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Propellantless thrust?

Ser Scot A Ellison

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How do you reconcile that with causality? Ain't no such thing as instantaneus interaction over large distances.

Gravitational (and electromagnetic, though that's a lot more rare) interaction over long distances is fine since you're interacting with the field and not the object itself. The Earth is 8 light minutes away from the Sun and it has no trouble constantly interacting with it. Of course, if something about the Sun changes, that change would take 8 minutes to propagate to Earth, but that's not particularly relevant -- the field keeping us in orbit is present here and now even though the Sun is far away.


I am lost in the conversation.... Aren't we talking about a sexual technique here?

No, but don't worry -- nobody else (including myself) fully understands what we're talking about either. ;)

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