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Howland Reed


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We know something happened at TOJ and Howland Reed is the only survivor from that event (that we know of) and I feel like when he does appear he will reveal a HUGE game changer most think it will be R+L=J and I agree. But for some reason I feel like something else happened at the TOJ that he will reveal which will by itself be a huge game changer as well, I don't know but its just a feeling. Anyway It seems like Howland Reed will appear in WOW. But here is my question/curiosity, how will it happen. Do you think someone will go to him at Greywater or do you believe that Howland is already in play but is going by another name/character thus making the reveal even more powerful. Ideas, thoughts?

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There are many possibilities. One is that Stannis will go to the neck on the way to going south. Another possibilities is Davos/Manderly.

Maybe even Theon/Asha will have some meeting with him, who knows? But I think GRRM said that we will actually see him in the coming books.

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Will it be such a huge game changer? For the readers, but in-universe? The sort of people who are in charge (with the exception of Dany and possibly Doran) don't seem the type to put faith by words.

I wouldn't be surprised if Howland never appears, or is killed offscreen, it'd be the thing that GRR would do. :D

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GRRM said we'd meet him. My guess is he will arrive at Winterfell. When/ before Boltons destruction. Don't forget that Robb sent a third of his infantry into the Neck before the Red Wedding to meet up with the Reeds and be led threw to the North of Moat Cailin, and this also seems like the place Robbs will went, and logically the survivors of the camps outside the Red Wedding. It seems completely unlikely that everything going on there will never tie into the upcoming fight against Bolton and Frey.

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If the GNC is taking place that would be an easy way to introduce Howland. He'd already probably be in touch with BWB and LS and Wyman Manderly.

Victarion left a lot of his men in the Neck when he headed to Slaver's Bay, if he returns to Westeros with Dany it is likely that he would try to get in touch with those men and that could put him and Dany in contact with Howland.

When I first heard the theory that the new High Septon was actually Howland in diguise I thought the theory was as crackpot as it gets, but when you read the original post on the subject he makes a pretty strong case. That would mean he's already in play.

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Will it be such a huge game changer? For the readers, but in-universe? The sort of people who are in charge (with the exception of Dany and possibly Doran) don't seem the type to put faith by words.

I wouldn't be surprised if Howland never appears, or is killed offscreen, it'd be the thing that GRR would do. :D

The "faith by words" bit is interesting.

Dany thinks that the Starks are the "usurpers dogs" thanks to Viserys and thats not technically wrong but I dont think any readers want to see more Starks die (at least at dany's hand).

However, if it is revealed that Ned Stark raised and protected Dany's relative, then she would perhaps change her mind about surviving Starks who see Jon as their brother.

Kind of saves the remaining Starks from Dany and the Dragons wrath which just eliminates one possibility out of the multitude of potential deaths.

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Will it be such a huge game changer? For the readers, but in-universe? The sort of people who are in charge (with the exception of Dany and possibly Doran) don't seem the type to put faith by words.

I wouldn't be surprised if Howland never appears, or is killed offscreen, it'd be the thing that GRR would do. :D

Nah. He promised that HR would appear. Granted he didn't say for how long. He could die at the end of the first chapter he's in. Which would suck. With all this build-up I'm hoping he's a really cool character.

I agree, OP. There is probably more to it than just the reveal on Jon's parentage.

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HR is just chilling at GW, and biding his time. I think he may appear when Stannis comes south towards the Neck.

Victarion left a lot of his men in the Neck when he headed to Slaver's Bay, if he returns to Westeros with Dany it is likely that he would try to get in touch with those men and that could put him and Dany in contact with Howland.'s already in play.

Except those men in the Neck are obviously dead if you managed to read Theon's chapters in ADwD.

Why would Dany ir Victarion want to meet HR?

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Greywater Watch moves. I think Reed has some abilities the non crannogmen don't have. Perhaps they learned something or interbred with C ot F

According ot Meera in ASOS Bran II, the crannogmen (who is Howland Reed) in her story visited the Isle of Faces and met/learned from the Green Men. He stayed with them for awhile before going to the Harrenhal Tourney. Who knows what they taught him?

I think Howland will appear soon. We don't know all of Howland's abilities, but if he has some sort of dream or indication that Jojen dies in WOW, then I think he'll start heading north.

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If he comes to Westeros he would clearly have learned if the Ironborn no longer have the Neck.

Euron sent Victarion to Slaver's Bay so that he could bring back Dany for Euron to marry. Victarion intends to marry Dany himself (I suspect it will be a salt wife situation). So when Vic returns to Westeros he'll need to be concerned that he could immediately end up in a conflict with Euron. It would make sense that he would want to make his first landing somewhere where he believes he has loyal men but where Euron doesn't. I'm sure Euron has spies throughout the Iron Islands so I wouldn't be surprised if the Neck is where Vic goes when he first returns to Westeros so that he can find out what's been happening while he was away.

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Euron sent Victarion to Slaver's Bay so that he could bring back Dany for Euron to marry. Victarion intends to marry Dany himself (I suspect it will be a salt wife situation). So when Vic returns to Westeros he'll need to be concerned that he could immediately end up in a conflict with Euron. It would make sense that he would want to make his first landing somewhere where he believes he has loyal men but where Euron doesn't. I'm sure Euron has spies throughout the Iron Islands so I wouldn't be surprised if the Neck is where Vic goes when he first returns to Westeros so that he can find out what's been happening while he was away.

First of all, you mean if Victarion returns to Westeros. I don't see him leaving Essos alive. I think Euron will likely be dead before Dany arrives. The Neck having fallen is all over Westeros, and Victarion left his worst men there in the Neck. I doubt he'd go back there.

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