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(TptaQ spilers) What would you have done in lord Mootons situation?


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Following the sack of Tumbletown by the great betrayers, princess Rhaenyra sent word to lord Manfryd Mooton ( currently hosting prince Daemon and nettles) to kill Nettles, who was rumored to be sleeping with Daemon. He have already lost his elder brother for the blacks cause but if he didn't do as asked he would be attained, his castle potentially burned, his family killed.


IRL his maester came up with a solution, " acting on his own initiative" to warn the prince and nettles. As it was, this was unnecessary as lord Mooton joined the Greens and protected his maester.

For me, this was one of the best and most interesting moment of the novella. While I still didnt support the Greens, after this event i couldnt support Rhaenyra. I could really feel sorry for Lord Mooton, and believed he was one of the few people doing the right thing ( morally) throughout the novella.

​But suppose you were in his shoes when you received the order. What would you have done, without the advantage of hindsight.Would you have done the same thing, with the fate of your entire family on the line?

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