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Randyll Tarly's loyalty


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Randyll Tarly is one of the most powerful vassals of the Tyrells and an excellent commander (he gave Robert his only defeat in the war). His importance and worth for the Tyrells is beyond question, but what's about his loyalty to them? Some people on this forum seem to think that he's rather a Targaryen loyalist than a faithful bannermen. What do you think and is there any evidence that he supports the Targaryens? I mean he fought for Aerys in the Rebellion 'cause the Fat Flower fought for Aerys not because of his personal conviction.

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There's not a whole lot of evidence regarding Tarly, but I'll try to list the pieces of info we do have and what some people think it means.

He threatened to kill his son unless he took the black

He beat King Bob but Mace Tyrell took all the credit

He besieged Storms End during the war and again Mace Tyrell took credit

He forcibly married his son Dickon to the daughter of the lord of Maidenpool, a rich port town

The Tarlys had a blood claim to Highgarden like other Reach houses that was past over for the stewards house Tyrell

The Tarlys had a claim to Brightwater Keep of house Florent, and it was Tarly who killed the Florents men after Renly was killed preventing them from joining Stannis, yet it was Garlan Tyrell who was rewarded with Brightwater Keep

In the Kevin epilogue he is oddly insistent that it can't possibly be Jon Connington, even though others are less sure and he is clearly as, if not more more intelligent than them.

When you add that stuff up some people think Tarly holds a grudge against Mace Tyrell, and that he is very ambitious and will try to take advantage of the situation with Aegon to gain more power.

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I'd say it's still up in the air. Yeah, he's been slighted in the whole Brightwater Keep business (I think everyone knows he won all those battles, regardless of what Mace says), but he's also being rewarded with the position of Justiciar/Master of Laws.

However, I do agree that his insistence at Aegon not being real is suspicions, and since Margaery is now on his custody he's in the right position to betray the Tyrells.

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He's not a Targ loyalist, but he's been slighted many times by the Tyrells intentional or not, so there's a chance he'll jump ship if the Tyrells falter. Add that to the "friends" line made by the GC and people theorise that it could be Tarly.

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There's not a whole lot of evidence regarding Tarly, but I'll try to list the pieces of info we do have and what some people think it means.

He threatened to kill his son unless he took the black

He beat King Bob but Mace Tyrell took all the credit

He besieged Storms End during the war and again Mace Tyrell took credit

Mace was commanding the force that besieged SE. Tarly just led his van, which doesn't matter in a siege.

He forcibly married his son Dickon to the daughter of the lord of Maidenpool, a rich port town

He betrothes his son to Lord Mooton's daughter

The Tarlys had a blood claim to Highgarden like other Reach houses that was past over for the stewards house Tyrell

Where do they say this, in the WOIAF?

The Tarlys had a claim to Brightwater Keep of house Florent, and it was Tarly who killed the Florents men after Renly was killed preventing them from joining Stannis, yet it was Garlan Tyrell who was rewarded with Brightwater Keep

In the Kevin epilogue he is oddly insistent that it can't possibly be Jon Connington, even though others are less sure and he is clearly as, if not more more intelligent than them.

When you add that stuff up some people think Tarly holds a grudge against Mace Tyrell, and that he is very ambitious and will try to take advantage of the situation with Aegon to gain more power.

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When you add that stuff up some people think Tarly holds a grudge against Mace Tyrell, and that he is very ambitious and will try to take advantage of the situation with Aegon to gain more power.

I agree 100% that Tarly has grounds to hold a grudge against Mace and the rest of the Tyrells. Whether he supports Aegon or not is up to him. I wouldn't be surprised if he staged a grab for the Iron Throne itself.

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His parenting skills aside, by all accounts Randyll Tarly's been an incredibly loyal bannerman to the Tyrells. He obediently followed Mace switching sides each time from Aerys, to Robert, to Renly to Joffrey/Tommen. By all accounts if he was ambitious enough to have designs on Highgarden, he could've played other options and choose loyalty to a king over his liege lord.

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There's not a whole lot of evidence regarding Tarly, but I'll try to list the pieces of info we do have and what some people think it means.

He threatened to kill his son unless he took the black

He beat King Bob but Mace Tyrell took all the credit

He besieged Storms End during the war and again Mace Tyrell took credit

He forcibly married his son Dickon to the daughter of the lord of Maidenpool, a rich port town

The Tarlys had a blood claim to Highgarden like other Reach houses that was past over for the stewards house Tyrell

The Tarlys had a claim to Brightwater Keep of house Florent, and it was Tarly who killed the Florents men after Renly was killed preventing them from joining Stannis, yet it was Garlan Tyrell who was rewarded with Brightwater Keep

In the Kevin epilogue he is oddly insistent that it can't possibly be Jon Connington, even though others are less sure and he is clearly as, if not more more intelligent than them.

When you add that stuff up some people think Tarly holds a grudge against Mace Tyrell, and that he is very ambitious and will try to take advantage of the situation with Aegon to gain more power.

You may be right. I cannot say I like the man. I rather despise him. He is cruel but I won't dispute that he is an effective commander and knows how to get things done. Beyond that, he may have the abilities that Mace lacks, but I don't think he has the coin that Highgarden brings with it.

Tywin turned to High Garden for a reason. They had the armies and the money to bring victory to the Iron Throne. When the king is betrothed to a powerful house, that house is going to have a lot of power. What happens to all of these so called Targaryen loyalists if Dany ever makes it back to Westeros will be interesting to see. Now that Kevan is dead and Cersei is still Queen Regent, I see chaos, slaughter, deception and betrayal everywhere. Oh, and then there's the Others.

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Ser Kevan seemed to be pretty sure Tarly was ready and willing to jump ship.

After Tywin gets whacked Kevan suggests making Tarly hand and that that would be enough to make him a Lanister man.

I think thats important because Kevan was no fool and he knew Cersei was making plans to at least marginalize if not caste down the Tyrells. If Kevan believed Tarly would be complaisant or actively help in actions that harm the Tyrels I think Kevan was right as Lanisters know treacherous men, how to recruit them, and how to use them.

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However, I do agree that his insistence at Aegon not being real is suspicions, and since Margaery is now on his custody he's in the right position to betray the Tyrells.

More so on Connington's identity. Could he have admired Connington in his youth like Connington did Rhaegar?

Also, given a choice between Aegon and Tommen, we can infer from his treatment of his sons. He would likely prefer a king like Aegon who leads in his battles compared to soft Tommen who plays with his kittens.

Aegon can also offer Tarly Brightwater Keep, for which Tarly's wife is second-in-line.

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Randyll Tarly is one of the most powerful vassals of the Tyrells and an excellent commander (he gave Robert his only defeat in the war). His importance and worth for the Tyrells is beyond question, but what's about his loyalty to them? Some people on this forum seem to think that he's rather a Targaryen loyalist than a faithful bannermen. What do you think and is there any evidence that he supports the Targaryens? I mean he fought for Aerys in the Rebellion 'cause the Fat Flower fought for Aerys not because of his personal conviction.

It could go either way, I suppose. From what I saw in A Feast For Crows, Randyll Tarly (his treatment of his son not withstanding) seems to have one of the finest senses of justice in Westeros. I believe he would oppose House Tyrell given enough incentive, but the evidence is IMO tentative at this point.

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There's not a whole lot of evidence regarding Tarly, but I'll try to list the pieces of info we do have and what some people think it means.

He threatened to kill his son unless he took the black

He beat King Bob but Mace Tyrell took all the credit

He besieged Storms End during the war and again Mace Tyrell took credit

He forcibly married his son Dickon to the daughter of the lord of Maidenpool, a rich port town

The Tarlys had a blood claim to Highgarden like other Reach houses that was past over for the stewards house Tyrell

The Tarlys had a claim to Brightwater Keep of house Florent, and it was Tarly who killed the Florents men after Renly was killed preventing them from joining Stannis, yet it was Garlan Tyrell who was rewarded with Brightwater Keep

In the Kevin epilogue he is oddly insistent that it can't possibly be Jon Connington, even though others are less sure and he is clearly as, if not more more intelligent than them.

When you add that stuff up some people think Tarly holds a grudge against Mace Tyrell, and that he is very ambitious and will try to take advantage of the situation with Aegon to gain more power.

Yep. This.

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Tarlys wife is heir to Brighteater. The Tyrells are bonded to the Lannisters, but the other houses have no such obligation.

I imagine some house will jump at a Targ, others will flee, and some will be told he is a Blackfyre on the side.

1. Jump at Targ: Rowan, maybe Oakheart, Hightower

2. Flee/Remain Lannister or neutral: Tyrell, Tarly?

3. Blackfyre supporters: Peake, Costayne, Ball if they are still around, Ambrose, Orme.m

Tarly certainly isn't a Blackfyre supporter, but Targ perhaps.

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I have absolutely no ideas why there are so many tarly rebellion theories going around. Tarly is clearly described as being loyal, in a fashion that outstands those of the other tyrell bannermen. I dunno exactly where it is, but youll find it.

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