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How would you feel if Cersei ended up becoming a silent sister?

Poppa Chase

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She deserves a worse fate than that.

I agree, she does deserve a fate worse than that, but I am hopeful that at least we'd still have her insane thoughts in a POV. In all honesty, they'd have to cut out her tongue to enforce the silence part, though.

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I would feel like there was a climax missing from her personal story arc. While there could be some mileage in a story about a power-hungry queen who ends up trading all the drama for a quiet life of religious contemplation, this is not that story.

Her arc isn't over yet. We haven't reached the climax of it.

Cersei as a Silent Sister would make me burst out laughing. No way that's going to work out, for them or for her.

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I would like it actually. If you think about it, it is a crueler punishment for Cersei than death.

If she dies, she at least has the opportunity of going out in a blaze of glory. Not so as a silent sister.

She would be stripped of everything she loves. Her children, her titles, her power. She could not longer have the enjoyments of life ( fine food, sex, admiration for her beauty etc.)

There are plenty of examples in medieval history of troublesome female nobles being sent to convents.

It would be fun seeing some bossy, prudish, no nonsense septa, monitoring her every move, and stopping her from having her fun :drool:

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I would like it actually. If you think about it, it is a crueler punishment for Cersei than death.

If she dies, she at least has the opportunity of going out in a blaze of glory. Not so as a silent sister.

She would be stripped of everything she loves. Her children, her titles, her power. She could not longer have the enjoyments of life ( fine food, sex, admiration for her beauty etc.)

There are plenty of examples in medieval history of troublesome female nobles being sent to convents.

It would be fun seeing some bossy, prudish, no nonsense septa, monitoring her every move, and stopping her from having her fun :drool:

And THEN someone strangles her?

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Generally, I wouldn't like that... I would like to see her paying for all the wrong-doings she has committed, and TBH, I find nothing satisfying in her either becoming Silent sister (why do we think it is the worst possible thing in the world?) or someone doing something atrocious to her (a la High Septon). I want her dead, but I want her to know why she is being killed, to know that she is paying for everything that she is done. Alas, I doubt I will see that.

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I know shes going to die but a part of me cant help but feel sorry for her. The most horrible thing I can think of is seeing my child die. And she is going to watch them all die. I think she may be looking forward to death by then.

But she would never be a silent sister. I can see jeyne poole becoming one, if she lives. Which she prolly wont. (jeyne that is)

All in all I think I will be sad when cersi dies, but I would be disappointed if she became a silent sister

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