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Why did Robert pardon Gregor

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I've never understood why he did this, I mean he kind of had to pardon Tywin but not Gregor Clegane. By doing that he's practically spitting on the Martells seeing as Lewyn, Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon all died because of Robert and his cause and when that isn't bad enough he pardons the man who smashed a baby's head against a wall then raped the mother with the blood and brains of her child on his hands and smashes her face in (going from what the mountain said). Also gregor wasn't thought of as the really scary battle commander that he's known as now, I'm assuming since he was 17 and Tywin admitted that he wasn't fully aware of how brutal he was (although I think he knew full well). And shouldn't the same go for armoy lorach (sorry for spelling) killing any 3 year old like that should have had consequences.

Edit- sorry I should have been clearer what I meant was morally shouldn't he realized that was wrong, like ned did, and arrest Gregor, like ned did, not why did the children need to die

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Robert was probably pleased that the deed was already done before he got there, saving him the trouble and the soiled reputation of ordering someone to do it.

Exactly. Since he and, indirectly, Tywin did Robert this "favor" he looked the other way to the brutality of it. And the Dornish had to know they were lucky to get off as easy as they did given how staunchly they backed the Targaryens. Disloyalty would just be inviting more of the same.

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It's not because Robert wanted those children dead.

It would not have been justice if Robert punished Gregor and Lotch, as Tywin (the brains behind the murder) would have gone free. Look at how Tyrion feels after he sends Janos to the wall but reflects that Cersei wasn't punished.

Apart from that, punishing Gregor would not have gone well. Gregor ant Lotch were the only two ones in the room when the deed was done, so they could demand trial by combat. If they did this, Gregor would walk free anyway (only this time one of Robert's men would be dead).

So really, there was no other course of action Robert could have taken.

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I've never understood why he did this, I mean he kind of had to pardon Tywin but not Gregor Clegane. By doing that he's practically spitting on the Martells seeing as Lewyn, Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon all died because of Robert and his cause and when that isn't bad enough he pardons the man who smashed a baby's head against a wall then raped the mother with the blood and brains of her child on his hands and smashes her face in (going from what the mountain said). Also gregor wasn't thought of as the really scary battle commander that he's known as now, I'm assuming since he was 17 and Tywin admitted that he wasn't fully aware of how brutal he was (although I think he knew full well). And shouldn't the same go for armoy lorach (sorry for spelling) killing any 3 year old like that should have had consequences.

They died because of Tywin. Its not Roberts fault.

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They died because of Tywin. Its not Roberts fault.


Robert didn't kill the children, he didn't even give the order to kill the children. They were dead before he even reached the city.

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it was the best possible scenario for robert. he wanted the targaryens wiped clean off the map and tywin/gregor helped him with that. this let robert kind of save face since he never had to give the actual order. honestly, i think robert wouldve had them killed anyway if they were just captured. i dont think its a coincidence that robert got so mad at stannis for viserys and dany already escaping dragonstone. i could be wrong but i get the feeling that robert wouldnt have simply raised those two as wards or kept them as prisoners over the years had stannis found them.

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I've never understood why he did this, I mean he kind of had to pardon Tywin but not Gregor Clegane. By doing that he's practically spitting on the Martells seeing as Lewyn, Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon all died because of Robert and his cause and when that isn't bad enough he pardons the man who smashed a baby's head against a wall then raped the mother with the blood and brains of her child on his hands and smashes her face in (going from what the mountain said). Also gregor wasn't thought of as the really scary battle commander that he's known as now, I'm assuming since he was 17 and Tywin admitted that he wasn't fully aware of how brutal he was (although I think he knew full well). And shouldn't the same go for armoy lorach (sorry for spelling) killing any 3 year old like that should have had consequences.

Edit- sorry I should have been clearer what I meant was morally shouldn't he realized that was wrong, like ned did, and arrest Gregor, like ned did, not why did the children need to die

King bob was happy that someone else did the deed and no one had to see his awkward boner

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Robert did nothing because he didn't care or was drunk when he saw the bodies of the kids.

If Stannis was the oldest and was the one that marry Cersei and saw what Tywin did, He would put The Mountain to the sword(with the aid of the Red Viper's poison)and jailed his own father in law.

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While the corpses of the children were presented to Robert (but not Elia´s corpse!), the killers do not seem to have been officially identified by the Lannister army.

Whereas Jaime´s personal killing of Aerys was promptly reported to Eddard.

So Robert never pardoned Gregor because he never was accused.

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I'm pretty sure that Tywin made it clear that while Gregor's slaying of the members of the royal family were an open secret, it had never been officially acknowledged. As he put it "He (Oberyn) has heard stable gossip..." Etc. So it wasn't so much that Gregor was pardoned, just never charged with the act in the first place. Its why Tywin wants to play up the farce of having him executed by the Kings Justice after Clegane fesses up to the entire city that he is in judgment of the crime.

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Gregor ant Lotch were the only two ones in the room when the deed was done, so they could demand trial by combat. If they did this, Gregor would walk free anyway (only this time one of Robert's men would be dead).

So really, there was no other course of action Robert could have taken.

Except agree to the trial by combat and fight Gregor himself, answering a question I've long had about what would happen if the two of them had fought.

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Except agree to the trial by combat and fight Gregor himself, answering a question I've long had about what would happen if the two of them had fought.

Oh, there's a few other, quite interesting, possibilities. One particularly nasty that I could think of would be to appoint one Ser Jaime Lannister the champion for the prosecution.

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First of all,...

King bob was happy that someone else did the deed and no one had to see his awkward boner

I am now picturing ASOIAF on the set of Disney's Recess. Thank you thank you thank you.

Second of all...

Except agree to the trial by combat and fight Gregor himself, answering a question I've long had about what would happen if the two of them had fought.

Oh, there's a few other, quite interesting, possibilities. One particularly nasty that I could think of would be to appoint one Ser Jaime Lannister the champion for the prosecution.

What about imprisoning Gregor and sending word to Oberyn Martell that if he travels up to King's Landing he can be the champion of the crown and kill Gregor for the crimes of murdering his sister and her children?

Puts Tywin in his place and makes peace with Dorne in one fell swoop.

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