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Melisandre Glammers? Plural?


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In aDwD, Mel is explaining how Rattleshirt's bones help with Mance's glammer. I don't know the exact quote, but she mentions, among other things, that a man's boots, ... or a man's fingerbones, can help with the glammer because people see what they want to see. Has there been any discussion on the possibility of her having possession of Davos' fingerbones, and if so, could a version of Davos be masquerading about?

Not a lot of evidence I know, but I was listening to the audiobook on the way to work and thought it was oddly specific that she mentioned finger bones.

Any other Mel glammers wandering around?

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It is odd that she would mention fingerbones. They are/were central to his character, because of why he had his fingers cut off, it is a character-defining moment for him and all.

Wouldn't it take much more to glamour herself a Davos body? What people expect to see when they see Ser Davos would be a upjumped knight, an unadorned smuggler. The bones were personal to him, and they shouldn't aid in how others perceive his physical body. Excepting the bag around his neck, which was only a bag to them

That is specific though, huh? FINGERBONES. Well, when I get to that part (I am rereading), I will pay close attention.

How far do you think Melisandre can be from someone she glamours before the glamour wears off?

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Thanks for the response. That brings up another good question about who she might want to turn into a Davos glamour down the road. She does have respect for his loyalty to Stannis so there's not really incentive to use his image to deceive. My guess is that she only said "fingerbones" because she somehow got her hands on them (seems unlikely), and intends to use them for a glamour in the future. I don't buy into this myself, but definitely keep an eye out for the specific "fingerbones" reference in your reread. The specific nature of the comment is what piqued my interest.

RE: "How far do you think Melisandre can be from someone she glamours before the glamour wears off?"

I bet she can't be very far from the glamour, she makes it sounds quite taxing.

I really enjoyed the Melisandre chapter because she is such an enigma. Fingers crossed we can get some more insight into her relationship with Benero and the rest of her order in WoW. Considering she's such a servant of R'hllor, you'd think she'd have some stronger bonds with her peers, or they would have respect for her prowess. Perhaps Red Priests/Priestesses are very competitive with one another in their devotion.

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I found her specific mentioning of them odd as well. She knows how loyal he is to Stannis and knows Stannis would listen to him. She seems to like and admire Davos so I don't think she'd harm him, but she may need to use "him" to talk Stannis into something. I just don't know how she would obtain them. Anyone know if someone near Davos during the Battle of the BW was wearing a pulsating ruby?

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