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Ser Gyles of the Kingsguard

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Quick note while skimming the Kingsguard page. I noticed that Ser Gyles Belgrave, who we learned about in World of Ice and Fire, is probably the same Gyles described by Jamie to Loras as Gyles Greycloak. He was considered a traitor, which would have been the case for Belgrave as he was tried by the blacks after the Dance of the Dragons.

I know this isn't enough to confirm that they're the same person, but I thought a note on the Kingsguard page might be in order, if anyone editing the wiki agrees.

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We can do for Gyles and Gyles Belgrave what we did for Lucas Lothston (husband of Falena) and Lucas Lothston (father of Manfryd). It seems likely that these two are the same person as welll, but it cannot be confirmed atm.

A note on the Kingsguard page would then also not be a problem. Perhaps between ref tags (<ref name=Gyles>It is possible that Gyles Belgrave and Gyles Greycloak are the same person.</ref>)..

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  • 3 months later...

I'm dubious of them being the same person. None of the other Kingsguard who sided with Aegon II are really regarded as traitors. Jaime mentioned Criston Cole is regarded as both good & bad.

Gyles Belgrave choose to die having failed to protect his King rather then take the Black. Doesn't strike me as a traitor.

On a side note I think Ser Orivel the Open-Handed was the Kingsguard knight that yielded when Daeron the young Dragon during the conquest of Dorne was killed. 5 kingsguard knights were noted in twoiaf to be present at his death. Aemon was captured after slaying two of the Dornish, 3 were killed, one yielded.

I think Orivel was the one that yielded and known as the open handed for surrendering his sword.

Just a theory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No reason, just a theory.

Orivel was regarded as a coward by Loras Tyrell. Surrendering your sword rather then fight as your king was killed sounds cowardly. Although it could have been another person not yet mentioned.

Not suggesting we change whats on the wiki or anything. Just a theory.

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