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Tin Foil Hat Theory -- The Prince That Was Promised

Value Dollaeris

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Apologies to anyone who already put this crackpot theory forward -- I've not read all the posts on the subject.

But, my guess for the TPTWP: The child of Gilly and Maester Aemon.

Crackpot assumption #1.

Azor Ahai's sword is not a literal sword but the force that defeats the others. As presented in this theory


Crackpot assumption #2

TPTWP's identity changes. It was Stannis and it is now Jon Snow.

"I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow" -- Melisandre

Snow dreams that he is wearing armor of ice and holding a burning sword. The armor is the wall itself, the sword is the night's watch.

Crackpot assumption #3

AA reborn will try to forge lightbringer three times and each time the forging will take more time than the last. Each time AA tries to forge a sword 'his' identity change. Stannis was try one, Snow is try two and (G+A=?) will be try three.

Stannis will break when plunged into the cold water -- Stannis' sword is made of iron, not steel:

"Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets. He'll break before he bends . . ."

Crackpot assumption #4

Gilly is pregnant will Aemon's child:

She rose at once, and together they got the old maester out of his wet clothes and burried him beneath a pile of furs . . . "You get in with him," Sam told Gilly. "Hold him. Warm him with your body. We have to warm him up." She did that too, never saying a word, all the while sniffling.

Crackpot assumption #5

The third lightbringer will be a lighthouse. I'm sure someone else has suggested this but I can't find the thread.

Okay -- the cracked foundation is in place.

We know that Sam is going to try to place Gilly inside of Horn Hill. We also know that Sam's father is not likely to approve. I'm speculating that Sam's mom will try to get Gilly placed inside of house hightower.

We also know that house hightower is experimenting with something inside of their lighthouse. And we know that the glass candles are burning. And we know that dragonglass does bad things to the others. I'm speculating that Sam will share what he has learned of magic with (G+A=?) and that the child will grow up to design a lighthouse that will kill the others and dispell the long night.

The child will be born during the sack of Oldtown -- the ironmen are the salt, the burning buildings the smoke.

The child will be born a prince of the blood of the dragon.

The ship that brings Sam to oldtown has a chest of rare books on dragons -- the child will know how to wake the dragon from the stone.

The glass candles will reflect their light through Melisandre's ruby giving the light a red cast. The ruby is Melisandre's 'heart' -- her vital place, the only thing keeping her alive.

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