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Danaerys/Cersei parallels


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Aside from the obvious similarities between Danaerys and Cersei, i.e. highborn, blonde etc. there are also other similarities between them. They both have three 'children', both forced into marriages by family for power and Cersei's relationship with Jaime is similar to the traditional incest of the Targaryens.

Then, towards the end of ADWD, Cersei had to walk through the streets of King's Landing and Danaerys had to try to get back to Meereen. Whilst they were in slightly different circumstances both were challenging in their own way and they were both all but naked. The most striking thing about it though was the fact that they had both been made bald, which is not something that has happened to either before, and it happened to both within a few chapters

I wonder if you guys think that could signify something, or whether it's a coincidence. Could Martin be hinting that Danaerys is the 'younger and more beautiful' queen, or that Cersei is really a Targaryen?

Sorry if this has been discussed before (I'm new)

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The most striking thing about it though was the fact that they had both been made bald, which is not something that has happened to either before, and it happened to both within a few chapters

Dany has been bald before. When she came out of Drogo's pyre she was completely bald.
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I would say their parallels are more visible along the lines of prophecies. Not really parallels though. Cersie had one prophecy in her life and she allowed it to ruin her life. Daenerys on the other hand, has had magical things happening in her life yet she is still wary of prophecies.

Cersei doesn't care about her subjects while Daenerys says, "a Queen does not belong to herself but to her people."

Cersei believes ruling is her right while Dany be lives she must first learn.

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Aside from the obvious similarities between Danaerys and Cersei, i.e. highborn, blonde etc. there are also other similarities between them. They both have three 'children', both forced into marriages by family for power and Cersei's relationship with Jaime is similar to the traditional incest of the Targaryens.

Bran, welcome to the forums. May you have nice time here. :cheers:

Alas, these parallels don't work, IMO. For every parallel you named there is like 2 dozens of differences between these two. Furthermore, their hair is not the same. Cersei has golden-blonde hair, while Dany's silvery Targ-hair. Plus, if you use incest as parallel, then you have to actually acknowledge that Dany was never into her brother.

If you are looking for similarities, both know shit about ruling. Both refuse to acknowledge that. And both have a volatile and (self-)destructive temper.

This, OTOH, is a valid parallel. Dany is not as bad as Cersei, but there are some moments when she is dangerously close to what Cersei is.

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Cersei doesn't care about her subjects while Daenerys says, "a Queen does not belong to herself but to her people."

Cersei believes ruling is her right while Dany be lives she must first learn.

Although Dany does care for her subjects, she also have the same entitlement Cersei, and the rest of boy club have. Basically, she believes she is the right person for Westeros not for a second thinking about whether Westeros needs her. She wants to be better in ruling, but she is not someone who doesn't believe ruling is not her right... All that talk of dragon's blood speaks volumes about entitlement.

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I find their parallelism in accordance with how they emerge from trouble.

Cersei's WOS was heavily damaging to her, but Dany's dive into the pit, flight, and wander through the Dothraki sea are not exactly pride-breaking. Her confidence is just like that scene where Emilia Targaryen emerged from the bath in that show as if it was nothing.

GRRM's interviews indicate to me that he purposefully put Dany, Jon, and Cersei in positions of power with hard choices to make to let us judge. Jon, I think most would agree, is the best but not great, and Cersei is by far the worst. If I may be a little bold, I think that Dany's ruling is supposed to be a positive contrast to Cersei. Dany gets bad circumstances and makes poor choices, but does not buckle under pressure whereas Cersei actually had good circumstances when Tywin died, began her rule, made poor choices, and basically went ape shit.

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Dany tries and fails, Cersei just fails

But seriously, i see no real parallels between the two, aside from incompetence. There's a lot more meat for a Jon and Dany comparison, duty vs desires, good will vs pragmatism, mercy vs fear/strength, etc.. Both have to deal with these central conflicts of ruling & leading, while Cersei is obviously not conflicted about anything but herself and her paranoia.

I guess they're all surrounded by enemies and stripped of power in the end. The Queen Dowager mention may be a sign that they'll return to power, harder and stronger (and crazier in Cersei's case).

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I think Daenerys is the 'younger and more beautiful queen'.

Maggy: "Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."

Cersei has no doubt that it's Margaery, but the bad relationship between Cersei and Margaery is Cersei's fault. Margaery is only marrying Tommen, she doesn't want him dead or anything like that, at all. Your son getting married doesn't mean you'll never see him again.

If Cersei opened her mind to it she and Margaery could be good friends...

Daenerys, though... She wants to take the iron throne by force and exterminate house Lannister for what they did to her family.

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If you are looking for similarities, both know shit about ruling. Both refuse to acknowledge that. And both have a volatile and (self-)destructive temper.

I agree with that.

Though I would attest Dany the much better character. As someone said upthread: at least Dany tries to better the life of her subjects and genuinely cares about them. Cercei couldnt give a shit about lowborns (or other human beings in general). Cercei clearly is the epitome of a self-centered, egoistic, narcissistic human being. Dany is not.

We should be fair (even if I dont like Dany myself).

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If you are looking for similarities, both know shit about ruling. Both refuse to acknowledge that. And both have a volatile and (self-)destructive temper.

there is also the difference that Cersei grew up in a high lord's home, spent time around a highly praised Hand of the King/father, and spent years at court as Robert's queen before getting to rule as she did in feast... and learned nothing.

I took Dany's decision to stay in Meereen as very much an acknowledgement that she doesn't know ruling. and her poor hand at trying can be in part explained by lack of teaching and experience (yes, I know, reasons she shouldn't try to rule in the first place but we'll leave that discussion for another thread) whereas Cersei failed to learn anything even though she grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth.

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I think the way AFFC and ADWD are set up, we are supposed to notice the parallels and compare the two. Cersei is a foil for Dany: They deal with very similar situations in very different ways, leading to different outcomes, whether it is ruling as a woman in a traditionally patriarchal society, dealing with vague prophecies, being surrounded by a court full of liars with their own agendas or being forced to marry against their will.

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The most striking thing about it though was the fact that they had both been made bald, which is not something that has happened to either before, and it happened to both within a few chapters

I thought it could be compared to Arya because she was the one who was also first made bald in ADWD. They both had positive reactions instead of having a complete meltdown or being angry. Cersei said hair grows back and Arya just shrugged it off and saw the benefit of lice not being a problem anymore.

On tumblr I saw a graphic that compared Cersei's reaction to Catelyn's don't cut my hair line.

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