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On the subject of kinslaying

James Steller

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Assuming Euron was behind Balon's death, and assuming Victarion or Asha somehow find out, would they be permitted to avenge Balon without being cursed as kinslayers?

I'm reminded of the story of Orestes, where he technically avenged his father by killing his mother yet he was still cursed by the Furies for his crime. But is it a similar situation with the rules of kinslaying?

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Not sure what the Ironborn rules are regarding laws and trials, but I'd guess if they kill Crows Eye for revenge (not through the law) then that would be kinslaying, if Euron is found guilty I don't think that would be kinslaying.

I don't think it will matter though, I see foreshadowing for Euron in the story of Harren, I expect his death to come from the dragons.

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Well, we can use any family in Westeros as examples for this question. Like, what if Samwell was murdered by Randyll and for some reason Dickon found out and wanted to avenge his older brother. He's technically slaying a Kinslayer but that makes him one himself.

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Even if they are scared of kinslaying... Giving the order vs actually doing the deed can be very different. Because the name is called kin"slaying" not kin"ordering you to be killed". Slaying implies you actually did the deed.

True but some people say that Stannis is a Kinslayer despite his not having actually struck the killing blow.

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I'm sure it would be easy enough to wiggle around the technicalities of kinslaying if it's in the name of giving justice.

As is, they could always just toss him in the deepest, darkest cell on Pyke and leave him to rot. Fairly sure a 'natural' death in prison wouldn't count.

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In the matter if it's still kinslaying if you don't do the deed yourself but send someone else, we do have an ironborn opinion, altough it doesn't settle the matter: Victarion isn't sure if he could order someone to kill Euron without becoming a kinslayer.

Concernig whether it's ok to take revenge on your kin who killed your commom kin, we lack ironborn opinion, we just have some not very trustworthy northern one: Roose talking to Theon about his situation with his bastard Ramsay supposedly having killed his trueborn son Domeric and their father feeling reluctant to take revenge for his trueborn son.

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