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Patchface and The Drowned God

Peedon Grayjoy

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Could Patchface be an emissary of the Drowned God, or perhaps even the Drowned God himself reborn?

Patchface describes his experience underwater in similar terms as the Ironborn describe the Drowned God's watery halls, and Patchface's prophetic powers seem to come from the visions he saw while underwater much in the same way that Areon Greyjoy (and presumably other priests of the Drowned God) try to induce visions through drowning.

There seems to be a connection and conflict between Patchface and Melisandre. Both characters are introduced in the same chapter (prologue to Clash of Kings), and toward the end of Dance with Dragons Mel calls Patchface "dangerous" and says that she has seen him in her flames with skulls about him. If Patchface were a simple fool why would he show up in her flames, and how could he be powerful enough for her to fear him?

We also see a conflict between the Drown God and the Lord of Light on Victarion Greyjoy's ship. Moqorro calls the Drown God and demon and wants to convert Victarion from his formerly pious ways.

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Well... just because the Drowned God is claimed to reside underwater, and strange things happened to Patchface after spending some time underwater, doesn't mean that Patchface has directly met the Drowned God. There could very well be a connection, but the DG could easily be a myth, a misconception of the "true" phenomena going on underwater, but we haven't seen these details yet. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if either the supposed Kraken sightings or the "dead things in the water" also could be involved somehow, all tying up to something we haven't been presented yet.

I think it's a little rushed to draw lines between everything we've been told, and assuming we've seen the whole picture. We haven't. There are two whole books left, and every detail hasn't been revealed yet. In some instances, we haven't even seen the broad strokes of the story.

Besides, a good portion of the religions out there have a quite large possibility of being false. Every prophecy isn't necessarily legit, it could be just wild guesses sometimes.

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