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Dating #14- we can't all be Freddie Mercury

Kelli Fury

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How dare you not cuddle!

The Bible clearly states in Leroy Chapter 8 verse 1, "thy greatest sin in the eyes of God is to not cuddle with your friend whom you aren't married to"

See, it's not me being anti-cuddlerphobic. That's God.

I won't be able to rest or pat myself on the back until someone is fired from their job for this outrage.

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Yeah, me and my girlfriend typically shower separately unless we are doing it to get naughty with each other. Or that one time that we'd already gotten naughty with each other and had to go get ready for dinner and were pressed for time. Neither of our showers are good for multiple people at a time. I don't mind showering with her though, it's just impractical if we're just doing it to get clean (and not to get dirty, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN).

We do sleep very cuddled up though, and it's been smooth sailing ever since the first night we spent together. I'm pretty easy-going when it comes to that, and her being awesome makes it a whole lot easier.

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I've only had trouble sleeping with one person I ever dated, he was a thrasher and a horrible snorer.

I have had trouble with people who won't LEAVE in the morning. I find that feigning amnesia and saying something like, "So, did you drive here or do you need a ride home?" or "Gee, I seem to be out of coffee," is my best bet to get them out of the house. Whenever possible, I go to their place.

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My wife and I do not cuddle while sleeping. We are trying to sleep, why would we be cuddling? For several years now, we don't even share blankets at home, and our relationship has been the better for it.

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I typically leave, too, but Mr. Ironman has been a nice exception to my general rule.

I was emotionally tipsy (upset about my job and my cat) in front of Mr. J at 2 am one night a few weeks ago, and he refused to let me stay. So far, we really haven't talked. Again. IMO, it's kind of mean not to even offer a couch after you've just f*cked an individual.

Yeah, dick move right there.

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As a girl with quite long hair, the problem with cuddling when sleeping is that one of us always ends up lying on or otherwise pulling my hair.

Chataya, 'mean' is a very mild way of putting it. On the bright side, at least he was crystal clear about what parts of you he was interested in, and what parts he isn't.

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As a girl with quite long hair, the problem with cuddling when sleeping is that one of us always ends up lying on or otherwise pulling my hair.

Chataya, 'mean' is a very mild way of putting it. On the bright side, at least he was crystal clear about what parts of you he was interested in, and what parts he isn't.

I keep my hair in a ponytail in bed for this very reason now.

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I typically leave, too, but Mr. Ironman has been a nice exception to my general rule.

I was emotionally tipsy (upset about my job and my cat) in front of Mr. J at 2 am one night a few weeks ago, and he refused to let me stay. So far, we really haven't talked. Again. IMO, it's kind of mean not to even offer a couch after you've just f*cked an individual.

That's why I always leave and don't stay the night. I know a "you've served your purpose as my sex toy now get the fuck out" moment would be too enraging to deal with.

I just zip up and head for the door to avoid any of that

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Reading Mandy's post half asleep it seemed like she was including working in IT as one of the near deal breakers and that everyone agreed with that conclusion... I was getting all defensive, wtf is wrong with IT?!

Then I read the post again.

Haha, I had that reaction too, at first. I was thinking "Hey, I have kids and work in IT. What's so wrong with that?"

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My wife and I do not cuddle while sleeping. We are trying to sleep, why would we be cuddling? For several years now, we don't even share blankets at home, and our relationship has been the better for it.

I swear that by having separate blankets, my wife and I saved our marriage. I think I would have long since murdered her in her sleep, we tried the blanket sharing and just....no...she either takes them all or dumps the whole thing on me, with separate blankets I can curl up with the ratty rag I use and she can either do a thin sheet or a heavy comforter depending on the weather.

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