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Diplomacy: Midlands Turn 2 Months 4-6(Spring)

Lord Syv Aldlark

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Diplomacy Midlands: Turn 2, Months 4-6 (Spring)

Map: http://imgur.com/JyDGcfq

Rules: http://www.wattpad.com/story/23822545-diplomacy-middlelands-of-westeros

Houses: http://www.wattpad.com/story/24451391-diplomacy-houses

Natural Deaths This Turn:

Lord Jon Vardmador (78)

Lord Change:

Robert Vardmador takes up the mantle of Lord of House Vardmador


Nox Irradiata- House Shadestone: 5/4

Leonardo- House Longwills: 4/3

JTaylor- House Deschain: 4/4

Bright Blue Eyes- House Vardmador: 7/4

Primus- House Prime: 4/3

Arya Stark Rules- House Demetrius: 4/4

Captain Lemon- House Meyer: 4/5

Lord Lyman- House Cayden: 3/4

TheCrannogDweller- House Wyndseer: 8/4

Reek Havoc- House Rylland: 3/2

Et Cetera Mouse- House Perrey: 4/3

Anomaly- House Kovertel: 3/4

Dobromir- House of Crows: 5/3

Slurms Mckenzie- House Slippyfingers: 3/4

Eorl- House Rohirrim: 5/3

Sword of the Morning Wood- House Dunedin: 4/3

Grand Tournament of Winters End

The last snows of winter began to thaw. House Shadestone calls for a celebration of the cold and for the hope of a long summer. Lords and Ladies of the land all meet under the same walls for the first time. Whispers and rumor, young blushing lads and ladies meeting future brides and friends fill the halls of Stonetree with laughter and merriment. Underneath the veil of celebration; there are whispers and neighbors talk. For no matter how friendly everyone appears everyone also knows that one day there will be fighting and what better place to forge future alliances than a tournament?

1st Event Melee: Rurisk Wyndseer- 50 points- Wins 4 Gold and 1 Dragon Egg

Deaths: Chrystopher Cayden suffers a blow to the head, at first everything seems fine until the man drops to the ground and stops moving.

2nd Event Treasure Dive: Asha Shadestone- 48 points- Wins 2 Gold

Maimed: Hilarion Demetrius is diving for treasure when a rock shifts. It lands on the man’s foot crushing it. Luckily he is able to move it and make it to the surface before drowning.

William Dunedin is returning to the surface between the two competition ships. A swell of water pushes the two ships together and Williams shield arm is crushed between the two sides. He is dragged safely to the ships where Maesters try and set his arm.

3rd Event Ale Drinking: Danelle Perrey- 50 points- Wins 1 Gold

Maimed: Wylla Perrey does not get far into her cups before she is stumbling around laughing. She trips over a stool and catches her dress on fire. Before it can be put out it burns her right leg.

Deaths: Maedhros was neck and neck with Danelle Perrey, but he passed out when it was down to the final three. Some of his family took him off to his tent to sleep it off. The next morning when they went to wake him they found him cold with a trial of spittle rolling down his face.

4th Event Axe Throwing: Aeglos Rohirrim- 49 points- Wins 1 Gold

Maimed: Steffon Rylland slips in the mud and the axe he is about to throw flies up into the air. He falls to the ground and shields his face with his hands. The axe blade buries itself into his hand nearly cutting it all the way off.

Legacy Points:

Nox Irradiata- House Shadestone: 42

Leonardo- House Longwills: 23

JTaylor- House Deschain: 19

Bright Blue Eyes- House Vardmador: 29

Primus- House Prime: 11

Arya Stark Rules- House Demetrius: 17

Captain Lemon- House Meyer: 19

Lord Lyman- House Cayden: 19

TheCrannogDweller- House Wyndseer: 35

Reek Havoc- House Rylland: 37

Et Cetera Mouse- House Perrey: 15

Anomaly- House Kovertel: 17

Dobromir- House of Crows: 9

Slurms Mckenzie- House Slippyfingers: 13

Eorl- House Rohirrim: 17

Sword of the Morning Wood- House Dunedin: 21

This turn will end Thursday October 16th at 9:00 PM UTC

The levy deadline for this turn is Wednesday October 15th at 9:00 PM UTC

Fixing some sheets still; Longwills-Deschain marriage still needs to be added in there- you did get the points. So after the first turn Nox leads in LP by a small margin. If you notice anything I missed be sure to let me know or point it out.

EDIT: Missed 2 LP for Nog fixed; fixed your income Bright Blue Eyes

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2/2 to colonize Acorn Hall

2/2 to build food Castle in Chyttering Brook (As far as I remember, I have 1 food left from last round)

"Lord Crow Stands up on a meeting after the tournament and says:

- I can't let those old farts get all the glory! I will make another tournament! SEND THE INVITATIONS IMMEDIATELY!

- Who should we invite? - asked his right hand.

- EVERYONE!!! - Screamed in fury Lord Crow!"

Tournament starting. Invitations are sent to everyone. Challenges:

" - What should be the challenges My Lord? - said the left hand, while writing the invitations.

- Let's see. Fist fighting, Duel with Swords, Hunting and .....

- Something for the small folks as well, My Lord.

- Very well, treasure hunting it is. "

Main Event: Duel with Swords (Prize: 4 gold) (Male)

Fist Fights (Prize: 2 gold) (Male)

Hunting (Prize: 1 gold) (Male and Female)

Treasure hunting at the mountains (Prize: 1 gold) (Female and Male, but the male must be under 17 y/o)

Crow House participants:

Duel with Sword: Kad, Vesil

Fist Fights: Kad, Vesil

Hunting: Liss, Asha, Kad, Vesil, Greyer

Treasure Hunting: Liss, Asha, Greyer, Mari Petram, Lady Aurora


Marriage proposal: Send Liss to Peckledon to marry Tryvar.


Proposing marriage between Asha from the Crows and Bran, from the Cayden House.

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2/2 to colonize Acorn Hall

2/2 to build food Castle in Chyttering Brook (As far as I remember, I have 1 food left from last round)

"Lord Crow Stands up on a meeting after the tournament and says:

- I can't let those old farts get all the glory! I will make another tournament! SEND THE INVITATIONS IMMEDIATELY!

- Who should we invite? - asked his right hand.

- EVERYONE!!! - Screamed in fury Lord Crow!"

Tournament starting. Invitations are sent to everyone. Challenges:

" - What should be the challenges My Lord? - said the left hand, while writing the invitations.

- Let's see. Fist fighting, Duel with Swords, Hunting and .....

- Something for the small folks as well, My Lord.

- Very well, treasure hunting it is. "

Main Event: Duel with Swords (Prize: 4 gold)

Fist Fights (Prize: 2 gold)

Hunting (Prize: 1 gold)

Treasure hunting at the mountains (Prize: 1 gold)

Crow House participants:

Duel with Sword: Kad, Vesil

Fist Fights: Kad, Vesil

Hunting: Liss, Asha, Kad, Vesil, Greyer

Treasure Hunting: Liss, Asha, Greyer, Mari Petram, Lady Aurora

Which ages and genders are allowed to compete in each event?

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Lord Robert buries his father: "He lived a long and joyful life, I'll live up to his legacy and lead our House to honor and success."

1/1 rent to House Rylland

Return Payne Hall to House Rylland

2/2 Build a food castle at Thurrock

2/0 Build a goldmine at Thurrock

Lord Robert leads some participants to the new tourney:

Duel with Sword: Lord Robert, Theon, Edmure, Damion

Fist Fights: Lord Robert, Theon, Edmure, Damion

Should any squire wish to participate in the tournament as well, they are free to do so.

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2/2 to build a gold castle at Sealskin Point.

2/2 to build a gold castle at Volmark.

2/2 to build a food castle at Harlaw Hill.

Tourney participants:

Duel: Amarok, Markas, Hylas, Andronikas

Fist Fight: Amarok, Markas, Hylas, Bartok

Hunting: Thalyssa, Asha, Fae

Treasure: Tiberias, Sargeras, Thalyssa, Asha, Fae

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2/2 to colonize Scorched Vale


Duel with Swords: Terrem, Matthar, Kennet, Jeffory, Howland

Fist Fights: Terrem, Matthar, Kennet, Jeffory, Howland

Hunting: Matthar, Kennet, Jeffory, Howland, Cosima, Danelle, Mallora

Treasure hunting at the mountains: Cosima, Danelle, Mallora, Terrem Matthar, Jeffory

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2/2 to colonize high heart

2/2 to colonize saltpans

Propose marriage of Steven Deschain to Arwen Rohirrim

Duel with swords: Caleb, Roland, Steven

Fist FIght: Steven

Hunting: Caleb, Roland

Treasure Hunting: Bethany, Adam (if allowed he is squiring for Lord Longwills)

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2/2 to colonize Scorched Vale

2/2 to raise 1000 at Crown Crag


Duel with Swords: Terrem, Matthar, Kennet, Jeffory, Howland

Fist Fights: Terrem, Matthar, Kennet, Jeffory, Howland

Hunting: Matthar, Kennet, Jeffory, Howland, Cosima, Danelle, Mallora

Treasure hunting at the mountains: Cosima, Danelle, Mallora, Terrem Matthar, Jeffory

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2/2 to colonize Stoney Sept.

2/2 to colonize Drox Castle.

Tryvar Rylland receives Liss Crow at Peckledon, and they are married shortly after.

Tourney Participants:

Duel with Sword: Lord Theonn, Gryffon, Steffon, Tryvar

Fist Fights: Lord Theonn, Gryffon, Steffon, Tryvar

Hunting: Lord Theonn, Lady Margot, Gryffon, Steffon, Tryvar, Khrystabelle, Ursaline

Treasure Hunting: Lady Margot, Khrystabelle, Ursaline, Daphnna, Jyspar, Cedric

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