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ASOIAF Contest: Most popular non-POV character | Quarterfinals begin!


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Match 9: Varys / Donal Noye ?

Match 10: Sandor Clegane / Petyr Baelish ?

Match 11: Eddison Tollett / Old Nan ?

Match 12: Jeor Mormont / Luwin ?

Match 13: Tormund / Meribald ?

Match 14: Doran Martell / Brynden Tully ?

Match 15: Maester Aemon / Osha ?

Match 16: Mance Rayder / Thoros of Myr ?

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Sure, you can! Round 3 division A is also open for voting

Lovely! Thanks! :)

Round 3 Division A then

Match 1: Yoren / Hot Pie

Match 2: Missandei / Gendry

Match 3: Stannis Baratheon / Tywin Lannister

Match 4: Beric Dondarrion / Olenna Redwyne

Match 5: Oberyn Martell / Jaqen H'ghar

Match 6: Wylla Manderly / Shireen Baratheon

Match 7: Wyman Manderly / Bronn

Match 8: Loras Tyrell / Brynden Rivers
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Round 3, Division B matches

Match 9: Varys / Donal Noye

Match 10: Sandor Clegane / Petyr Baelish

Match 11: Eddison Tollett / Old Nan

Match 12: Jeor Mormont / Luwin

Match 13: Tormund / Meribald

Match 14: Doran Martell / Brynden Tully

Match 15: Maester Aemon / Osha

Match 16: Mance Rayder / Thoros of Myr
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Round 3, Division A final results!


[12] Yoren (advances)
[7] Hot Pie

[8] Missandei
[11] Gendry (advances)

[14] Stannis Baratheon (advances)
[5] Tywin Lannister

[7] Beric Dondarrion
[12] Olenna Redwyne (advances)

[13] Oberyn Martell (advances)
[6] Jaqen H'ghar

[8] Wylla Manderly
[11] Shireen Baratheon (advances)

[12] Wyman Manderly (advances)
[7] Bronn

[6] Loras Tyrell
[13] Brynden Rivers (advances)

Annara Snow: Hot Pie, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Oberyn Martell, Wylla Manderly, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
Bustard: Yoren, Missandei, Stannis Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Bronn, Brynden Rivers
Cashless Society: Hot Pie, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Olenna Redwyne, Jaqen H'ghar, Wylla Manderly, Bronn, Brynden Rivers
Castellan: Yoren, Gendry, Tywin Lannister, Olenna Redwyne, Jaqen H'ghar, Shireen Baratheon, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
Criston of House Shapper: Hot Pie, Gendry, Tywin Lannister, Olenna Redwyne, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Bronn, Brynden Rivers
Julia H.: Yoren, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
Lady Blizzardborn: Yoren, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Olenna Redwyne, Oberyn Martell, Wylla Manderly, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
lil' ghost: Yoren, Missandei, Stannis Baratheon, Olenna Redwyne, Jaqen H'ghar, Wylla Manderly, Bronn, Brynden Rivers
Meera of Tarth: Hot Pie, Gendry, Tywin Lannister, Olenna Redwyne, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
Night'sQueen: Yoren, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Olenna Redwyne, Jaqen H'ghar, Wylla Manderly, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
Raving Stark the Mad: Hot Pie, Missandei, Tywin Lannister, Olenna Redwyne, Oberyn Martell, Wylla Manderly, Bronn, Loras Tyrell
RhaenysB: Hot Pie, Missandei, Tywin Lannister, Olenna Redwyne, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Bronn, Loras Tyrell
Shuvuuia: Yoren, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Jaqen H'ghar, Shireen Baratheon, Wyman Manderly, Loras Tyrell
Sielk: Yoren, Missandei, Stannis Baratheon, Olenna Redwyne, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Bronn, Brynden Rivers
Stonehearted Snake: Yoren, Missandei, Stannis Baratheon, Olenna Redwyne, Oberyn Martell, Wylla Manderly, Wyman Manderly, Loras Tyrell
The Wolf Lord's Daughter: Yoren, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
ViniciusMJ: Yoren, Gendry, Stannis Baratheon, Olenna Redwyne, Jaqen H'ghar, Shireen Baratheon, Wyman Manderly, Brynden Rivers
yomi: Hot Pie, Missandei, Stannis Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Oberyn Martell, Wylla Manderly, Wyman Manderly, Loras Tyrell
Zizoz: Yoren, Missandei, Stannis Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Oberyn Martell, Shireen Baratheon, Wyman Manderly, Loras Tyrell
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Match 9: Varys / Donal Noye

Match 10: Sandor Clegane / Petyr Baelish

Match 11: Eddison Tollett / Old Nan

Match 12: Jeor Mormont / Luwin

Match 13: Tormund / Meribald

Match 14: Doran Martell / Brynden Tully

Match 15: Maester Aemon / Osha

Match 16: Mance Rayder / Thoros of Myr

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Round 3, Division B


Match 9: Varys / Donal Noye ?

Match 10: Sandor Clegane / Petyr Baelish ?

Match 11: Eddison Tollett / Old Nan ?

Match 12: Jeor Mormont / Luwin ?

Match 13: Tormund / Meribald ?

Match 14: Doran Martell / Brynden Tully ?

Match 15: Maester Aemon / Osha ?

Match 16: Mance Rayder / Thoros of Myr ?

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Round 3, Division B final results!


[10] Varys (advances)
[7] Donal Noye

[13] Sandor Clegane (advances)
[4] Petyr Baelish

[11] Eddison Tollett (advances)
[6] Old Nan

[7] Jeor Mormont
[10] Luwin (advances)

[13] Tormund (advances)
[4] Meribald

[12] Doran Martell (advances)
[5] Brynden Tully

[16] Maester Aemon (advances)
[1] Osha

[14] Mance Rayder (advances)
[3] Thoros of Myr

Annara Snow: Varys, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Luwin, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Bustard: Varys, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Jeor Mormont, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Cashless Society: Varys, Petyr Baelish, Eddison Tollett, Luwin, Tormund, Brynden Tully, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Criston of House Shapper: Varys, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Jeor Mormont, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Julia H.: Donal Noye, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Jeor Mormont, Tormund, Brynden Tully, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Lady Blizzardborn: Varys, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Luwin, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
lil' ghost: Varys, Petyr Baelish, Old Nan, Luwin, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Meera of Tarth: Donal Noye, Petyr Baelish, Eddison Tollett, Luwin, Meribald, Doran Martell, Aemon, Thoros of Myr
Night'sQueen: Varys, Sandor Clegane, Old Nan, Jeor Mormont, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
RhaenysB: Varys, Sandor Clegane, Old Nan, Luwin, Tormund, Doran Martell, Osha, Mance Rayder
Shuvuuia: Donal Noye, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Jeor Mormont, Meribald, Brynden Tully, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Sielk: Varys, Sandor Clegane, Old Nan, Luwin, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Stonehearted Snake: Donal Noye, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Luwin, Meribald, Doran Martell, Aemon, Thoros of Myr
The Wolf Lord's Daughter: Donal Noye, Sandor Clegane, Old Nan, Luwin, Meribald, Brynden Tully, Aemon, Mance Rayder
ViniciusMJ: Varys, Petyr Baelish, Old Nan, Jeor Mormont, Tormund, Brynden Tully, Aemon, Mance Rayder
yomi: Donal Noye, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Luwin, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Mance Rayder
Zizoz: Donal Noye, Sandor Clegane, Eddison Tollett, Jeor Mormont, Tormund, Doran Martell, Aemon, Thoros of Myr
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Round 4 matches

Who is your favorite character between...

Match 1: Yoren / Gendry ?

Match 2: Stannis Baratheon / Olenna Redwyne ?

Match 3: Oberyn Martell / Shireen Baratheon ?

Match 4: Wyman Manderly / Brynden Rivers ?

Match 5: Varys / Sandor Clegane ?

Match 6: Eddison Tollett / Luwin ?

Match 7: Tormund / Doran Martell ?

Match 8: Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder ?

DEADLINE: Monday September 14th, 21:30 EST
Eventual ties will be resolved by your dear host, aka me ;)
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Match 1: Yoren / Gendry
Match 2: Stannis Baratheon / Olenna Redwyne
Match 3: Oberyn Martell / Shireen Baratheon
Match 4: Wyman Manderly / Brynden Rivers
Match 5: Varys / Sandor Clegane
Match 6: Eddison Tollett / Luwin
Match 7: Tormund / Doran Martell
Match 8: Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder

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Match 1: Yoren / Gendry ?

Match 2: Stannis Baratheon / Olenna Redwyne ?

Match 3: Oberyn Martell / Shireen Baratheon ?

Match 4: Wyman Manderly / Brynden Rivers ?

Match 5: Varys / Sandor Clegane ?

Match 6: Eddison Tollett / Luwin ?

Match 7: Tormund / Doran Martell ?

Match 8: Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder ?

Huh, well I was wrong about Maester Aemon. In the end one person did vote against him.
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Match 1: Yoren / Gendry ?

Match 2: Stannis Baratheon / Olenna Redwyne ?  That was tough.

Match 3: Oberyn Martell / Shireen Baratheon ?   That one was just unfair.

Match 4: Wyman Manderly / Brynden Rivers ? Sorry, Bloodraven, but Lord Too-Fat is funnier.

Match 5: Varys / Sandor Clegane ?  Sincere apologies to Sandor.

Match 6: Eddison Tollett / Luwin ?

Match 7: Tormund / Doran Martell ?

Match 8: Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder ? Sorry Maester. 

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Match 1: Yoren / Gendry 

Match 2: Stannis Baratheon / Olenna Redwyne ?

Match 3: Oberyn Martell / Shireen Baratheon ?

Match 4: Wyman Manderly / Brynden Rivers 

Match 5: Varys / Sandor Clegane 

Match 6: Eddison Tollett / Luwin ?

Match 7: Tormund / Doran Martell  In the end... Tormund tells too many dick jokes.

Match 8: Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder  Gods, this is difficult. Sorry, Maester Aemon.

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Match 1: Yoren / Gendry 
Match 2: Stannis Baratheon / Olenna Redwyne
Match 3: Oberyn Martell / Shireen Baratheon
Match 4: Wyman Manderly / Brynden Rivers 
Match 5: Varys / Sandor Clegane 
Match 6: Eddison Tollett / Luwin 
Match 7: Tormund / Doran Martell 
Match 8: Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder 
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Match 1: Yoren / Gendry

Match 2: Stannis Baratheon / Olenna Redwyne

Match 3: Oberyn Martell / Shireen Baratheon

Match 4: Wyman Manderly / Brynden Rivers

Match 5: Varys / Sandor Clegane

Match 6: Eddison Tollett / Luwin

Match 7: Tormund / Doran Martell

Match 8: Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder
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