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Could Ghost make it to the Crofters village before the Freys?


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Long time reader, first time posting.

So this is totally a hypothetical, but does anyone think that after the whole Ides of Marsh chapter Ghost could make his way to the crofters village before the Freys/Boltons?

What I am specifically interested in is if the it would be physically possible for a direwolf to travel that far, that fast given the timeline of events. This is of course would just be speculation but it would make for some awesome cosmic revenge if Ghost(jon) could eat some Freys too.

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NO. I find that extremely unlikely. Ghost would have to travel hundred og leagues, through a snowstorm, to a place he has no idea exists. The Freys only has to travel a fiftieth of that distance and they know where Stannis is. It should also be noted that the last time we saw Ghost likely was several days after the Freys had already reached the village and met Stannis in battle.

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