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Theories you want to be true but know aren't.

Salafi Stannis

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My two favorite theories which are both unlikely (to say the least):

- Jaime and Cersei's father is really Aerys Targaryen, and Tyrion is the only real son of Tywin Lannister. Would put a beautifully ironic spin on their whole relationship.

- Daenerys is becoming mad, and will end up being as crazy as her father. Her POV is unreliable (has been for a while, maybe since her brother's death), and this will only become clear when she meets another major POV character, like Tyrion.

There are plenty of other unlikely theories I love, but which might still become true...

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TWoW coming out in 2015...

We already have a winner :)

Mine would be Mance Raider IS Benjen Stark, who knew things from Bloodraven, is sporting Targaryen colours on his mantle since a while, and was going back and forth between the tribes glamoured to unify them, under his Mance, his Benjen and other glamoured personas.

To fulfull some strange idea of the Three Eyed Crow, which is FutureBran, and manipulated Bloodraven and all of the rest too during all of their lives, and is Brandon the Builder, and did everything referred to Brandon AND to the Last Hero too.

Martin talked a lot about the idea that history is circular....

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I want Stormy to get it in gear without coming unhinged. Cruelty used on that continent as a kindness, ultimately. The understanding that this is the language they speak, so it's time to rip out the roots of the slaver culture and go all-in with the slave revolt, not falling for Moquoro's first offer but forcing his church to change in return for her becoming their mascot of doom and societal reshaping. Also, the horselords are made to grow up and fly right. The church starts setting a better example, the people listen to it as their cultural voice in the wilderness (instead of resisting Stormy's rule), and the horse sheriffs are on hand to police and run errands like the Walmart trucking system of the East. This after a huge sorcerer battle between Marwyn & Moqorro sheds light on what the fire faith and the Citadel are all about and how they're each off base a bit, setting up Stormy's confrontation with the Citadel when she lands in the West.

Eh, a recipe for unhappiness is all that was. Cuz it's going a different way.

Quentyn is alive

Great Northern Conspiracy

Hardhome was a dry run for the Doom of Valyria

The Children of the Forest are “evil", like the Vorlons

As a guest speaker, Crispy Quent will own every room he walks into.

Conspiracy is running out of time to conspire. Things will be concluded soon, even without them.

Hardhome idea is exciting.

Hey now! Loved those wispy bags of light. They were grumpy ghosts is all, strong finishers who got a bit over-excited. If I had a vorlon I'd constantly be playing that game with it where they'd fly into someone's eyes and take over their mind.

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I like Monsters :D

There was a crackpot somewhere about a Kraken fighting and killing a dragon! Yes Plzzz :D!

The other would be the whole Ice Dragon thing people went on about that would be kool.

Oh and ColdHands is someone UBER important! :D

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That the wall is just a big pile of other skins that the boltons flayed after the long night. Admittedly I made this up and its senseless

...and now people will be discussing it for years.

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