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Were the Lorathi Mazemakers wiped out in the Long Night?

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Were the Lorathi Mazemakers wiped out in the Long Night?

The Mazemakers of Lorath are said to be 'larger than men' and to have created elaborate stone maze structures in the earliest history of Lorath. Legend says that they were wiped out by an enemy from the sea -- 'merlings', or 'selkies and walrus-men' from the Shivering Sea.

Were these events in the Long Night?

Are 'merlings' servants of the Great Other (perhaps 'dead things in the water'?) or are they unrelated?

Are 'selkies' skinchangers, like the Farwynds of Lonely Light that are reputed to skinchange with sea mammals?

Or was this some tale of the conflict between the Children in Essos (Ifeqvron?) and Others in the Long Night?



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