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Bolton x Stannis: how many in each army?


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Is there a mention about how many men are ready to fight in each side?
I know Stannis got 3000 men from the clans of the North plus some wildlings and the soldiers of his own army (~1500). I'd say he has around 5 or 6000 men in his army currently, but a lot are dying due to the snow and lack of food.
But how many men does Roose Bolton have in Winterfell? And how many did he send with Ramsay to fight against Stannis?
Do you guys have any idea?
I'm not sure about it but I imagine the Boltons with a total of ~10k in which ~5k was sent with Ramsay to fight Stannis who probably has a number of ~4k. Am I right?
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Bolton has around 2000-3000 men.The Freys have 2000 and the rest of the forces at Winterfell are only there because the Freys hold family members hostage so they are waiting for a chance to get revenge on both the Frey's and the Boltons.

Stannis has by far the larger better trained and loyal forces (not loyal to him but loyal to the Starks)

The Freys have a terrible commander and are unfamiliar with the terrain and the weather and they know the Stark Loyalists are not going to show any mercy to them.If things turn badly for them I fully expect them to turn and try to haul ass back to the twins

So Roose only has his forces that will stay loyal to him and that's it

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Stannis has 1300 men on Dragonstone during ASOS. Given he leaves a garrison there under Rolland Storm, suffered some losses at the Wall and leaves some men to garrison the abandoned NW castles, I'd guess he has ~1000 southerners at this point in time.

After taking Deepwood Motte he writes to Jon that his forces now number five thousand, made up from the mountain clans, the Mormonts, and men from the multiple houses that Rodrik assembled and Ramsay scattered outside Winterfell. So ~4000 assorted northmen. He writes that his numbers are growing every day however, so this would have increased.

When Arnolf Karstark joins him he brings ~450 men with him.

The 'cold count' (dead men on the march to Winterfell) gets somewhere in the 80s IIRC, so overall I'd say he has around 5.5k men.

Roose brings ~4000 men with him from the south, primarily men from the Dreadfort and Karhold, joined by ~1400 Freys, and Ramsay has ~600 men already in the North. I don't believe we are given any numbers on the men from the other houses that come for the wedding, aside from Wyman Manderly, who only has a few hundred. Roose sends the Manderlys, Freys and Ramsay out to fight Stannis.

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Oh, thanks.
So that's more or less how I pictured it, I forgot to count the refugees from the sack of winterfell and the few men that Stannis left to garrison the abandoned castles in the wall too, but these numbers are kinda insignificant in the overall count and probably match each other.

If we sum Bolton + Freys + Manderly + all other houses from the north that came to the wedding, we must get something around 8-10k men under the command of Roose Bolton, but then part of these men were splitted when he ordered Ramsay to attack Stannis and another part is ready to betray him when they get the chance.

The numbers in this battle are almost equal, with the difference that Stannis is having serious problems with food and weather outside, while Roose is totally comfortable and safe inside the castle. I don't think Ramsay is gonna be a problem tho, and if Davos arrive in time with Rickon, the houses that are going to betray Roose and join Stannis must be enough to assure his victory.

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Oh, thanks.

So that's more or less how I pictured it, I forgot to count the refugees from the sack of winterfell and the few men that Stannis left to garrison the abandoned castles in the wall too, but these numbers are kinda insignificant in the overall count and probably match each other.

If we sum Bolton + Freys + Manderly + all other houses from the north that came to the wedding, we must get something around 8-10k men under the command of Roose Bolton, but then part of these men were splitted when he ordered Ramsay to attack Stannis and another part is ready to betray him when they get the chance.

The numbers in this battle are almost equal, with the difference that Stannis is having serious problems with food and weather outside, while Roose is totally comfortable and safe inside the castle. I don't think Ramsay is gonna be a problem tho, and if Davos arrive in time with Rickon, the houses that are going to betray Roose and join Stannis must be enough to assure his victory.

Every house is ready to turn against Roose besides the Freys and the only reason they wont is because they know they are screwed if Roose is beaten as the next stop the Loyalists take Is going to be to kill every single Frey at the Twins.Not to mention the Freys took half their forces north and the Lannister forces left the riverlands to go to the capital (Cersei no doubt recalled the vast majority of them)

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I don't believe we know that Ramsay was sent to fight Stannis. We know the Frey's and the Manderly's were sent. The pink letter to the Wall from winter fell very much reads as though it was from Ramsay.

I like the theory about Ramsay's letter resulting from false info from Stannis via captured raven. This makes even more plausible the notion of sendings force of 500 or more to Castle Black from Winterfell to retrieve Arya and kill Jon Snow. Without Frey's, one wonders how much faster they can travel than Stannis's large force with southerners did in the snow. If I were Ramsay or Bolton, I'd hope Jon would send a force to WF that would deplete the NW's numbers, making the sacking of CB easier, avoiding the force sent to WF.


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Bolton has 6,000, Stannis about 5,000. But the Karstarks turned on Stannis while Bolton'll be betrayed by Manderly and Umber at least.

The Karstarks are back on the right side again. Furthermore, they aren't included in Stannis' 5,000, neither are the Umbers or anybody else he picked up since he wrote that letter shortly after taking Deepwood Motte.

Altogether, Stannis should be closer to 7,000 men.

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