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Trogdor Targaryen

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Pyromancers know the secret to making and controlling wildfire, which is about all they seem to do during the series so far. However, Tyrion mentions that they used to have a higher standing in society, serving in the capacity now filled by the maesters.

I'm wondering if we are going to see any other skills possessed by this guild, which might have only recently been reawakened by the reemergence of dragons into the world. I am also interested in learning if there are other applications of wildfire other than the ones we've seen, which have all been destructive so far.

My personal hope is that someone will perform some spell which involves drinking wildfire, like Aerion did, but with a successful result due to properly conducted magic.

Regardless, I'd just like more information about these guys. (I haven't gotten through much of TWOIAF but I'm working on it, and don't particularly mind spoilers since it's not the actual story line of the main books)

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They might be some remnant of the Long Night. Named for being skilled with fire (wildfire), I could see a ton of applications in the Long Night. And they are older than the Maesters.

That's what they claimed to work on. No proof they ever managed.

that's why i said apparently.

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I have wondered recently why they are so poor or, infact, independant.

Wildfire is the most powerful weapon availible outside of a dragon. Why didn't the Targaryens make them a royal possession decades ago?

Why doesn't every major army march with a wildfire thrower if only to burn down gates during sieges?

Also for some reason I assumed there was no connection between the Pyromancers and Valyria. Am I wrong?

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Because wildfire is actually a pretty lousy weapon. Deploying it is next to impossible and a damn high chance of friendly fire - literally.

The Battle of the Blackwater is basically the textbook example of the perfect situation to employ wildfire, Tyrion had to sacrifice his fleet and it didn't do any good, Stannis was still curbstomping him.

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It's tricky to use, yeah, but is transporting one thrower and two dozen jars that hard? That'd all you need to burn down the main gate of almost castle in the seven kingdoms and that's half the work of a siege done.

As for bigger scale battles, isn't the power worth the risk?

It just seems like such a huge edge that when you think about it it is bizzare it is used so little.

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It's tricky to use, yeah, but is transporting one thrower and two dozen jars that hard? That'd all you need to burn down the main gate of almost castle in the seven kingdoms and that's half the work of a siege done.

As for bigger scale battles, isn't the power worth the risk?

It just seems like such a huge edge that when you think about it it is bizzare it is used so little.

And then while you're transporting the jars, one cracks open and whatever's carrying it explodes and probably takes out anyone nearby. Aegon the Unworthy actually had the Guild build several 'dragons' of wood and iron, fitted with pumps that spit wildfire. But they only made it to the Kingswood before exploding.

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Aegon IV attempted to use it with his wooden dragons in his aborted war against Dorne. It seems they did at least consider using wildfire in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. Hallyne mentions his grandfather warning Jaehaerys that it would be very dangerous in the hands of common soldiers.

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