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Your life in Westeros

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Ideal Occupation: A tailor or innkeeper in Dorne

Ideal Liege Lord: Doran Martell

Ideal King: Tyrion or Jon

Ideal Husband: A Dornish tradesman

Picked Dorne, as I'm female, and they tend to treat women a bit better than the rest of Westeros. I also love deserts and oceans, and Dorne's got both. That desert+the peninsula itself offer some protection against invaders, and Others. The Southern location might also mitigate the winter. Sorry for not picking among named characters for my spouse. Sadly, the named folk are unlikely to be long lived.

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Ideal Occupation: Just a minor lord of a small keep in Dorne

Ideal Liege Lord: Prince Doran of House Nymeros Martell, succeeded by Princess Arianne

Ideal Monarch: Aegon VI, if in fact he is the real Aegon, or, barring that, Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen

Ideal Spouse: Doesn't have to be anyone special, just a nice Dornish lady from another minor house, or not. We marry for love, not politics. I KNOW I KNOW I'm a big ol softie

ETA oh actually if there are no minor lord positions available i would totally be down to be a guide through the Red Mountains and the desert for those unfamiliar with the terrain. Maybe that would be my job up until it got me recognized by Doran and granted a minor lordship.

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