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Who will get the Twins and other Castles?

Shadow Cat 75

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I was thinking about which houses would not last the series and which house would rise up to take their place. Some of them where easy, house Bolton replaced by a new Wildling house either Rayder or Gaintsbane. The Gift/New Gift will likely be repopulated by the Wildlings with all the lands beyond the wall surrender over to the Others in a peace. Now I believe that house Frey will be almost totally destroyed by the end of the series and they will pay for breaking guest right when they did the red wedding. The Tullys would likely reclaim Riverrun in the end and drive the Freys out but I am not sure which house would get the Twins.

The Twins is a very important castle, which controls a major crossing over the Green Fork of the Trident, so it would be a key location to control.

I would love the Castle where so many Starks and North Men were killed be given to a Northern house and have it. Have it also become a banner house to Winterfell as the most Southern house beyond even the neck but who?

I thought maybe if Jon becomes King in the North with Val as his queen, give it to Rickon or maybe House Thenn if the Karstarks return or another Wildlings house which would more than likely be loyal to the Starks. However a Wildling house would cause a lot of issues in the Riverlands.

Any ideas on who will get the Twins or any other Houses which will lose their castles to a new House?

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I was thinking about that too. I can imagine that if Dany makes to Westeros and the Wall won't fall then the Unsullied joins the Night's Watch (they won't break their vows, excellent crows). Ramsay or Roose dies, the other joins the Watch or escapes to Essos, and Dreadfort goes to Mance, even if Walda gives born to a boy, they will be in Winterfell and become stewards to the Starks (like the Pooles or Cassels). Davos gets Hornwood instead of Rainwood. I too think that the Freys will go extinct, and the Twins may will be separated and given to 2 lords, for example someone who's loyal to Stannis and decides not to go back to the Stormlands, and someone from the Riverlands or the Vale. Riverrun goes back to house Tully, for example Edmure will have a son, so thus the Freys don't completely disappear, only their name will. Also I think that in the Vale Harry Hardyng will rule coz Robert Arryn will die, tho it'd be a shame to lose house Arryn. For Sansa I think that she gets Riverrun if not Edmure, or stays in the Vale with Harry (but I'd prefer a Sansa+"Aegon" pair). I think the most changes will be in the Stormlands coz some of them support Stannis and are in the North while the Golden Company will take over the Stormlands.

And I really hope that house Peake won't get back the 3 castles!

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Brynden, Hoster, or Edmund Blackwood, the Blackwoods will return as Lords of Riverlands, with House Tully being extremely weakened, and House Blackwood will lead a united force of Mallisters, Pipers, Vances, and possibly Brackens to retake Riverrun and surround and take the Twins.

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There's no way all the Freys get eliminated. Walder has over 100 direct ancestors. They may have the twins taken from them but there will be plenty of Freys still around.

In an ideal world the Mallisters get the Twins after the Tullys retake Riverrun. House Tully of the Crossing would be cool if Brynden could bring himself to father some children.

I can't imagine the Dreadfort going to a Wildling house. I don't think the Wildlings south of the wall is a long term proposition.

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Some Frey will retain the Twins.. if not, I'd like to see one of the BWB get it. Perhaps even making it sort of like The Wall. having people serve the crossing rather than controlling it. Nah, maybe not but still a neat idea.

Except maybe for Thoros noone there deserves it. They're just as bad as the Freys, if not worse.

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Whatever castles are available, either because their Houses died out or picked the losing side, will be awarded to key supporters of whoever wins in the end. That is how the system works. The castles that change hands and the ones we want to see change hands won't always be the same, and the new Lords who get installed won't all be people we like.

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That would be awesome. I could actually see that happening if Tyrion ends up on the winning side. Hopefully Lady Stoneheart cut him down with Brienne.

It seems likely he was. I think GRRM even commented that he was cut down. Brienne likely wouldn't sell out only to save her live, but someone else's perhaps.

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Bronn will get the Twins, and maybe even Gatehouse Ami:

Bronn shrugged. "You once told me that if anyone ever asked me to sell you out, you'd double the price."

Yes. "Is it two wives you want, or two castles?"

"One of each would serve."

Well, the Twins are two castles, and Gatehouse Ami could end up as the heir if something else happens to the rest of the Freys, so she'd be Bronn's second wife. Plus, she already married a knight once. It's the perfect match.

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Actually by the time GRRM is done with the Freys, I am fully expecting any surviving descendents of Old Walder to keep very quiet about it if not outright deny it. The name is tainted forever by the Red Wedding and those associated with it either have to disown it or die out with it. Its like someone in our world trying to live a normal life with the surname Hitler!

The Twins themselves are in a strategic position which is arguably too powerful to let a non-state actor like a single family control. Imagine a modern country where a corporation controls the only bridge over the main river through the country, I would imagine the government of that country would consider seizing control of that bridge quite high on the list of its national security and sovereignty concerns. Therefore I would suggest if a united kingdom of Westeros remains it would be in the interest of the crown to take control of the Twins and stay in control of them. Likewise an independent kingdom of the Riverlands would also be advised to do the same.

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