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Are selfie sticks tacky ?


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Fuckin hell. I'll go against the grain here and say I see absolutely nothing wrong with selfies and feel the effort people take to psychoanalyse people and accuse them of narcissism and other insults is much sadder than someone simply taking a photo of themselves.

I'm 20 years old and whether you like it or not the younger generations are connected more and more to social media.

Me? I love selfies. I also hate the way I look which is a huge contributing factor to my depressive periods. You wanna go ahead and call me a fuckin narcissist? Be my guest, just remember you're being a judgemental, cruel asshole when you do it.

Also. What on earth is wrong with people actually enjoying the way they look? I'd really rather people were happy with their bodies and faces and not constantly hating them like I do, it's not fun. Get over yourselves.

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I will never understand this lame, pseudo-intellectual contempt for selfies. Get over it. The world and the internet is changing. Who gives a shit if someone is vain or their face pisses you off on your news feed for 2 seconds (strong reaction IMO) I honestly feel like a lot of people, even people around my age, get very crochety about this subject. I like putting on makeup and doing my hair and taking a nice selfie because I like seeing myself look nice and not the horrible thing I see in the mirror all the time; it's away from me but still me, I don't care if that's vain, whatever *shrugs* at least it helps me to see what others might see and not refuse to leave my house for days because I don't want anyone to look at how ugly I am (yes ive done that before)

I realise that might be a v specific reason that isnt the same for the majority who take selfies, but so what? Theyre taking them because theyre going out, they look nice and want people to say nice things to them? What is so horrifically bad with this? Theyre taking a silly ironic photo to make people smile? Again, whats so bad about this? Theyre being fun and trying to squeeze as many friends together in front of the front camera as possible? Whats so bad about this?

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As for actual selfie STICKS i think theyre kinda silly and in danger of breaking your phone/camera and it would just be easier to get someone else to take a big group photo. Or do what me and my friends do and all try to squeeze infront of one phone held up by one friend in the middle LOL.

So rather than tacky theyre just a bit silly

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