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Weird ASOIAF translations in your mother language


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So ASOIAF is translated to many languages, and I'm just wondering that is there any weird translations in your mother language (if it's not english ofc), coz there are some in my language (Hungarian), for example:

"Weirwood" is translated as "varsafa", where "fa" means "tree/wood", but "varsa" means something like "fish pot", a basket made from wood with what the people can catch fishes :D It sure was difficult for them to translate, but still, it doesn't make much sense.

"Greatjon" in literal translation would be "Nagyjon" (nagy=great), but he became "Nagyhordó" and "hordó" means "barrel" so he became "Greatbarrel" and his son "Smallbarrel". I like this translation, coz refers to Greatjon's appearance, that he's a hugh man.

"Wight" became "lidérc" which means "incubus/ghost"...

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I'm not really sure about the books, but I saw the subtitles during the show (GoT) and that made me Very Very happy that I didn't read it in my native language. All the regions and locations just became childish and silly. Now I like silly as much as the next man but they made me laugh at the Others.. I did not think it possible.

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I didn't read the books in dutch but I read half a chapter once and it was laughable!

they translated Ramsay Bolton in Ramert Bolton you know, to go from a scary name to the most laughable unscary name they could have thought off!

same with the dreadfort which became "fort gruw" and I can't really find a proper way to translate it, it's basically the same but it's something you would name the dreadfort if it were a children's horror story.

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I didn´t read the books in my mother tounge (Swedish) however i watched the first season of Got with subtitles who translates the locations and beings.

The one that constantly kept enoying me was Vinterhed (Winterfell) which was kinda translated to winter wasteland

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I read them in Dutch the first time, they weren't that awful but they changed a lot of the names. I will buy them in English when they are all released.

Most awful are imo Jon Sneeuw (Dutch for snow) and Spook instead of Ghost (sounds very lame). I can't think of more but after I read them in English I couldn't read them in Dutch anymore, too annoying.

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King's landing in Spanish is "Desembarco del Rey". Desembarco means "place where a ship has landed". It should be "Aterrizaje del Rey", which alludes to something that flies, as I suppose it refers to Aegon landing with his dragons.

I guess the problem is landing. In Spanish, the word is different according to how you get to such land.

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