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George in Hamburg

Lord Varys

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After he finished reading the chapter he said "So that was 18 manuscript pages. I only need to write another 1482 and I have a book" so that was no cmt on how far into TWOW he is, only on how big his books are in general

That is exactly what he said.

It was obviously a joke.

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Tnx for translation :)

Bad news for 7K separatists... :D

(I wonder though if this is the same character GRRM mentioned awhile ago whose potential fate made the writer excited.)

I think it doesn't necessarily mean IT will be there at the end, maybe he was just saying that he knows who is going to sit on it in the process.

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Anyone else?

To those who attended, a small question, if you can still remember, that is..

In the sample chapter that had been posted on GRRM's website, it was stated that

It had been Doran who had acted after Oberyn's duel against Yronwood.

Can anyone who was there remember whether that is indeed still the case? That it had been Doran, and not his mother?

Have there been reports about Q&A's? Or was there no Q&A at this event?

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Anyone else?

Have there been reports about Q&A's? Or was there no Q&A at this event?

I was not there, but I read a report and there were no Q&A from audience. Moderator was the only one asking questions, and questions were mostly about GRRM personal life, nothing about books.

The same question was asked on reddit, and one person said, that she doesn't remember, but she thinks she would remember if his mother would be mention. I asked this question to another person who attended and I'm now waiting for a replay. I will post it here If I get it.

GRRM was in Sweden yesterday (He read Tyrion I), and he took Q from audience. But we have only one person reporting what was going on. http://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/3auyx8/spoilers_all_grrm_event_in_stockholm_tonight/

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a feature on Game of Thrones on ttt, sadly mostly in German...


Nothing new here, but it appears this one was filmed during his stay in Hamburg.

It was actually quite good - that feature.

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