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[BOOK SPOILERS] Jaime & Bronn in Dorne


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So, we know from the trailer and other sources that this season Jaime and Bronn will be sent to Dorne.

This prompts a lot of questions - like, is Jaime assuming the book-role of Ser Balon Swann, and bring Doran the mountain's head? Or will he be Ser Arys Oakheart, and get seduced by one of the Sand Snakes (we may have seen a glimpse of this in the trailer), eventually to be killed? And, if Jaime is killed, what does this mean for the cliffhanger we got to Jaime/Brienne/Stoneheart in aDwD? if Jaime dies in Dorne in series five, is that confirmation that he will die in his confrontation with Lady Stoneheart in tWoW? Is this another route to reaching the same destination - Jaime's death?

But this seems like a pretty premature death for Jaime, whose storyline with Cersei and Brienne seems to finally be getting more interesting. Many believe that Jaime will survive to the final book and kill Cersei (the valonquar prophecy?), or reunite with Tyrion. Maybe he is trying to retrieve Myrcella from Dorne and is stopped by the Sand Snakes - there look to be three riders in the Dornish fight scene with him and Bronn. In that case, what happens to Myrcella? So many questions... . :dunno:

So, what are your predictions for Jaime and Bronn in Dorne in series five?

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest, I don't think we can be completely sure. I will say that I'm one of those people who think Jaime will be around till the last book. I personally also believe he will be taking on the Balon Swann role in the show and be taking "The Mountains head" to Doran, so assuming that the whole thing with Myrcella will still happen. I've heard some theory on Bronn dying in Dorne, it could be David and Dan giving his character more to do since he goes off in the books, or since he is no longer a part of the main show so to speak they want to give the character an exciting and memorable end by having him slain protecting Myrcella or something. I've also seen speculation on Myrcella actually dying in Dorne too. I'm prepared for surprises.

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No way will Myrcella be dying. Jamie is very very unlikely too.

Bronn I personally think will.

I agree. My best guess is that Bronn dies in Dorne in place of Arys (though with perhaps less romance), perhaps as part of trying to make off with Myrcella.

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Bronn's gotta go unfortunately. He has been fun but they've milked him as much as they can now.

So, I see him taking the fall replacing Ser Arys Oakheart.

However I believe it is Areo Hotah who is seduced by Allaria Sand (instead of Arianne & Arys) and he aids the Snakes into kidnapping Myrcella.

A confrontation will ensue and Bronn, Areo, and maybe Allaria will die. Prince Doran will lock up the Sand Snakes with Myrcella safely back in his custody.

I still have faith in a Stoneheart reveal — a potentially massive moment for the TV show — would be madness to brush this under the carpet.

With that in mind I see Jamie returning alone toward King's Landing in the last episode and Brienne meets him to take him off to Stoneheart, keeping her "oath".

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I see that Bronn could possibly die, since they haven't really included the Lollys storyline so his show arc is pretty much done.

But I think Jaime is going to take Arys' place. Jaime is sent to Dorne to protect Myrcella after Lannisters start dropping likes flies: I can hear Cersei ordering him to "Bring back my daughter!"

He'll find out from Bronn - Tyrion's favourite accomplice who happens to know all of Cersei's antics - about Cersei and Lancel (yeah ok, this is me just hoping they'll try and fix the gaping hole the left by not including Jaime/Tyrion's last conversation) and get pretty pissed at Cersei. He'll arrive in Dorne, get seduced by one of the Sand Snakes who have possibly been merged with Arianne. When he gets a letter from Cersei saying "Sav3 me plz!" he'll ignore it and carry on with his fit new girlfriend out of spite to Cersei. Then he'll get himself manipulated into the Greenblood/crowning Myrcella plot, and die defending his daughter. Kind of fitting, right?

Thing is, since it seems highly likely that Stoneheart has been cut, or merged with Sansa, he isn't needed for the Riverlands plot anymore - I mean, even a StoneSansa isn't going to know that he mother had a deal to trade Jaime for herself, so there's no oathbreaking or anything there. Meanwhile in the Riverlands, Brienne and Pod find out about Jaime's death and she devotes her life to fulfilling his last request of finding Sansa etc, unrequited love, sad Brienne is sad, all of that usual stuff. Cersei is driven completely insane by the fact that her brother was killed doing something she asked of him, she realises she has no one else to defend her, and her only daughter is now defenceless and mutilated in Dorne. Happy endings all around.

I do not think Jaime's storyline in the show will follow the books. I feel like he's had a nice story arc through the seasons and now the producers will need another big shock death because no one really important has died in a while - Kingslayer's story has run it's course, bye bye Jaime!

Plus, can't you just imagine Bronn returning to Cersei?!

"I'm afraid your brother is dead, Your Grace."

"What?!? How did this happen?!?"

"He fought hard."

"And then!?"

"They fought harder." -shrug-

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Stannis is the valonqar, not jaime, how many times must this be explained.

The prophecy was speaking of cersei & her husband when she talked about "THE valonqar"

THE = singular.

Cersei has TWO little brothers.

Robert has ONE (thats still alive)

wrap his "hands"

hands = PLURAL

Jaime has ONE hand.

Stannis has TWO hands.

Not to mention he cant even wrap his golden hand around a neck, you can place it... firmly... while the other hand wraps... but you cannot wrap it, it doesn't bend, its not a machine, its a solid piece of gold.

Tyrion is more likely then jaime honestly. but stannis is most likely - why? well, we know he will end up in kings landing anyway, if you understand the arc of stannis - he WILL be king (albeit for a short -- maybe even very short while), and he certaintly doesn't like cersei, its quite possible something will happen within the next book to make him hate her even more, hell, with his twisted logic, maybe he blames the death of both his brothers on her, and hes def not above strangling a woman.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I seriously doubt Jamie is running to Dorne to sneak Myrcella away. That's just a foolhardy and ridiculous proposition after the princess' hand has been promised in marriage. I find it more likely we get false reports that Tyrion has been spotted in Dorne and Cersei commands Jamie to protect their daughter or find the imp and kill him.

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I seriously doubt Jamie is running to Dorne to sneak Myrcella away. That's just a foolhardy and ridiculous proposition after the princess' hand has been promised in marriage. I find it more likely we get false reports that Tyrion has been spotted in Dorne and Cersei commands Jamie to protect their daughter or find the imp and kill him.

The Martells (well, probably the Sand Snakes or Ellaria) send Cersei a dead viper with Myrcella's necklace in its mouth. If that's not a serious death threat that prompts Jaime to go and rescue her daughter, I don't know what is

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I don't know if rescue is the right word. Cersei as a mother will take the threat seriously, but Jamie might see it has a bluff and take the more diplomatic approach of speaking with Doran directly. Of course along the way the Sand Snakes could make it a little more intense.

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I don't know if rescue is the right word. Cersei as a mother will take the threat seriously, but Jamie might see it has a bluff and take the more diplomatic approach of speaking with Doran directly. Of course along the way the Sand Snakes could make it a little more intense.

Well, yeah, that could work too, but I really doubt Jaime would be concerned about a Tyrion sighting. Remember that in the show they parted as buddies

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I reckon it will be Arys Oakheart in that his estrangement from Cercei will push him into the arms of a sand snake. The sand snakes will pull the Arianne plot (minus Jaime tho, but possibly using his relationship with a SS to get to Myrcella) and someone will be an un-credited Darkstar. And possibly Jamie dies trying to stop the plot :(

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