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Bodies in the Ice Cells and how the undead work

First of Her Name

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Ok, I am sure I have not read all the topics on this because there are a lot, but I just re-read AGOT and I came up with a theory on the zombie-Other-Walkers. I think they are corpses by day. I mean, it is reiterated over and over that they come out at night. In the prologue to AGOT, Will sees the bodies during the day, but it is night by the time the party makes it back to the spot. Jon and his guys pick up the bodies of the lost NW guys during the day and their eyes are already blue, but they seem as corpses ... until night.

So it seems as though the Others, in both the prologue and with the NW guys, had strategically placed themselves to serve as bait while they were corpses so that the NW would be vulnerable to them when night came. Tricky zombie traps!

This reminds me of those bodies Jon puts in the ice cells later on. Is the reason that those bodies seem to be staying dead just that the NW is only checking on them during the day? Maybe they are waking up every night and sitting there in chains, waiting for someone to open the cells during the night.

This makes the prospect of the foretold "Long Night" seem quite unpleasant, incidentally. It also means that Coldhands is something different than just a Walker who doesn't want to kill humans, since he goes about during the day, no problem.

I just came up with this and I imagine the first reply is going to be "congrats you picked up on something most everyone has already discussed ad infinitum," but I haven't seen the discussion anywhere, so if someone could point me in the direction of any discussion of this question, or to an instance that disproves my corpse-by-day theory please do. Thanks. :)

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  • 2 months later...

You definitely could have a point, but I think that the reason the bodies aren't resurrecting could just have to do with the fact that bodies cannot reanimate within the Wall. I don't have the book on me, but the ones in the first book were in Mormont's chambers which I thought were in Castle Black. Also, Coldhands wasn't allowed under the Wall either.

Buttttt there is clear evidence that the Others only show up at night so since the Wights are under their control; they may be powerless during the day.

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