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My apologies if this has already been posted, but I didn't see it anywhere.

Am I the only one that was disappointed that the Crownlands only got a map (granted a very nice one) and no write up? It would seem to be lots of good material with KL and Dragonstone both located there.

The Crownlands got a bigger write up than every other region.

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Hardly. The Targs got a write up. There is a little bit in the Riverlands and stormlands sections, since the crownlands was made from those regions, but otherwise zilch. Guess besides the Targs nothing happens there. Which is disappointing. We know very little about the area.

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It's understandable that they receive aren't treated independently. Each regional section essentialy deal with the story of the place as an independent kingdom, and the internal politics during the Targ rule. The crownlands have neither of those, since they were part of other kingdoms before, and for obvious reasons their position never diverged from the crown's.

But we should be content that at least they received a name! If I'm not mistaken, "crownlands" had been a fan-made word that had never appeared in any official publication before AWOIAF.

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It's understandable that they receive aren't treated independently. Each regional section essentialy deal with the story of the place as an independent kingdom, and the internal politics during the Targ rule. The crownlands have neither of those, since they were part of other kingdoms before, and for obvious reasons their position never diverged from the crown's.

But we should be content that at least they received a name! If I'm not mistaken, "crownlands" had been a fan-made word that had never appeared in any official publication before AWOIAF.

I think that's one of the oversights of the book in general. We find out about the Targ reign, even in the section's not concerened with it. There wasn't any Stark rule or Greyjoy rule so to say. Which unless it is covered in other sections, we probably won't get to see, which I feel is pretty disappointing. Would family trees for the last 300 years for the great houses be that hard? Pleaseeeeeeeee!!!

But hell, a book all about the Targ reign (except Jaehaerys Good and Aerys Mad lmaoooo), sign me up!

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The Crownlands is just 300 years old, and created out of Dragonstone and neighboring islands, Cracklaw Point and areas that used to belong to the Riverlands, the Stormlands and the Reach. Not much to say about it really. The important places there, i.e. King's Landing and Dragonstone is handled in the Targaryen history section.

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But we should be content that at least they received a name! If I'm not mistaken, "crownlands" had been a fan-made word that had never appeared in any official publication before AWOIAF.

George adopted the word into ADwD, where it's used a couple of times. :)

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We got the Darklyn history, which is quite lovely and tragic. Even their name, "the Darklyn Kings of Duskendale"...

The most glaring omission in TWOIAF is Dragonstone! I was hoping for a detailed history. DS is of course a part of the crownlands, but hugely important in its own right.

I wonder if there's a reason, story-wise, to keep our knowledge of Dragonstone superficial. Something important hiding in the island's geography / history...?

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