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Diplomacraft: The North Year 0002, Turn 5 (Months 1-3)


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Diplomacraft: The North Year 0002, Turn 5(Months 1-3)

Main map: http://s101.photobuc...astle2.jpg.html

Beyond the wall map: http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m49/Shyox/Westeros_-_Beyund_the_wall_1.jpg

-"The king is dead!" they shouted night and day, ringing bells and raising solemn toasts to the wild wolf of Winterfell. King Brandon Stark XII was killed in a surprise raid on his forces sieging Goldengrass. The host was able to repel the attackers but in the confusion an assassin snuck into his tent and killed him during his fevered sleep. The Stark household scrambles to knuckle down, while all eyes in Winterfell now turn to his rightful heir, Jorah Stark... Will he wear his father's crown, recovered after the battle along with his sword, or will the new northern kingdom crumble in the wake of the king's death?

-Prince Toregg Magnar has wed Cassana Umber at a great feast in King's House. King Gorne was in attendance and presented Lord Umber with a unicorn horn bow inlaid with silver runes; all in attendance pronounced it a lofty gift.

-It is no secret the Boltons and Manderlys are gathering a large host, with thousands and thousands already ready to march under their banner. Rumor has it that Larence Bolton has deserted the watch and joined them

-The Braavosi are currently holding off Pentoshi and Myrish forces while their navies make crushing victories against the forces of Myr and Lys. They are currently proceeding to blockade the ports.

The Folly of House Fisher

Though he had gathered hundreds of men and was marching on Sable Hall, his force was taken in the rear whilst moving toward the seat of their rightful liege. The banners of House Stark were much in evidence though it was Mathis Ryswell who led the host. They successfully routed them after a short battle and many either surrendered or swore their swords to Lord Ryswell, leaving the host larger than it was before the battle. While planning his next move and what to do with the treacherous Lord Fisher and his kin, Lord Ryswell is informed of the death of his king.


1. Lord Lyman - House Mormont of Bear Island

2. Minstral - House Karstark of Karhold

3. Bright Blue Eyes - Mead King of Ruddy Hall

4. Stannis Joplin - House Ryswell of Sable Hall

5. TheCrannogDweller - The Night's Watch

6. Dobromir - House Flint of Widow's Watch

7. Olligarchy - House Magnar of Skaagos

8. Ser Fingerbones - House Flint of Widow's Watch

9. House Mauldania - House Umber of Last Hearth

10. SerBert - House Liddle of the Mountain Clans

1. Lord Lyman Mormont (46) 3/5/3 : Bear Island Player: Lord Lyman

Vassals: Glover, Woodfoot, Bole,

Castles: Mormont Keep, Deepwood Motte

Prestige: 7 (The Mormonts now effectively hold Winterfell and therefore hold many of the proverbial cards moving forward)

Legitimacy: 10 (The hold of House Mormont over its vassals is iron and will likely stay so for the foreseeable future with the marriage of Lyanna to House Forrester)

Population: 200,000 / 1300 foot, 400 mounted (The Forresters are now included in total numbers but not their military, which may now be drawn from with the marriage alliance to House Mormont)

Income and coffers: 30,000 GD a yr / 60,000 GD

Resources: Fish, Exotic Furs

Traits and Notes:

Large Game - There are no better hunters than those of bear island, who tangle with the largest prey available south of the wall

South Coast - The South coast of Bear island remains fishable even in the deeps of winter, providing a steady though less consistent source of food, with the rest being free of ice the rest of the time

Skinchangers - House Mormont boasts a large number of skinchangers, rumors say

Fleet - The Bear has not forgotten the Kraken; House Mormont has the only sizable fleet this side of the North

2. Lord Atheld Karstark 0/1/3 (8), Karhold Player: Minstral

HIS REGENT: Adaric Karstark, Uncle- 5/6/4 (32)

Vassals: Greystark, Long, Greatwood

Castle: Karhold

Prestige: 8 (Courting the two most powerful factions in the North, the Karstarks are are the forefront of Northern politics)

Legitimacy: 5 (Things are reaching a low point with your vassals; while Greystark and Greatwood both seem content, the influx of war refugees and the growing discontent of Lord Long are putting a strain on all of Karhold)

Population: 335,000 / 2,300 foot, 700 horse

Income and coffers: 190,000 GD a yr. / 130,000 GD

Resources: Lumber(See below), Fish

Traits and Notes:

Greatwood Trees - The trees if Karhold are both plentiful and one of a kind; the greatwood tree only takes root in great number here, and Braavosi shipmakers pay highly for this as well as lumber for firewood, representing most of the Karstark income

Rural Coasts - The coasts are broad and the fishing is here is some of the best in the North, though it begins to freeze during winter and are somewhat hard to police

Woodland - This confers a bonus while fighting on your land, while also taking more time to mobilize men as well as making it more difficult to keep them fed in one place


-The Braavosi are are now under proper governance of Adaric Karstark himself; he is now a lord in his own right as the construction of White Sun Keep is in its final stages. The grand theatre is nearing completion as well

-Michel Manderly and Lyanna Bolton both ask for accommodations more suited to their stations, as they are currently rotting in the dungeons of Karhold

3. Theon, mead king of Ruddy Hall (23) Chief Beyond The Wall Player: Bright Blue Eyes

Prestige: 5 (With the establishment of Bronze Bee, life beyond the wall has begun to change for all)

Legitimacy: 6 (The Free Folk of Ruddy Hall are becoming a culture unto their own under the influence of Theon and Aly)

Population: 1670 / 335 raiders, 121 green boys, 90 spear wives, 8 giants (The people directly beholden to or surrounding and effectively sworn to Ruddy Hall. Does not include Bronze Bee)

Income and coffers: 1200 GD in valuables, 17 horses, 13 garrons, three small trade ships

Resources: Mead, Bog Iron

Traits and Notes:

Mead - Ruddy Hall produces the finest mead this side of the wall, and has even interested brother's of the watch at times


-The expedition to Braavos has returned; they now have crew and captains accompanying 3 smaller trading vessels and have brought arms and armor for 100, and invaluable iron tools which is increasing production of Ruddy Hall. Bronze Bee however may soon outstrip the original settlement and is uniting many local

-Bog iron has been found by free folk local to Bronze Bee; it discolors the water and is easy to see in the daylight. It has begun to be gathered up and delivered to the new forge in the settlement

-Eight giants have settled into Ruddy Hall. They have come at the behest of their leader to behold Theon themselves and take their measure of him, reports Swygert.

4. Lord Mathis Ryswell (32) 5/6/6 : Sable Hall ​Player: Stannis Joplin

Vassals: Ryder, Fisher, Branch

Castles:Sable Hall, Lamebole Keep(Branch), Footfall Den (Ryder)

Prestige: 9 (House Ryswell is the second richest in the North now that House Dustin has fallen)

Legitimacy: 10 (The might of the Ryswells is much in evidence)

Population: 325,000 / 2000 foot and 1000 mounted

Income and coffers: 180,000 GD / 310,000 GD

Resources: Horses

Traits and Notes:

Horsemen - The rills boast the swiftest and fastest horses of the north, as well as the best riders

Longships - A number of fishing boats are available as well as a few longships to House Ryswell to help protect its coasts

Irrigation - Due to the nature of the rills, farmland is abundant due to easy irrigation methods, though not fit for all crops


-With the death of the king, Ryswell is firmly in charge of the armies gathered under him, which numbers roughly 4,500 men. The Stark men look to him for leadership in these troubled times, many urging to either finish the campaign in Barrowton or return to Winterfell.

-The siege of Goldengrass is nearing its end; it will be some time before the castle falls, but sometime during the coming months the defenders will be forced to surrender or starve. It is now thought that the eldest son of Lord Dustin led the assault on the Stark host

5. Lord Commander Lucas Norrey (49) 5/6/4 : The Wall Player: TheCrannogDweller

Vassals: N/A

Castles: All castles of the wall are currently manned

Prestige: 7 (With the desertion of Larence becoming a well known fact throughout the realm, the lords of the realm now look to the watch to solve this problem)

Legitimacy: 9 (Due to his own bravery and skill at command, the Lord Commander has managed to hold the loyalty of the watch in these troubled times)

Population: 9,600 / 860 rangers, 2,750 foot, 960 mounted (800 horses, 1360 garrons)

Income and coffers: 12,000 GD / 163,000 GD (The Watch's income has been carefully allotted to maintain such a large standing force of men. As a consequence there is little liquid capital coming in.)

Resources: Virtually none

Traits and Notes:

The Decline of the Watch - The Night's Watch is an institution of great prestige, however over the course of time this begins to decline as the watch forgets its true purpose

Libraries of Castle Black - If there is a center of learning of the North, it is ironically at the wall, where thousands of books lie dating from beyond living memory


-Cregan has tracked Larence Bolton back to his homelands; he has likely brought his deserters into the war on the side of the Boltons.

-The red priest has been able to translate for you in regards to the slaves from beyond the wall, and also offers you a unique proposal regarding this runaway ranger of yours...

6. Lord Crow Flint (32) 6/5/5 : Widow's Watch Player: Dobromir

Vassals: N/A

Castles: Widow's Watch, Dayglow Keep

Prestige: 7 (Widow's Watch has gone dark in terms of communications, but after allying with House Bolton and House Manderly it is a rising star in the North)

Legitimacy: 10 (???)

Population: 140,000 / 1100 foot and 300 mounted

Income and coffers: 48,000 GD a yr. / 50,000 GD

Resources: Hardy Grain

Traits and Notes:

Abandoned Mines* - The lords of widow's watch at one time were made rich in trade of pale blue sapphires, but the mines supposedly dried up long ago and are now home to 'ground folk'

Lighthouse - Widow's Watch is a lighthouse

Wreckers - In conjunction with the lighthouse trait, the lords of Widow's Watch have been known to use guile to steer ships into crashing upon their shores and taking their bounties

Hardy Grain - The combination of strain of grain and ground around widow's watch has led to them being able to farm further into autumn and winter than anywhere else in the North

A ship has wrecked onto the coast; there were no survivors but over 15,000 GD in valuables were recovered, including a carton of saffron.



7. King Gorne Magnar 4/2/5 : The Kingdom of Skagos (Stone) Player: Olligarchy

Castles: Deepdown, Driftwood Hall

Vassals: Crowl, Stane, Ysmir

Prestige: 5 (House Magnar has begun to take a place in northern politics and the realm's perception of them is changing)

Legitimacy: 8 (Your vassals grumble at the marriage to these greenlanders)

Population: 120,000 / 2900 foot*

Income and coffers: 7,000 GD / 13,000 GD

Resources: Fish, Slaves, Obsidian Mines, Unicorn Blood/Horn/Hair*

Traits and Notes:

Unicorns - These creatures reportedly have great magical properties; their hair is whispered to be unbreakable and unlike any other material found in the world, their blood is reputedly able to grant great gifts to its drinker at a price, and its horns are said to be able to heard across great distances, inspire men, and even contact the children of the forest

Wildling Trade - Along with having trade with the wildlings for what few luxury goods beyond the wall land has to offer, they also are saddled with many a wildling washing up on their coasts, who they enslave and take as thralls, even occassionally selling them to those from the free cities, though your lords do not appreciate dealings with foreigners

Obsidian Mines - The lands of Skaagos boast of the only obsidian mines in the north, though the profession and act of mining is mocked as low by all Skaagosi, fit work only for thralls

Cannibals - The Skaagosi have methods to avoid starvation and harsh winters that are not even considered, let alone spoken openly of; some say they even engage in it ritualistically

*Skaagosi troops, while numerous and possessing almost unshakable morale, are poorly armored and armed

The Umber smallfolk taken in the raids have been released into the lands of Karhold


-A pack of the fabled northern lions have been sighted roaming the isle; they are incredibly large beasts and are slowly driving down the population of unicorns. Your wife thinks she may be able to tame one with the knowledge obtained at the wall...

8. Lord Rodrik Flint 4/2/5 : House Flint of Cape Kraken Player: Ser Fingerbones

Castles: Flint's Finger

Vassals: 3 separate branches of House Flint

Prestige: 5 (House Flint boasts some of the finer farmland of the North, but is surrounded by unfriendly folk such as crannogmen and ironborn)

Legitimacy: 7 (The ironborn raids and troubles with crannogmen keep rule a bit unstable and must be constantly maintained)

Population: 180,000 / 1600 foot and 600 horse

Income and coffers: 75,000 GD a yr / 150,000 GD

Resources: Good farmland, Fish, Marble, Gold*

Traits and Notes:

Ironborn Raiders - Cape Kraken is named with good reason; there is no group more beset upon by ironborn than the people of Flint's Finger

Gold mine - Flint's Finger is sat atop on old gold mine that is speculated to be nearly mined. However, there are still veins of gold deep within the mine which draw many a jealous eye


There is talk of a monster roaming the hills; it is rumored to be to the west on the border of the forest denoting the boundaries between you and the crannogmen. It is frightening the smallfolk and hampering farming and trade both

9. Lord Wylis Umber 2/4/4 : Last Hearth Player: House Mauldania

Castles: Last Hearth

Vassals: Holt, Lake, Moss

Prestige: 6 (The mightiest fighters the North has to offer, these men often have fierce reputations which command respect, though is not always given by the haughtiest of Northern lords due to rumors of barbaric activities)

Legitimacy: 8 (Relations with Lord Lake are quite bad after beheading of his son, though he is still upholding the feudal contract, as well as your vassals being a bit displeased by the marriage to the Skaagosi, seeing it as a sign of weakness)

Population: 330,000 / 2000 foot, 1000 men with garrons, 400 mounted

Income and coffers: 55,000 GD a yr. / 130,000 GD

Resources: Lumber, Weirwood, ???(caves)

Traits and Notes:

Wildling raids - The Umbers suffer from raiding wildlings due to the lack of natural cover the mountain clans can boast, and some say they use passages and ways now lost to the North to pillage

Cave Systems - Underneath the North and extending even beyond the wall are vast caves of unknown origin; though some return with fables of riches untold waiting to be mined or secret passages with secrets, more return with tales of monsters and demons, or not at all

Weirwood Grove - The Umbers possess the largest natural grove of weirwoods south of the wall, rivalling Winterfell's godswood. The Umbers swear by its power and make regular prayer here, which they say explains their harvests which seem larger than should be possible...

The Karstarks have paid the ransom for your people and ask for no recompense. They impress it upon you as a gift of good will. They have shown strong support and have won the favor of many of your vassals who now press you for a marriage between the two houses. However, it is well known they are supporters of House Stark who have outlawed right of first night and blood sacrifices, which is of far more import to your vassals.

Your smallfolk are grateful for the tax reprieves and the population has slowly been filtering back to their homes.

Lyle Mollen has produced a fine but rather ordinary suit of plate and battle axe.

Your attempts to expand trade have gone almost nowhere aside from the warring factions; Karhold has a monopoly on the lumber trade to Braavos so there is no wiggle room there.

The caves beneath your lands are incredibly expansive; it will take an organized expedition as well as gold to hire mapmakers.


-Cassana Cassel is beginning to show signs of pregnancy, and the father is likely Lord Umber himself. Word has spread around the court and your wife is rather angry with you, to say the least.

-There is an outlaw band disrupting trade and pillaging your lands; they are said to be led by an ironborn named Ulrick 'the unsmiling' 0/0/7. He has killed many notable warriors who have gone to challenge him, and he is converting people over to the drowned god creating a group of fanatic believers. They are called the Brotherhood of Brine

-A troop of actors has been traveling through your lands, performing follies and farces; they're rumored to be quite talented

10. Lord Wyman Liddle 1/4/4 : Mountain Clans Player: SerBert

Castles: Breakstone Hill

Vassals: Norrey, Wull, Flint

Prestige: 4 (Though never openly mocked in their hearing for fear of reprisal, it is well known the North generally looks down on the mountain clans as backwater folk only a rung above the low)

Legitimacy: 6 (House Liddle currently holds senior position among the clan chiefs, but due to the democratic and squabbling nature of the mountain clans, holding any central position of power requires constant maintenance and pleasing of chiefs)

Population: 200,000 / 3,000 fighting men each with their own garron and equipment, many with spares

Income and coffers: 25,000 GD a yr. / 50,000 GD

Resources: Garrons, Goats

Traits and Notes:

True Northmen - Due to living in the rugged mountains, there are no troops more suited to cold conditions of true winter than the clansmen, and their garrons will last longer than any other northern mount, however they are not ridden into battle generally

Mountainous - Easy to defend the lands these folk no well, and they are difficult to subjugate, though it also is time consuming to mobilize forces

Warrior Culture - Instead of soaking up precious resources in winter, these folk prefer to die with steel in hand, and in general value combat highly, letting them levy more troops than other factions


-Gared Norrey, a young up and coming warrior, has directly challenged the rule of Wyman Liddle; he offers to settle it through combat to the death, and until he is dealt with your own legitimacy will be questioned.


Orders are due the 26th. Let me know if there are any questions or mistakes, there was a great deal to be done this turn ;D

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Lord Lyman Mormont 3/5/2

Lysa Monrmont 3/1/0 (Lyman's wife, 40)
Luwin Mormont 2/2/5 (Lyman's brother, 41)
Lancel Mormont 4/1/4 (Lyman's first son, 20)

*Lancel is a fine hunter
Lyanna Mormont 3/0/2 (Lyman's Daughter, 16)

*Lyanna has a curious affinity with animals
Lyn Mormont 1/1/1 (Lyman's second son, 6)
The Oakwoods are two brothers and one sister. Their House overun during a Rebellion in the Riverlands. At the time Lord Oakwood placed his children on a boat and sent them forth. The Mormonts have gracesouly taken them in. They have been on Bear Island for 12 years now and have been loyal to the Mormonts.
Aegon Oakwood 0/4/3 (25)

Catelyn Glover 0/1/0
Aerys Oakwood 4/0/3 (23)
Visera Oakwood 4/0/0 (17)
Nathyn Cayden 0/0/2 (30)(Captain of the guard)


Lord Tytos Manderly, (56), widowed 2/6/4

*Lord Tytos is infirm and cannot leave his bed without being carried

Ser Michel Manderly (22), Manderly's third son 3/1/4

Minisa Manderly (24) 4/3/3

Oswell Snow (29) 5/1/5, Tytos' bastard son

Guncer Manderly (83) 4/5/1, father of Tytos, married into family


Alys Stark (39), aunt 3/1/2
Lyessa Stark (17), niece to Brandon 1/0/1, at Sable Hall
Cora Stark (15), niece to Brandon 4/3/0, at Mormont Keep
Jorah Stark (11), Brandon's son, heir to Winterfell 5/4/3
*Jorah Stark has green dreams and is trailed constantly by a large but friendly dog


Larence Bolton (37) 4/4/4

Selyse Bolton (23), Lady of the Dreadfort, unmarried 3/1/4
Marence Bolton (18), nephew to Selyse, heir apparent 4/5/6
Lyanna Bolton (21), sister to Selyse, unmarried 4/5/2
*Lyanna Bolton is a great beauty
Locke Snow (42), bastard uncle of Selyse on her father's side 4/2/6


Lord Mathis Ryswell (31) 5/5/5
Seign Ryswell (29) 2/5/3
Willem Ryswell (41) 4/1/5
Jon Ryswell (22) 5/0/0
*Jon is an avid reader
Jackameau Stout 4/1/6
*Jackameau is an impressive gambler, but is worse at losing; exceptional in a duel but not well liked
Corvin of the Rills 1/4/5


Harlan Reed (??) 2/5/3

Serena Reed (21)

Jarl Reed 4/2/5 (19)

Scarlet Reed (16)

Timmet Reed (8) 2/1/2


Lord Crow Flint (33) 5/5/5
*Lord Crow became a Lord at the age of 15 and was shortly after merried to Lady Andice. Since then, he was trying to avoid the wars if possible, but he is not a weak person and if pushed, he will strike back swiftly.
Lady Andice Flint (32) 5/5/0
*Lady Andice was always there for Crow, ever since the beginning. She despises wars and death, but knows how to use cunning actions in order to gain what she wants and what is best for her family.
Bron Flint ( (45) -/-/- )
Mariori Flint ( (44) -/-/- )
Johanson Flint (26) 1/4/0
*Johanson is a charismatic man of the people. He is the smaller brother of Lord Crow and has never seen a fight in his life.
Bayron Flint (12) 1/3/1
*Bayron is the oldest son of Lord Crow. He is spending his days studying with the teachers.
Leeroy Flient (11) 2/1/2
*Leeroy is the second son of Lord crow. He is almost constantly around his father, trying to soak up his knowledge.
Stonehead Strat 3/2/5
Bayior Greyfield 0/5/5
Perceival Mudd (26), 0/2/5


-Lord Atheld Karstark (7) 0/1/2

-Heir/Regent: Adaric Karstark, Uncle (32) 4/5/4
-Runtheld Karstark "the Silent" Uncle (29) 5/3/0

*Runtheld is an excellent sailor and Cyvasse player after his time in Braavos, where he met Uquello
-Barthold Karstark, Uncle (27)- 0/0/4

*complete sot and idiot, but strong
-Mirissma Karstark: Aunt and only sister of the siblings (24): 1/1/0
-Antheld Karstark, uncle (22) 2/4/5
-Uquello Fento, a Braavosi Merchant/administrator (28) 2/4/0
-Maester Lyonden: (58) 4/2/0
-Hawthold Hawthorn, The master of Arms (35): 0/3/5


Martyn Dustin (44), Lord of Barrowton, married to his cousin
Margaery Dustin (40), Lady of Barrowton
Marq Dustin (25), heir to Barrowton, married
Falyse Dustin (24), daughter of Martyn, unmarried
Edric Dustin (21), second son of Martyn, unmarried
Myles Dustin (16), third son of Martyn, unmarried


Benjen Umber (62), Lord of Last Hearth, widowed
Wylis Umber (44), heir to Last Hearth, married 2/4/4
-Robert Snow (24), bastard son of Wylis 1/0/4
-Wendel Umber (19), son of Wylis 2/3/2
-Jonnella Umber (17), daughter of Wylis 3/3/0
Abel Umber (37), second son of Benjen 0/0/3
Harlan Umber (34), third son of Benjen 0/0/3
Orwyle Umber (32), fourth son of Benjen 0/0/3
Cassana Umber (26), only dauther to Benjen, unmarried 2/1/0


Mors Magnar (31) 4/2/2 (Master of Whispers type)

Ragnar Magnar (28) 1/0/5 (Master of Arms/Honarary Master of the Hunt)

Craster Locke (39) 1/4/1 (Castelian)

Joer Greystark (39)
Brandon Snow (37)
Jorah Tuttle (67)
Rickard Liddle (58)


Theon, Mead-King of Ruddy Hall (22) 2/4/5
A young raider, talented, charismatic and with great dreams. Gobbles up everything he can learn about southern military tactics and strategy. Is head over heels in love with Aly.
*Posseses an old book on the military history of the North from before the conquest
*Theon is an excellent drinker
Aly Flint (19) 4/5/1
Rodrik the Grey 5/4/2 (63)
*Rodrik was a superb duelist in his prime
Morna Catskin and Star 3/0/5 (23)

Swygert, bastard of Sigorn, Magnar of Thenn (13) 1/2/2


Lucas Norrey, 48 (5/5/4) - Lord Commander

Cregan Snow, 32 (4/2/5) - First ranger

Frederic Bole (42) 1/3/1 (First Steward and commander of Eastwatch by the sea)
Willem Flowers (41) 3/3/5 (ranger)
*Willem is a capable teacher and can read despite his birth
Wallace Manderly (22) 0/4/1 (First Builder, twin to Michel Manderly)
Loren Lannister
Gorne Magnar, Stoneborn King of Skagos 4/2/5

Toregg Magnar, 'Prince' of Skagos 4/4/4

Ryk Magnar, Brother of Gorne 1/1/5

Harma, Queen of the Stoneborn Skagosi 5/5/0


Cregan Crowl, Would be Lord of Deepdown 3/3/3

Kyleg Stane, Lord of Driftwood Hall 4/4/3


Rodrik Flint 2/2/5

Serena Flint 4/3/1

Danny Flint 3/2/2

Byam Flint 0/2/5

Theon Flint 5/2/0


Maester Errol 1/4/0

Joron Cassel (Master at Arms) 1/0/4
Torrhen Snow (Steward) 3/2/2
Septa Ulmer 1/2/0


Wyman Liddle (42) 1/4/4
Melissa Liddle (40) 5/2/1
Wymans wife
Jorah Liddle (22) 1/2/6
Wymans son and heir
Arianne Liddle (17) 2/3/2
Wylis Liddle (14) 1/3/3

Florence Wull (28) 2/2/4
Dary Flint (16) 3/1/2
Val the wildling (35) 0/1/5

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Armies of the realm and their dispositions:

Lord Lyman of House Mormont

Garrisons and Patrols:

100 Men at arms at Mormont Keep

100 Glover men at arms at Deepwood Motte

40 men at arms patrolling the woods of Bear Island

Mormont army of Winterfell

1500 Freshly levied men of House Mormont, 400 of which are mounted

Lord Atheld of House Karstark

Garrisons and Patrols:

275 men at arms, good morale and garrisoning Karhold

125 men at arms, good morale and guarding the port of Karhold

Army of Karhold:

1800 men and growing, 500 of which are mounted

Lord Mathis of House Ryswell

Garrisons and Patrols:

200 green boys, good morale and garrisoning Sable Hall

100 men at arms, good morale and guarding the pass south of Icetown

Army of Lord Mathis:

4500 levied men, high morale and currently halfway between Sable Hall and Silkstream

The Night's Watch

Garrisons and Patrols:

650 rangers under Cregan, currently in Umber lands

100 rangers on hand at Castle Black, the rest in garrisons of varying sizes along the wall

600 watchmen on hand at Castle Black

190 mounted men on hand at Castle Black

110 Men of the watch at the Nightfort under Wallace Manderly

(each of the other garrisons has anywhere from 60 to 500 men depending on the castle)

King Brandon XII of House Stark

Garrisons and Patrols:

200 Winterfell men at arms

Stark Host at Goldengrass

800 men, 200 mounted, sieging Goldengrass, low morale

Guard of Lord Lyman Mormont

25 men at arms

Guard of Lord Atheld Karstark

30 men at arms

Lady Selyse of House Bolton

Garrisons and Patrols:

500 men at arms in the Dreadfort

100 mounted men stabled in the Dreadfort

Army of Larence Bolton at the Dreadfort

4000 men and growing

Lord Tytos of House Manderly

Garrisons and Patrols:

200 Men at arms in New Castle

1000 seasoned Men of the city watch

Lord Crow of House Flint

Garrisons and Patrols:

200 Men at arms at Widow's Watch

50 Men at arms at Dayglow Keep

Army of Lord Crow

800 freshly levied men, 200 of which are mounted

Lord Harlan of House Reed

Garrisons and Patrols:


Lord Benjen of House Umber

Garrisons and Patrols:

300 Umber men at arms at Last Hearth

King Gorne of House Magnar

Garrisons and Patrols:

50 veteran warriors at King'shouse

Army of King Gorne:

980 Skaagosi warriors

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Are we going to get updated house and court lists soon. With so much that has changed (and keeps changing) its not hard to understand that it hasn't happened yet. I'm just curious if any of the other characters aside from Adaric and Atheld have increased their stats yet.

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Are we going to get updated house and court lists soon. With so much that has changed (and keeps changing) its not hard to understand that it hasn't happened yet. I'm just curious if any of the other characters aside from Adaric and Atheld have increased their stats yet.

Most of the changes should be apparent in opening post, if there are any inconsistencies go with what it says in the opening post. I'm out right now but I'll check when I get back. Ryswell and Mormont both received changes as well I think but King Gorne has had bad luck

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Pasting here, in order to not spam everyone:

Lord Crow:

I would like to address all lords of these lands. The King has died and currently, nobody is in a prime shape of Fighting. I am proposing the new king to take a step back and think about his actions and what he will do. Also, I suggest each Lord on this lands to also do the same thing. As far as myself, I am looking forward to hearing what each one of you have to say about this, however, I ask the new king to re-think his actions and I am looking forward to his raven.

My condolences to the family Stark and their loss.

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Considering some of your battles were exactly that and I fought mostly slavers anyway... :dunno:

Hey, I'll have you know those children were damned BELLIGERENT! In fact I'd bet in a real court I could make the case I was just defending myself preemptively from their future aggression!

As for the message... no formal response arrives from the Skagosi King. Clearly the man intends to keep his own counsel.

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