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Brienne's Shield


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(warning ... possible spoilers)

Hi everyone. This is possibly the dumbest question ever, but has anyone figured out what the new painting on Brienne's shield is? I know it means something, and was wondering if the star on it is the one that "Dawn" was cast from? I hope this doesn't spoil anything for anyone.

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The general consensus is that Brienne's shield holds the coat of arms of Ser Duncan the Tall, the protagonist of the 'Dunk and Egg' novelettes. (A great read, if you haven't already read them.)


The meaning behind the sigil is given in the first of the Dunk and Egg stories, The Hedge Knight.

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And a possible meaning behind Brienne holding that specific shield, is given in these SSMs (spoiler tagged in case you don't want to read them) ;) :

[summary: ALANMAC asked if any of Dunk's descendants appear in _A Song of Ice and Fire_]

Oh maybe


But I did get up the courage to blurt out one small SoIaF query, which was if we've met a descendent of Dunk's in the SoIaF. He said yes.


Asked if he'll ever tell which character is Dunk's descendent. Got a rather acerbic, "I gave a pretty strong hint in the new book," to which I sheepishly replied "Yea, but I read it real fast, in three days."" I told him I suspected Brienne but thought that she was too obvious and that he'd be more subtle than that and he said, "You think?" Coy bastard.

Link (this SSM is dated after the release of Feast, long before the release of Dance, and thus, the "new book" mentioned here is Feast ;) )

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  • 5 months later...

The general consensus is that Brienne's shield holds the coat of arms of Ser Duncan the Tall, the protagonist of the 'Dunk and Egg' novelettes. (A great read, if you haven't already read them.)


The meaning behind the sigil is given in the first of the Dunk and Egg stories, The Hedge Knight.


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