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Theon Greyjoy Contemplates His Achievements


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So I am in the middle of another read through as I gear up for GOT's S4 so I can complain bitterly about all the changes whilst in my cups, but I was slightly confused as to Theon saying in his chapter that he had won note in tournaments.

He is thinking about this while listing all his accomplishments in his head over the treatment he received from his family as if he had never done anything praise worthy.

1. He had won tournaments

2. Saved Bran's life

3. Fought well at the Battle of the Camps and the Whispering Wood riding beside Robb and almost crossing swords with Jaime

4. Being one of Brynden River's choice outriders

Sorry I don't have the exact quote, I'm at my work computer wasting time.

But my question is, what tournament did he win or fight in? As a ward of high birth and being older I would assume he would be eligible to enter tourneys unlike say Robb or Jon who were still sparring with tourney swords and not live steel when this would have happened.

My first conclusion was some archery tourney or at least the archery section of it, as he is obviously one of the more skilled archers we see in Westeros (Anguy, Jalabar Xho, Balon Swann etc.).

Yet the North seems ton the surface to not be big on the whole tourney thing, or at least a Southern style of it with the knights and jousting. I could see them doing what the Scots and Northern English did, things like wrestling and archery and melees though.

Anybody have any ideas what he was on about? I think it helps put into perspective that he was actually a pretty good warrior/soldier despite what the Ironborn other than Dagmer think.

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