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In which climate would you like to live?

The Onion Sleight

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I'd say yes...at least, we know the seasons are like they are because of magic. So...

But this particular winter is going to be especially harsh, because of the magic ice zombies that are the main antagonist in the series yet oddly hardly ever get mentioned. So is there usually 3 feet of snow in King's Landing?

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Riverlands or Reach, i prefer a mild climate and lots of rivers/forests. I agree with OP, the former does remind me of Germany. When i was a kid, the first time i was in a plane flying over the country, i realized how crazy green/full of fields & forests the landscape is compared to the mediterranean area, it just blew my mind back then. That's how i picture the Riverlands, anyway. I'd love to live close to the Vale, though, because i like mountains too.

:agree: I'm so glad that I'm just living NEAR Frankfurt, and not in the metropole itself, so I can enjoy the great nature here, which is exactly my picture of the RL too.

I also love the Rhineland (our real life Riverlands?), it's so beautiful with its large river, and grape vine fields and romantic castles or 'cliche german' Fachwerkhäuser: https://www.google.de/search?client=safari&hl=de&biw=320&bih=460&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=hCgXVPWpMaX8ywP164DgCQ&q=rheinland+landschaft&oq=rheinland&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.41l2j0l3.16139.19232.0.21288.

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But this particular winter is going to be especially harsh, because of the magic ice zombies that are the main antagonist in the series yet oddly hardly ever get mentioned. So is there usually 3 feet of snow in King's Landing?

I honestly doubt it. I mean...KL is a port city; the sea should make the climate softer...we ain't seeing that, so I guess this is because of magic. Because if it's not, and I cannot imagine how the things must be up North.

Well, I do know.

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Across the lake, in Rochester, I'd argue our climate is more wacky than that :p

Anyway, Dorne would seem cool, but I like cloudy places with lots of rain, so.... I guess the Stormlands. The Rainwood would probably be really cool.

I also love rain and even more storm; my family has a house at the North Sea and I adore the stormy, windy, rough weather there, the tides and sheep on the dike, high waves and dunes, the watt and fresh fish and crabs *sigh*, I love the Sea...

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