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Strange dream

Ser Scot A Ellison

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I have two children. I dreamt that I have three and that I was being called away to war (I've never been in the military). I dreamt that I knew that I have a third child but felt a deep sense of shame that I didn't "know" my third child who was actually born between the two children I know.

It was so strange as I knew this child, a slender young man with blue eyes and light brown hair, but I knew nothing about this child. I kissed him on his forehead and told him that if the worst happened I knew he would be there for his mother.

Then I woke up. A very odd dream.
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No narration. It was the sense of shame that found affecting. If I had a child I would know my child. This was my child who somehow I had ignored for years.
I really don't know. Things I have failed to give sufficient attention to, maybe?

You are the only one who can know that :)

I've had one or three dreams that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Obviously they mean something, to me at least, or I would not remember them.
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If you are curious about dream analysis, a method that I like is to go through your dream and define the things that stick out.  Define them in a way that you are trying to describe them to an Alien who has no concept of what it is you are trying to define.  The verbs tend to be the descriptors of the relationship between these objects.

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The sense of shame thing seems to have affected you. It seems the child merely symbolises some responsibility of yours at which you've failed.

Indeed it seems probable that most of the 'things' in this dream are symbolic.

The child, being called away, the war, the blue hair and brown eyes, the kiss on the forehead (possibly) seem symbolic.

The shame of not knowing, the fear over the 'worst that can happen' and concern for there being someone there for his mother seem more concrete.

It's incredibly hard to armchair this sort of stuff with any real accuracy, but my guess would be that all the tangible things are window-dressing for the feelings.
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