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US Politics--playing chicken with a government shutdown... Again.


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I'm not a fan of Pawlenty's or anyone else on the right, but that comparison of jobs added should really take the Great Recession into account, because that was his last two years in office and the new governor is governing at a time with an economy that's getting better nationally. And I suspect once that's taken into account that the difference will not be as large as what that article says.

Minnesota never really had a high employment rate during the recession, even compared to other states. The turn around that occurred in the state even during Dayton's tenure was during some of the worse days of the recession.

The biggest thing that leaps to my mind is the budget deficit. Dayton is the first Governor in Minnesota to really do something about it in a positive way.

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That's right, swordfish doesn't defend the GOP here. He just whines when people start pointing out what the GOP has done/is trying to do.

I'm not a fan of Pawlenty's or anyone else on the right, but that comparison of jobs added should really take the Great Recession into account, because that was his last two years in office and the new governor is governing at a time with an economy that's getting better nationally. And I suspect once that's taken into account that the difference will not be as large as what that article says.

Meh, considering that McConnell and Boehner have been trying to claim that the economy improving is because Republicans won in the midterms, I have no qualms whatsoever about a bit of deception to make the GOP look stupid (though they do make it awfully easy).

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The GOP is the party of scum and there's no real defense for their actions. Which is, of course, why you offer none.

You know after the midterms were over and it was official that the Republicans won I posted a video on Facebook highlighting all the derpy moments from the people who'd just been elected. Someone commented saying "ok come on, do a video showing us all the democrat derp to be fair." I had bad news for him.

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You know after the midterms were over and it was official that the Republicans won I posted a video on Facebook highlighting all the derpy moments from the people who'd just been elected. Someone commented saying "ok come on, do a video showing us all the democrat derp to be fair." I had bad news for him.

What was the news?

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Minnesota never really had a high employment rate during the recession, even compared to other states. The turn around that occurred in the state even during Dayton's tenure was during some of the worse days of the recession.

The biggest thing that leaps to my mind is the budget deficit. Dayton is the first Governor in Minnesota to really do something about it in a positive way.

Not just the deficit, which is now wiped clear and now enjoy a surplus that we aren't just pissing away on tax breaks for the rich, but just do a side by side comparison of it's neighbor Wisconsin and the difference becomes black and white. MN, with its high taxes, unions, and public investment is a US leader in most categories and first in education.

But let's keep pretending it's 'liberal' policies that are destroying the middle class. Evidence of the contrary is for suckers.

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There was a time when I thought that Republicans were masters of Machiavellian politics. Those days are long gone.

I don't think this means Boehner has been a bad Speaker; given the caucus with which he's been saddled, I'd say he's done the best anyone could have done. The problem lies not with Boehner but the party he leads. The modern GOP no longer responds to typical political incentives, and has a proven willingness to repeatedly immolate itself in the same fire. What's a Speaker to do?

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Yet you always feel the need to comment in these situations. Odd that.

Come now, Swordfish would complain about any circle-jerk thread.

A thread on evolution?

Didn't take long to get to the anti creationism circle jerk portion of the evolution thread I see.

This might be a new record.

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There was a time when I thought that Republicans were masters of Machiavellian politics. Those days are long gone.

I don't think this means Boehner has been a bad Speaker; given the caucus with which he's been saddled, I'd say he's done the best anyone could have done. The problem lies not with Boehner but the party he leads. The modern GOP no longer responds to typical political incentives, and has a proven willingness to repeatedly immolate itself in the same fire. What's a Speaker to do?

Nah, Boehner is still shit at his job.

Though the removal of ear-marks has certainly hurt the ability of Congress to do anything. Though one wonders why you would even want a governmental system that relies on ear-marks to even function.

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Old joke in DC:

Q: How do you avoid the CPAC attendees when they're in town?

A: Ride the Green Line.

(The metro green line predominately runs through the parts of town that are still majority black)

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The GOP is just such an easy target, Ramsay.

But these boards have had some great debates over the past couple years, especially about the govt's war on terror, police use of force, to name a couple.

I suppose it isn't as much fun for some conservatives here, but that's kinda your own fault. When you bring weak sauce to a party, you have to expect to be called out for it.

But when someone posts a thoughtful response--whether conserve or lib--it is generally respected here. Even when the board mainly disagrees, you only get the dog-pile when you post a lame talking point that's probably been refuted a hundred times already.

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Well, also bomb sniffing dogs at the airports, and basic metal detectors. But otherwise, yes, I agree.

We should probably put those bomb sniffing dogs and metal detectors in an isolated bombproof room, like they do in Israel. As it stands right now, if they do find a bomb, they'd have to evacuate the entire airport.

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