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A True Timeline

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Maesters speculate. A lot. So what they say can't be taken at face value.

Past a certain point, all the dates grow hazy and confused, and the clarity of history becomes the fog of legend.
Hoster Blackwood to Jaime Lannister.

This is my attempt at figuring out the true(er) timeline for the history of Westeros. (Not Essos yet). My history also involves the Squishers being one of the original races of Westeros.
All figures are before Aegon's Conquest, which is 300 years from the present.

16'000 years ago. I for one am convinced of the existence of Deep Ones/Merlings/Squishers, and that they are the weirdos who put the black rocks everywhere (tinfoil… not a good start). They coexisted with the Children and Giants, and whatever other ancient races may have existed. Humans begin to migrate from Sothoryos, across the land bridges of Leng and Greater Moraq (which were not yet islands) and to Essos. Like irl, the first moved east, west, and then north.

14'000 yrs. By now the First Men are in the Axe and surrounds. The CotF and Giants war. Perhaps they fight squishers!

12'000 yrs. The First Men arrive in Westeros. After finding Dorne uninhabitable, they move northward, to the Reach and Stormlands and then even further North.

11'500 yrs. The Children smash the Arm of Dorne. Squishers abduct First Men, and make them into thralls on the Iron Islands (the last remnants of the squishers populate this area).

11'000 yrs. The singing of the Pact.

10'500 yrs. The Long Night. The Others invade Westeros, and only an alliance of giants, children and men can defeat them.

10'000 yrs. The Age of Heroes. The Casterlys mine the Rock. Durran raises Storms End against the gods. The Grey King defeat Nagga and becomes king of the Isles. Garth Greenhand spawns the houses of the Reach. Lann swindles the Rock from the Casterlys. Brandon the Builder raises the Wall and Winterfell.

The first "houses" were established in this era, and kings begin to rise, as with the Night's Watch. One of these is the Nights King, a member of the Night's Watch who caused a war between the Watch and the North.

8000 yrs. The Age of a Hundred Kingdoms. The Starks control the west of the North, but are yet to hold the whole North. The Reach is largelly under control of the Gardeners, as most houses are descended from them (not the Hightowers). Dorne, the Stormlands, the Westerlands and the Riverlands are split into scores of Kingdoms. The Fishers unite and become Kings of the entire Riverlands. Brackens and Blackwoods follow in their footsteps.

The Iron Islands are ruled by the kingsmoot, from Goodbrothers, Hoares, Greyjoys, Volmarks and houses inbetween, until House Greyiron takes entire control and makes the rule their alone.

6000 yrs. By now the Starks, Gardeners, Lannisters and Durrandons rule largely uncontested.

5000 yrs. Valyria rises in the east.

4000 yrs. The Andals arrive in Westeros, firstly in the Vale. The Royces rally the other First Men to defeat them, but Ser Artys Arryn defeats him, and becomes king of the whole Vale.

3500 yrs. More Andals arrive, in the riverlands and stormlands. The Mudds rise to stop them, but are destroyed. The islands of Sharp Point, Tarth and Estermont all become Andal land. House Justman rises as king of the riverlands, but are followed by the Teagues, who hire sellswords from other regions. They are unloved, and the riverlands are split into a score of kingdoms. The Andals are turned back from the North by the Marsh Kings, new allies of the Starks.

3000 yrs. The Stormlands become predominantly Andal, while the three Sage Kings of the Gardeners welcome Andals to the Reach. Andals arrive in Dorne. Andals arrive in the Westerlands, where they are opposed by some, but welcolmed by others.

The Starks subdue the Boltons whilst fending off kings from beyond the Wall. Even the Iron Isles fall to the Andals, ending the Greyirons and electing the Hoares, who take control of the western coast of Westeros.

1000 yrs. The Lannisters, Starks, Durrandons, Gardeners, Arryns, Hoares have all prospered, and now have their entire regions under their rule, despite the Andal invasion.

700 yrs. After the Rhoynar are destroyed by the Valyrians, Nymeria takes the 10'000 (1000 probably) ships to Dorne, allying with the Martells they conquer Dorne, opposed mostly by the Yronwoods.

400 yrs. The Durrandons conquer the riverlands.

100 yrs. The Hoares take the riverlands from the Durrandons.

The Doom of Valyria occours. The Targaryens take Dragonstone as their seat.

0 AC. The Targaryens invade conquer Westeros, with the exception of Dorne.

Thoughts? This does lack lots of detail, and doesn't even cover Essos (I plan on doing that later, but that is much foggier). Please let me know if I've made any mistakes.

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The long night happened after the age of heroes.

Qhored the cruel, eho was a driftwood king iirc, fought house justman. This means there already were andals on westerosi soil.

Tge hoares came to power after the andals even invaded the iron islands.

All in all i would say the driftwood kings ruled much longer on the isles than in your timeline. Ah, and im not sure but i think the hoares ruled the riverlands for 300 years (?)

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I'm fairly certain that somewhere or other it states that the Starks had conquered the Neck (which I think is their last great conquest) at the same moment as the first Andal longships landed in Westeros?

You're right, thanks, I put it a few hundred years, because I doubt that the Andals materialised at the North in seconds.

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The long night happened after the age of heroes.

Qhored the cruel, eho was a driftwood king iirc, fought house justman. This means there already were andals on westerosi soil.

Tge hoares came to power after the andals even invaded the iron islands.

All in all i would say the driftwood kings ruled much longer on the isles than in your timeline. Ah, and im not sure but i think the hoares ruled the riverlands for 300 years (?)

I didn't specify where each king was, because we don't know enough. The Hoares weren't Andals, they were just the first to marry Andals. Hoares had been kings before the Andals (most likely) thanks to the kingsmoot.

The kingsmoot destroys any attempt to guess which family was kings at a certain king thanks to the random nature.

The Long Night happened before the Age of Heroes on my timeline for two reasons. I doubt any houses existed back then, and if they did, they would porbably have been destroyed during the Long Night.

Brandon the Builder and Durran Godsgrief existed at the same time, and the Gardeners claim that Lann and Brandon were descended from Garth Greenhand (unlikely) so that puts 4/5 main heroes in the same time frame, which we know to be after the Long Night, as Brandon built the Wall to prevent the White Walkers from attacking again, so by then the Long Night had happened. Thank you for the feedback.

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The worldbook says that qhored the cruel fought house justman who ruled tge riverlands in andal times. But in your timeline the andals appear even in the riverlands much later than qhored.

What i mean is that your timeline says that the driftwood kings rule ended 7000 years ago and that the justmans came to power around 3500 years ago. But the worldbook says that they were contemporaries, so this just cant be. House Jusan were also the first river kings to pray to seven.

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The worldbook says that qhored the cruel fought house justman who ruled tge riverlands in andal times. But in your timeline the andals appear even in the riverlands much later than qhored.

Nah, I said Hoares, as in the family, not specifically Qhored.

The Starks also conquered the Boltons (the last independent kings in the North) just as the first Andals were crossing the Narrow Sea in their longships.

Oh ok, got them a little confused with the Karstarks fending off invaders. But since we don't know truly when the Andals arrive the subduing of the Boltons can be anywhere from 6000-2000 years ago. Boltons seemed belligerent, so I'd like to keep them in power for as long as possible :P

Thanks to both of you.

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What i wanted to say is that qhored the cruel was a driftwood king (who according to your timeline ruled the isles 8000-7000 years ago). From TWOIAF we know that he put an end to the line of house justman (according to your timeline coming to power 3500 years ago). Thats a difference of 4500 years whereas the worldbook explicitly says that they were contemporaries. Thats the inconsistency. Has nothing to do with house hoare. Nevertheless great work.;)

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The Durrandons ruled the riverlands for 300 years, in your timeline they only rule for 200 years

I do not maths well.

Ramsay Penguin

The point is that you cannot have any Andal interactions with Westeros - even in the South - prior to the Starks conquering the Boltons, because the Boltons were subjugated just as the first Andals embarked on the voyage across the Narrow Sea.

Oh ok, thanks.

What i wanted to say is that qhored the cruel was a driftwood king (who according to your timeline ruled the isles 8000-7000 years ago). From TWOIAF we know that he put an end to the line of house justman (according to your timeline coming to power 3500 years ago). Thats a difference of 4500 years whereas the worldbook explicitly says that they were contemporaries. Thats the inconsistency. Has nothing to do with house hoare. Nevertheless great work. ;)

Qhored was a Hoare. He was also a Driftwood king, but by then the Driftwood Crown was heriditary. The Andals extinguished House Greyiron, and House Hoare took over the kingship after them. The Justmans ended when Qhored Hoare attacked them and killed all the males. Driftwood kings lasted until the Andals arrived, when instead of a kingsmoot they had a finger dance competition, and the Hoares won.

Will make some differences to the timeline though, thanks for explaining.

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When I get a chance to assemble it into a coherent post I'll put up all of what's got me thinking this way, but it seems to me that it's much more likely that the real timeline is significantly more compact, and a lot of the legends we hear about come from events that were much more concurrent than they are presented as, rather than the opposite.

This thinking comes from the way our histories in antiquity often substituted impossibly large numbers for more accurate sums to symbolize that it was a fucking lot. Something that is made most clear in many of the older chinese histories where the only numbers that were really used were 1, 2, 3, 5, and a fuckton. Mix in the way myths passed down through the oral tradition through different cultures wind up drifting drastically apart, and you end up with what started as the story of one man splitting into the separate tales of the Night's King and the Last Hero.

Anyway, an interesting post, as it's always fun to read other people's take on how the timeline really fit together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not maths well.

Oh ok, thanks.

Qhored was a Hoare. He was also a Driftwood king, but by then the Driftwood Crown was heriditary. The Andals extinguished House Greyiron, and House Hoare took over the kingship after them. The Justmans ended when Qhored Hoare attacked them and killed all the males. Driftwood kings lasted until the Andals arrived, when instead of a kingsmoot they had a finger dance competition, and the Hoares won.

Will make some differences to the timeline though, thanks for explaining.

The Hoares were Iron Kings, as the Greyiron before them, not Driftwood Kings. So their crown was of black iron, not of Driftwood.

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The Hoares were Iron Kings, as the Greyiron before them, not Driftwood Kings. So their crown was of black iron, not of Driftwood.

Nay. The history of the Iron Isles is a complicated one.

The First King of the Isles was the Grey King, who slew Nagga and built a castle from her bones. After that his 16 sons became the kings of Rock (controlling the island) and Salt (controlling an islands ships). After that, Galon Whitestaff, a priest of the Drowned God called a kingsmoot, and from that Urras Greyiron was chosen as High King of the Isles and wore a driftwood crown. After him came Regnar Drumm, and then more. Driftwood kings were chosen from all ironborn houses, from the kings (Rock Kings) and captain (Salt Kings).

When the Justman kings ruled the riverlands (after the coming of the Andals), Qhored Hoare warred with them, and ended their line and also sacked Oldtown. He was a driftwood king, and also ruled most of the western shore. But then the Lannisters, Hightowers, Farmans, Gardeners etc all began to fight back, and the ironborn power waned. When King Urragon Greyiron died, Urrathon Goodbrother took over, and when Torgon Greyiron (son of Urragon) returned to the isles, he removed Urrathon from power. Torgons son succeded him, and then his great-nephew, thus this nephew Urron Greyiron, made the crown hereditary by slaying all the priests and rivals kings.

This was when the driftwood crown and kingsmoot ended, and the iron crown took over. But then the Andals came, and the Hoares married the Andals and ended the line of the Greyirons. A mass finger dance competition was held, and the winner would be elected king. The winner was Harras Hoare, and he kept the crown hereditary. After this the isles became Andalised, and were made to suffer an invasion by the Lannisters.

Later on, Harwyn Hoare conquered the riverlands from the Durrandons. His grandson Harren commissioned Harrenhal, and Aegon Targaryen landed, and extinguished the line of Hoare. After this the priests raised King Lodos, and Qhorin Volmark also named himself king. But in 2 AC Aegon sorted this out, and allowed them to hold a "lordsmoot" and from this they raised Vickon Greyjoy, and the Greyjoys have ruled the isles ever since.

A brief overview really, this is only to do with the kings, not famous reavers or battles. ;)

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Just by rereading the Iron Born chapter I've learnt more.

The Andals first arrived in the Vale, and then the riverlands.

The Justmans were kings before the Greyirons, and the Greyirons ended at a similar time to when the Andals arrived on the isles, at this time the Gardeners were still First Men king, under Garth Goldenhand. So when the Justmans (the first Andal kings of the riverlands) ruled, the Gardeners were still First Men. Garth conquered the Misty Isles and made them the Shield Isles, and then warred against a Durrandon and Lannister. Then the Andals came to these areas.

Then the Andals took the isles, and extinguished the Greyirons and the Hoares became kings thanks to the mass finger dance-off.

A Lannister invasion was led by Ser Aubrey Crakehall, with Andal blood after this, and this was in the first 50 years of Hoare rule.

So the Andals arrived in the Westerlands and Iron Islands at similar times (within 150 years of each other). It seems the invasion the Riverlands and Vale took a long time, but the Reach, Westerlands, Iron Isles and Stormlands were conquered much quicker.

I'm suprised the Andal invasion wasn't more succinct. Different Andal houses I suppose.

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The Age of Heroes is a problematic concept. Is basically "before the Andals" which means we have it end at different times in different places. For example you have Ironborn "Age of Heroes" kings fighting Andal kings in the Riverlands, which is completely possible, because the Andals haven't reached the Iron Islands yet.

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The Age of Heroes is a problematic concept. Is basically "before the Andals" which means we have it end at different times in different places. For example you have Ironborn "Age of Heroes" kings fighting Andal kings in the Riverlands, which is completely possible, because the Andals haven't reached the Iron Islands yet.

Yes, the Age of Heroes, and the Age of a Hundred Kingdoms are tricky to decipher.

The Age of Heroes happened after the Long Knight (the Last Hero started it all), and from this we have Brandon the Builder, the Grey King, Garth Greenhand, Durran Godsgrief, Lann the Clever etc.

We have houses such as Strong, Casterly, Crakehall, Florent, Yew, Rowan etc. That is a lot of houses, and I guess that most of those houses went on to become kings.

Then occours the Age of a Hundred Kingdoms.

However, when it is revealed that there is only four kingdoms in the Reach (Gardener of the Reach, Redwyne of the Arbor, Hightower of Oldtown and the western marches (Peake or Tarly)). Tarth, the Stormlands and Masseys Hook were all individual kingdoms, and there is 3-5 in Crackclaw point, plus the Mootons and Darklyns. In Dorne there is Fowler, Yronwood, Dayne. The Westerlands had Reynes, Westerlings, Farmans, Baneforts and Lannister kings. The North had around 20. That only gives us about 40 kingdoms.

Then the Andals invade. So it goes First Men invasion, Long Knight, Age of Heroes, Age of Hundred Kingdoms then the Andals land.

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We can state with certainty, however , that men have lived at the mouth of the Honeywine since the Dawn Age. The oldest runic records confirm this, as do certain fragmentary accounts that have come down to us from maesters who lived amongst the children of the forest. One such, Maester Jellicoe, suggests that the settlement at the top of Whispering Sound began as a trading post, where ships from Valyria, Old Ghis, and the Summer Isles put in to replenish their provisions , make repairs, and barter with the elder races, and that seems as likely a supposition as any.

This changes many things. When did this happen? When did maesters live with CotF? Bloodraven said that the maesters learned ravencraft from the CotF and the ravens of old could speak the words.
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