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Would Stoneheart believe Farya to be real?


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Would Stoneheart seek out Farya?

This just felt like a plothole to me, like George should have addressed this in AFFC, but since Fayra wasnt really in the story yet since the books were split up, he had to hide all info of whats going on in the north or something. Stoneheart should atleast know the news from Winterfell that the Boltons are marrying Farya.

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People in the Riverlands know that Arya was in that area after the RW and believe her killed at Saltpans. It doesn't strike me as a plothole that they weren't fooled by reports that she is also in the North.

Ya, likely in the area of the crossroads they heard about the Hound and Arya. It's totally not beyond belief that they are also familiar with the monks of the quiet isle (one of the bwb).

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