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House Dayne T-shirt

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I love the books and the show abut I am not much of a geek so I don't own a single piece of ASoIaF merchandise.

Nevertheless, I would like to have something ASoIaF themed. House Dayne is probably my favourite house so I decided to go with that. Their sigil besides being quite nice has the benefit of not being recognisable by show-watchers only and lavender colour suits my complexion just fine :-). I like House Blakfyre too but wearing their T-shirt would just make me look like a Khaleesi supporter to an average observer.

I found couple House Dayne T-shirts available online but neither is exactly what I envisioned and they are also only available in US (I'm in the UK).



I really like the design of the latter particularly on a purple background but I would prefer if the sigil was smaller and if it had the words "Sword of the Morning" or "Starfall" or "Dawn" or "Dayne" somewhere on the T-shirt as well.

I guess if I want such T-shirt to see the light of the day, I will have to design it myself. I'd appreciate any tips or ideas on how to do that or were to look for some unusual ASoIaF themed items. Thanks a lot.

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