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What do you believe Ned Stark wrote in the letter he gave Varys while in the dungeon?

Lady of the Falls

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Hope it was to Jon snow about his mother, but in all reality I think it went to Stannis Baretheon. He shared his suspicion with Jon Arryn, but couldn't prove it until Ned Stark agreed with him.

I thought that to, but Varys knew already a lot of people knew , It may be both, you'd think it would have been really important especially if he felt it was his last words. It seems to obvious/expected to be about Cersei's inbreeding.

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i don't think it was to jon snow. i think it's to either stannis or cat. but Ned's line after varys mentions jon snow is interesting "The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense shame and a sorrow too deep for words, if only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him". I'm a believer in R+L=J and that chapter has tons of evidence.

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i don't think it was to jon snow. i think it's to either stannis or cat. but Ned's line after varys mentions jon snow is interesting "The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense shame and a sorrow too deep for words, if only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him". I'm a believer in R+L=J and that chapter has tons of evidence.

I to think L+R=J and your quote is the reason I believe that's in the letter,also he wrote that Stannis letter and gave it to a man from his household gaurd and told him to give it to no one but Stannis. Why would he do it twice. You know I figure he believes it's gonna be his last words and he wants to make things right.

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People, he didn't write anything.

"Would you at least consent to carry a message out for me? That would depend on the message. I will gladly provide you with paper and ink, if you like. And when you have written what you will, I will take the letter and read it, and deliver it or not, as best serves my own ends."

It was just a question for Varys, a possibility. Also, wrong subforum.

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People, he didn't write anything.

"Would you at least consent to carry a message out for me? That would depend on the message. I will gladly provide you with paper and ink, if you like. And when you have written what you will, I will take the letter and read it, and deliver it or not, as best serves my own ends."

It was just a question for Varys, a possibility. Also, wrong subforum.

he said that, it doesn't mean he didn't write the letter.

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SO a better question would be, do you think Ned wrote a letter, a will or final wishes? Perhaps it's a message for Sansa, or Arya...

Think about it, Jon didn't like Varys, he didn't trust him. If anything he detested them, so would he really trust the secret of all secrets to him? Especially if Jon is his blood? I don't think so.

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He almost surely never wrote any letter at all. He was supposed to take the black, plenty of time to talk to Jon or anyone else then, without Varys reading it in letter.

That to is possible, I feel there's something there because, he had the conversion, or why even bring it up. I'd be suspicious of them letting me live after knowing the truth, Cersei confessed he had to think she wouldn't want that info out. I know they said he could take the black but only after he made a confession that HE lied about everything in front of everyone,i'd be suspicious of dying. Not to mention Jon Arryn was killed because he knew the truth. People would believe Ned especially because he had proof in the book, and his sons who was injured while the Lannisters were there and the attempted murder of him after he awoke.

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I have no doubt the letter would have been to Jon about his parentage, but also that he didn't write the letter. Besides providing safe passage for the letter Varys would have had to provide Ned ink and parchment as I doubt such things would have been made freely available to prisoners.

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Maybe he asked Howland to tell Jon about his mother and to help his children.

That would work! There's no way Ned would give his most closely guarded secret to Varys, but Varys wouldn't make much of a letter that says, tell Jon about his Mum.

But I don't think he'd have to write that, surely Howland would know to tell Jon now that Ned can't?

I think the letter, which didn't get written, could have been meant for his eldest son and heir Robb.

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I'm fairly certain he didn't write the letter.

Ned bringing up the subject to Varys shows us, the reader, that he had something else on his mind... That there was something important he needed to tell someone. The fact that he brought it up with Varys but then decided it was too important to risk, helps to show just how important it is.

Basically, it's a sneaky hint that there is something more going on.

My guess would be that, if he did end up writing the letter, it would be to Jon about his parentage.

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I don't think Ned would want to tell Jon about his parents in this situation, it could be used against him in an already precarious situation. And Ned certainly wouldn't want Varys to know, unless Ned somehow figured out what Arya said she saw and believed Varys to be a Targaryen supporter. That'd be really awesome if that was Ned's train of thought, but that's highly unlikely.

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