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If you were ned, how would you restettle the gift?

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If you were Ned stark how would you resettle the Gift?

And you not allowed to bring wildling across the wall, because it seems to easy to do that and be done with it.

First I ask my old friend Robert for the Gift back my sovereignty, all of it.

Second I'll go to the Iron bank and sell parts of it for free, at specific points like Moles town, Queens Crown and a few miles south of East watch under the condition that they build towns there and give charter to hold markets or something.

Third I find a bunch of Hedge Knights, Second Sons and Bastards sons of nobles from North and South and give land and the abandon holdfast's.

Roland Storm as Lord of the East March (East Gift) come to mind.

Then I order a levy of north men 1-50 should do it and send them to the gift. Alternatively I may recruit pheasants from the south or even Essos where they would be more safe in the gift than from the Dothraki. A last option would be to by slaves and free them.

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