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Sasquan Spokane 2015 Worldcon

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In the interest of the future of GAMING? OF COURSE! Anytime you want to hand off Mini-Friscs pass them over to Grandma Lily. If it means leaving my family a few weeks early, PLEASE CALL ME.

You are out of excuses.

I'll be in Portland, OR or somewhere nearby from the 13th ish of July until the 15th is of August when I travel to Seattle. If y'all are around come and visit.

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I finally got around to sorting membership and flights etc...

I'm arriving monday night and leaving sunday morning. Can't wait to see everyone!

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I just got a "thanks but no thanks" message from whoever is running the volunteers at Sasquan. They said they recieved 800 requests to be volunteers and could only accomedate 450. This is the first time I've ever seen a con turn down offers for help.


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I just got a "thanks but no thanks" message from whoever is running the volunteers at Sasquan. They said they recieved 800 requests to be volunteers and could only accomedate 450. This is the first time I've ever seen a con turn down offers for help.


If the thought of relaxing for an entire con disturbs you, I'm sure you can just assert your volunteer dominance and get people to give their duties to you. If not, just do whatever you want--who's gonna stop you? Print out cards that say "5 Minutes" and just pop into random panels at random times and wave it at the moderator. Draw up a floor plan for the masquerade stage and just give it to some dude in a helmet. Give guided tours of the con suite.

The possibilities are endless.

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I just got a "thanks but no thanks" message from whoever is running the volunteers at Sasquan. They said they recieved 800 requests to be volunteers and could only accomedate 450. This is the first time I've ever seen a con turn down offers for help.


Scot, we're throwing 2 parties and have a table to man. Consider your weekend totally full.

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Hey guys!

How does the voting thing work? I'm at a lost with that. Bill, I remember you telling me about it, but I can't seem to remember how. :dunce:


How it goes, not how you told me :P


Since I believe you have your Sasquan Membership.

  • Go to Sasquan's Site Selection page.
  • Download a copy of the ballot.
  • Fill out the ballot, adding your membership number helps
  • Mail in the ballot with the $40 voting fee=2017 supporting membership
  • You can also pay online, add token information to ballot


  • At Sasquan
  • Go to the site selection area
  • Fill out ballot
  • Pay the fee
  • Get ribbon
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