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Leng: Woman always inherit?

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It seems like there has been some interspecies breeding going on with Leng, given as they are larger than any normal human beings and have large yellow eyes. If the "deep ones" of leng are in fact children of the forest, then it would follow that the only interbreeding that could occur would be with a male cotf and a female "Lengi" due to anatomy a 9ft tall male would likely kill a female cotf. Perhaps since females are the only ones the cotf will interbreed with, they are viewed as superior by the people who don't understand what's going on.

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It seems like there has been some interspecies breeding going on with Leng, given as they are larger than any normal human beings and have large yellow eyes. If the "deep ones" of leng are in fact children of the forest, then it would follow that the only interbreeding that could occur would be with a male cotf and a female "Lengi" due to anatomy a 9ft tall male would likely kill a female cotf. Perhaps since females are the only ones the cotf will interbreed with, they are viewed as superior by the people who don't understand what's going on.

I'm more inclined to believe that the Deep Ones of Leng aren't CotF, but instead some more Lovecraftian type of monstrosity.

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Inheriting down the female line makes it more likely the bloodline carries on, so if your blood is special because at some point you bred with a magical race it makes sense to keep it as passing from female to female.

Plus it nice to have places where there are different social norms. The East seems a very different place for women in general than Westeros does. There seems to be many legends about women ruling and fighting and such. Seems much more normal there.

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I'm more inclined to believe that the Deep Ones of Leng aren't CotF, but instead some more Lovecraftian type of monstrosity.

Old Ones*

Old Ones of Leng

And yes I want to believe that Old Ones are something different, not regular cotf. They sound creepy as flameo and I don't want tiny dark forest fairies to ruin it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Matrilineal inheritance is actually more common in real life than equal primogeniture (as you have in Dorne).

Minangkabau, Trobridian Islanders, Bunts, plus others whose names or spellings escape me. Most matrilineal people live in highly fertile environments.

Remember that only the mother is known, so matrilineal inheritance actually makes more sense than patrilineal inheritance.

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As mean as this may sound, its also true, matrilineal inheritance only works when there are men willing to fight to uphold the womans claim.

They seem to be more willing to do this in tropical paradises. It seems likely men are willing to put up with the downsides (Not knowing which kids are theirs) only on the condition that the environment is so fertile atleast some of their (potential) children are able to survive.

Or atleast that's my theory.

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IMO they're the Maze Makers, or some deriviate thereof- live deep underground in strange sunken constructions, with abnormally tall height. And they got around, considering the base of the Hightower is either Deep One or Mazemaker construction.

I personally don't think the Old Ones are the Mazemakers, since I think the Mazemakers were just an exceptionally tall race of humans. And I don't think the base of Hightower is either Mazemaker or Deep One construction; it's not made of the oily black stone associated with the Deep Ones, and the mazes of the Mazemakers are built of carved stone blocks whereas Hightower's base is a single massive block of stone.

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Voodoo queen, on your hypothesis; I think it's just more likely that pre-agricultural societies cannot reach the population density to either cause enough ethnic/ clannish strife to make any succession important enough to require war, or to have the population density needed to support any large scale conflicts. Without a need or ability to fight over inheritance, people just chose the more logical route of Matrilinear inheritance.

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