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A Soiled Knight


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Long (or it seemed that way) but mostly interesting read. I couldn't find a topic on this chapter on here so I was wondering what everyone thought. Since I mentioned searching for it, I never have any luck with searches on this site. Maybe it's just me.
What are your thought on what Arianne said, "All. All my love, my sweet love, and forever. But first...Myrcella."
I can't figure how to put a spoiler title (apparently I'm useless today) If someone can explain it to me I have a specific question.....

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use [ spoiler] and [/ spoiler] tags without whitespace.

I thought this chapter was interesting in that it gave us the first real view of Dorne -- the Areo chapter before it was just useless -- and of Arianne's skill with... words. It's pretty clear that she's using him, even though we learn later she really liked him. She was his first woman, he was the means of placing Myrcella in the right place in her plans. He was also my favourite kingsguardsman for no particular reason even before that chapter -- that's not a real point, but yay, he got POV!

...and then dies. By a character I'm indifferent to. For no reason at all.

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yes that is what I was assuming based on what I've accidently read about Marcella. I'm not far enough to know exactly what her plans are yet though. I didn't mind the Aero chapter so much. But you are right. This one is better.

btw I'm cracking myself up trying to figure out how to add a spoiler! New to message boards. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully I'll figure it out after a few edits! :bang:

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well...i thought , wow we got a new pov , i don't remember this guy well but he seems very interesting , let's see how it's going. I was trying to figure out who the woman was in his POV too. And in his next appearence next to Arianne....

he's gone , why are you torturing us even with your new characters? :bawl:

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