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Marijuana Enthusiasts

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Growing hemp for rope and growing Marjuana to smoke and get high with are not the same things.

It's pretty well known that he grew both. Cannabis was commonly used for home tonics at the time.

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I'd love to see documentation of that well known fact. That he grew hemp is unexceptional. Cannibis, that I'd like to see more about.

In his diary for August 7, 1765, Washington writes, "Began to separate the Male from the Female hemp … rather too late."

There's only one reason you'd want to be sure your male plants didn't pollinate your female plants. Also, Jefferson urged farmers to grow hemp instead of tobacco. Again, only one reason you'd suggest that. You get your smoke, but also get the benefit of the stalks that tobacco doesn't. Before 1900 there was no distinction between 'hemp' and 'cannabis', so any reference to 'hemp' before 1900 likely includes the smokable stuff. Also, cannabis was used heavily for tonics up until 1900 and goes back thousands of years to ancient egypt.

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There's a very vivid passage in Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon wherein Col. George Washington and his African servant smoke up the titular surveyors with home-grown hemp. I now can't fail to picture George Washington as looking exactly as he is portrayed by David Morse from HBO's John Adams miniseries, and now that Morse plays a new-age cult leader dad on True Detective, my image of the father of our country as a long-haired caftan-wearing stoner is complete.

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Seriously, though, is there a worse person on this earth than that person who gets high and then TALKS ABOUT WEED ALL THE TIME BECAUSE IT'S SOOOO AWESOMEAND NATURAL TOO ANDWHY WOULD GOD MAKE WEED IF IT WAS BAD DUDE THEY ARE JUST TRYING TO KEEP US DOWN!?!?!?!

Can you imagine a weed smoking crossfitter who does Advocare?

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I smoke, but I hate talking about it. Vocal marijuana enthusiasts are the worst kind of people.

It's even worse in the legal stores. If you thought wine and beer snobs were pretentious and obnoxious, you should spend five minutes with the weed snobs. Total buzz kill. The douchebaggery is off the charts.

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