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Doran Martell


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great choice, but we need Arianne too. Without her, Doran cannot shine.

They may be giving her plot points to one of the Sand Snakes. Possibly Obara, given that they've transferred her whip to Nym and Nym's daggers to Tyene. Their listing Trystane as Doran's heir is trouble. Makes it look like he's an only child, though it could indicate cutting Quent and dropping the Dornish rules of succession (which means dropping the Myrcella crowning plot, and possibly Darkstar too).

I do still hold out hope that more casting news will be forthcoming. We're still missing some important Ironborn here. Euron, Victarion, etc. No mention of them. Maybe they're thinking to condense that subplot and push it to Season 6 while they focus 5 on Dorne?

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