at them, his sword a blur of steel that trailed a red mist as it swung. When they broke and ran before him he had laughed, his terrible burned face for a moment transformed. She made herself look at that face now, really look. It was only courteous, and a lady must never forget her courtesies. The scars are not the worst part, nor even the way his mouth twitches. It's his eyes. She had never seen eyes so full of anger. I should have come to you after to thank you for saving me, you were so brave." COK Sansa 32

44. " Does it give you joy to scare people? No, it give me joy to kill people. His mouth twitched. Wrinkle up your face all you like, but spare me this false piety. you were a high lord's get. Don't tell me Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell never killed a man. That was his duty, she said, he never liked it. Is that what he told you? Clegane laughed again. Your father lied. Killing is the sweetest thing there is. " COK Sansa 32

45." He drew his long sword. Here is your truth. Your precious father found that out on Baelor's steps. Lord of Winterfell, Hand of the King, Warden of the North, the mighty Eddard Stark, of a line eight thousand years old... but Illyn Payne's blade went through his neck all the same, didn't it? Do you remember the dance it did when his head came off his shoulders?" COK Sansa

46. " She hugged herself suddenly cold. Why are you always so hateful? I was thanking you... Just as if i was one of those true knights you love so well,yes. What do you think a knight is for, girl? You think it's all taking favors from ladies and looking fine in gold plate? Knights are for killing. he laid the edge of his longsword against her neck, just under her ear. Sansa could feel the sharpness of the steel. So long as i have this, he said lifting the sword from her throat, there is no man on earth i need fear. Except your brother, Sansa thought but she had better sense than to say it aloud. He is a dog, just as he says. A half-wild, mean-temeperd dog that bites the hand that tries to pet him, and yet will savage any man who tries to hurt his masters" COK Sansa 52

47." True knight's protect the weak, she said. He snorted, there are no true knights, no more than there are gods." COK Sansa 52

48. " There are god's, she told herself, and there are true knights too. All the stories can't be lies. That night Sansa dreamed of the riot again. The mob surged around her, shrieking, a maddened beast with a thousand faces. Everywhere she turned she saw faces twisted into monstrous inhuman masks. She wept and told them she had never done them hurt, yet they dragged her from her horse all the same. No she cried, no please don't, but no one paid her any heed. She shouted for Ser Dontos, for her brothers, for her dead father and her dead wolf, for gallant Ser Loras who had given her a red rose once, but none of them came. She called for the heroes in the songs, for Florian and Ser Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, but no one heard. Women swarmed all over her like weasels, pinching her legs and kicking her belly, and someone hit her in her in the face and she felt her teeth shatter. Then she saw the bright glimmer of steel. The knife plunged into her belly and tore and tore, until there was nothing left of her down there but shiny wet ribbon's." COK Sansa 52

49. " So you are a woman now. Do you have the least idea what that means? It means I am now fit to be wedded and bedded, said Sansa to bear children for the King. Do you want to be loved, Sansa? Everyone wants to be loved. I see flowering hasn't made you any brighter said Cersei. Sansa permit me to share a little bit of womanly wisdom with you on this very special day. Love is a poison. A sweet poison, yes, but it will kill you all the same." COK Sansa 52

50. " Why is Ser Ilyn here? Sansa blurted out. The queen glanced at the mute headsman. He was a knight before he was headsman, she said. I would be gladder if he was the Hound, Sansa thought. Harsh as he was she did not believe Sandor Clegane would let any harm come to her." COK Sansa 52

51. " True knights would never harm women and children. The words rang hollow in her ears even as she said them. True Knights, the queen seemed to find that wonderfully amusing. No doubt you’re right. So why don't you just eat your broth like a good girl and wait for Symeon Star Eyes and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight to come rescue you sweetling." COK Sansa 52

52. “ Prince Aemon the Dragonknight cried the day Princess Naerys wed his brother Aegon, Sansa Stark said.” COK Sansa 45

53. “ I shall have the finest Knight in the Seven Kingdoms guarding me night and day, as Prince Aemon protected Naerys.” SOS Sansa 16

54. “ Prince Aemon the Dragonknight took his vows at seventeen, Ser Loras said. And your brother Jaime was younger still.” SOS Tyrion

55. “ The White Book sat on a white table in a white room. The room was round, its walls of whitewashed stone hung with white woolen tapestries. It formed the first floor of White Sword Tower, a slender structure of four stories built into an angle of the castle wall overlooking the bay. The undercroft held arms and armor, the second and third floors the small spare sleeping cells of the six brothers of the Kingsguard.” SOS Jamie 57

56. “ The table itself was old weirwood, pale as bone, carved in the shape of a huge shield supported by three white stallions. By tradition the Lord Commander sat at the top of the shield, and the brothers three to a side, on the rare occasions when all seven were assembled.” SOS Jamie 56

57. “ The book rested by his elbow was massive; two feet tall and a foot and a half wide, a thousand pages thick, fine white vellum bound between covers of bleached white leather with gold hinges and fastenings. The book of Brothers was its formal name, often it was simply called the white book. Within the white book was the history of the Kingsguard.” SOS Jamie 57

58. “ Aegon the Unworthy had never harmed Queen Naerys, perhaps for fear of their brother the Dragonknight… but when another of his Kingsguard fell in love with one of his mistresses, the king had taken both their heads.” SOS Sansa 16

60. “ And the Dragonknight? She flung her bedclothes aside and swung her legs to the floor. The noblest knight who ever lived, you said, and he took his queen to bed and got her with child.

61. " Lady, she whimpered softly, wondering if she would meet her wolf again when she was dead. Then something stirred behind her, and a hand reached out of the dark and grabbed her wrist. Little bird I knew you'd come." COK Sansa 62

62. " She saw him for a moment, all black and green, the blood on his face dark as tar, his eyes glowing like a dog's in the sudden glare. Then light faded and he was only a hulking darkness in a stained white cloak. Don't you want to ask whose winning the battle little bird? Who, she said, too frightened to defy him. The Hound laughed, I only know who is lost. Me. He is drunker than I've ever seen him. He was sleeping in my bed. What does he want here... What have you lost? All... " COK Sansa 62

63. " He yanked her closer, and for a moment she thought he meant to kiss her. He was too strong to fight. She closed her eyes, wanting it to be over, but nothing happened. Still can't bear to look, can you? she heard him say, shoving her down onto the bed. I'll have that song, Florian and Jonquil, you said, His dagger was at her throat, Sing little bird, sing for your little life... she almost closed her eyes again, but the she remembered. It was not the song of Florian and Jonquil but it was a song." COK Sansa 62

64. " Tell me, Alayne, which is more dangerous, the dagger brandished by an enemy, or the hidden one pressed to your back by someone you never even see. The hidden dagger. There's a clever girl. He smiled, his thin lips bright from pomegranate seeds." SOS Sansa

65. " Her hands were red and sticky when Sandor dragged her off him. Enough, was all he said. He was bleeding like a butchered pig himself, and dragging one leg when he walked. There's one more, Arya reminded him. The squire had pulled the knife out of his belly and was trying to stop the blood with his hands. When the Hound yanked him upright, he screamed and started to blubber like baby. Mercy, he wept. Please. Don't kill me. Mother have mercy. Do I look like your bloody mother? The Hound looked like nothing human" SOS Arya

66. " Gentle Mother, font of mercy, save our sons from war, we pray, stay the swords and stay the arrows, let them know a better day, Gentle Mother, strength of women, help our daughters through this fray, soothe the wrath and tame the fury, teach us all a kinder way. after a moment the Hound took his blade from her throat, never speaking. Some instinct made her lift her hand and cup his cheek with her fingers. The room was too dark for her to seem him, but she could feel the stickiness of the blood, and a wetness that was not blood. Little bird, he said once more, then rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of retreating footsteps. When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone, she found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. She took out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering." COK Sansa 62

67. " No one can save me but my Florian." SOS Sansa 6

68. " I wish the Hound were here. The night of the battle, Sandor Clegane had come to her chambers to her from the city, but Sansa refused. Sometimes she lay awake at night, wondering if she had been wise. she had his stained white cloak hidden in a cedar chest beneath her summer silks. But Sansa understood. She knew the secret of his burned face. It was only the fire he feared." SOS Sansa 6

69. " Sansa wondered what Megga would think about kissing the Hound, as she had. H'ed come to her the night of the battle stinking of wine and blood. He kissed me and threatened to kill me and made me sing him a song." SOS Sansa 16

70. " As the boy's lips touched her own she found herself thinking of another kiss. She could still remember how it felt, when his cruel mouth pressed down on her own. He had come to Sansa in the darkness as green fire filled the sky. He took a song and a kiss and left me with nothing but a bloody white cloak." AFFC Alyane 41

71. " Why do they call it the Quiet Isle? asked Podrick. Those who dwell here are penitents, who seek to atone for their sins through contemplation, prayer, and silence. Only the Elder Brother and his proctors are permitted to speak and the proctors only for one day out of Seven." AFFC Brienne 45

72. " Lady Brienne is a warrior maid, hunting the Hound. To what end. Brienne touched Oathkeeper's hilt. His, she said." AFFC Brienne 45

73. " Lord Petyr said watch out for you. It was Lothor Brune's voice, she realized. Not the Hound's, no, how could it be? Of course it had to be Lothor..." SOS Sansa

74. " That night Sansa scarcely slept at all, but tossed and turned just as she had aboard the Merling King. She dreamt of Joffery dying, but has he clawed at his throat and the blood ran down across his fingers she saw the horror that it was her brother Robb. And she dreamed of her wedding night too, of Tyrion's eyes devouring her as she undressed. Only then he was bigger that Tyrion had any right to be, and when he climbed into the bed his face was scarred only on one side. I'll have a song from you, he rasped, and Sansa woke and found the old blind dog beside her once again. I wish that you were Lady, she said." SOS Sansa

75. " If I'd had any wine, I'd have drunk it myself, the Hound told him. I can give you water, and the gift of mercy. The archer looked at him a long while before he said, You're Joffery's dog. My own dog now. Do you want the water? Aye, the man swallowed. And the mercy. Please. They had passed a small pond a short ways back. Sandor gave his helm and told her to fill it, so she trudged back to the water's edge. Mud squished over the toe of her boots. She used the dog's head as a pail. Water ran out through the eyeholes, but the bottom of the helm still held alot... When the water was gone he clutched the helm and licked the steel. Good he said. I wish it was wine, though. I wanted wine. Me too, the Hound eased his dagger into the man's chest almost tenderly..." SOS Arya

76. " The girl was not sorry though. Daeron had been a deserter from the NIght's Watch; he had deserved to die. She had said as much to the kindly man. And are you a god, to decide who should live and who should die? he asked her. We give the gift to those marked by Him of Many Faces, after prayers and sacrifice. So has it always been, from the beginning. I have told you of the founding of our order, of how the first of us answered the prayers of slaves who wished for death. The gift was given only to those who yearned for it, in the beginning..." ADWD Blind Beth

77. " ... but one day, the first of us heard a slave praying not for his own death but for his master's. So fervently did he desire this that he offered all he had, that his prayer might be answered. And it seemed to our first brother that this sacrifice would be pleasing to Him of Many Faces, so that night he granted the prayer. Then he went to the slave and said, You offered all you had for this man's death, but slves have nothing but their lives. That is what the god desires of you. For the rest of your days on earth, you will serve him. And from that moment, we were two. His hand closed around her arm, gently but firmly. All men must die. We are but death's instruments, not death himself. When you slew the singer, you took god's powers on yourself. We kill men, but we do not presume to judge them. Do you understand? No, she thought. Yes, she said. You lie. And that is why you must now walk in darkness until you see the way. Unless you wish to leave us. You need only ask, and you may have your eyes back. No, she thought. No, she said." ADWD Blind Beth

78. " But when the work was done and the tall wooden palisade was finished, the village elder made it plain that there was no place for them. Come winter, we will be hard pressed to feed our own, he explained. And you... a man like you brings blood with him. Sandor's mouth tightened. So you do know who I am. Aye. We don't get travelers here, that's so, but we go to market, and to fairs. We know about King Joffrey's dog. When these Stone Crow come calling, you might be glad to have a dog. Might be. The man, hesitated, then gathered up his courage. But they say you lost your belly for fighting at the Blackwater. They say... I know that they say. Sandor's voice sounded like two woodsaws grinding together. Pay me, and we'll be gone." SOS

79. " All gods have their instruments, men and women who serve them and help to work their will on earth. The slaves were not crying out to a hundred different goods, as it seemed, but to one god with a hundred different faces... and he was that god's instrument. That very night he chose the most wretched of the slaves, the one who prayed most earnestly for release, and freed him from his bondage. The first gift have been given. Arya drew back from him. He killed the slave? that did not sound right. He should have killed the masters! He would bring the gift to them as well... but that is another tale for another day, one best shared with no one. He cocked his head. And who are you, child? No one. A lie." AFFC Cat of the Canals

80. " Sansa found Bryen's old blind dog in her little alcove beneath the steps, and lay down next to him. He woke and licked her face. you sad old hound, she said, ruffling his fur. Alayne. Her aunt's singer stood over her. Sweet Alayne. I am Marillion. I saw you come in from the rain. The night is chill and wet. Let me warm you. The old dog raised his head and growled, but the singer gave him a cuff and sent him slinking off, whimpering." AFFC Alayne

81. " You did my lord. You said you'd be getting some more men too, but you never did. Me and the dogs stand all the watches. And very well, I'm sure. No one has made off with any of my rocks or sheep pellets, I see that plainly. Petyr gestured towards the fat women. Kella minds my vast herds. How many sheep do we have at present, Kella? She had to think for a moment. Three and twenty m'lord. There was nine and twenty, but Byren's dogs killed one and we butchered some others and salted down the meat." SOS Sansa

82." She was only some girl who ran with a dog by day, and dreamed of wolves by night." SOS Arya

83. " We should go back to the Twins and get my mother. She can't be dead. We have to help her. I thought your sister was the one with a head full of songs, the Hound growled. Frey might have kept your mother alive to ransom, that's true. But there's no way in seven hells I'm going to pluck her out of his castle all by my bloody self. Not by yourself. I'd come too. He made a sound that was almost a laugh. That will scare the piss out of the old man." SOS Arya

84. " You're just afraid to die! she said scornfully. Now Clegane did laugh. Death don't scare me. Only fire. Now be quiet, or I'll cut your tongue out myself and save the silent sisters the bother. It's the Vale for us. Arya didn't think he'd really cut her tongue out; he was just saying that the way Pinkeye. Pinkeye didn't cut people in half or hit them with axes. Not even the flat of axes." SOS Arya

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tommen gives widow's wail to sandor to kill his brother ( protects his bride Queen from mother Queen regant).

the widow's wail is cersei's!

pots getting cracked left and right watch your step.

mother's mercy ( song sansa sings to gregor )

give me the gift of mercy ( to arya on the trident )

Gravedigger needs a sword to kill Ser Robert.


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  • 3 weeks later...


1. The Real Jon Snow

2. The Fake Jon Snow

3. Daeron's Black Boots

4. Rust Cohle

5. Phario Forel

6. The Lord of Corpses

I claim this thread by right of conquest. I will attempt to decipher this luntaic's code and bring forth an understandable conclusion to this theory/thread before the end of Season 4. Hopefully I can get it done before the Sansa/Marillion rape scene because this might just give us the nessecary clue to prove this Sandor is a skinchanger/faceless man theory, TRJS has been waiting for. Also WHERE IN THE SEVEN HELLS IS LADY CATELYN AND BERIC? getting bloody tired of waiting for a certain fish resurrection by a lightning lord to occur...

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