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Daylight Saving Time Still Sucks 2015

Ser Scot A Ellison

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The actual savings (of energy etc.) are bunk, I completely agree.

I still think it makes sense to have an our more light in the evening. And if the alternative to get more hours of light would be to personally switch to getting up really early anyway, it is easier with the time switch.

But admittedly I only very dimly remember the introduction of daylight savings time in 1980 or so, I was a small child and not allowed to stay up late anyway...

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  • 4 months later...

It comes. Oh, dear God it comes!

Yes. Our long national nightmare of standard time will end and we'll return to glorious daylight savings time. Its time to make DST the only time.

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Tell congress to pick one and stick to it. God I hate the change.

I don't know, the extra hour of sleep is always a godsend in the fall. And i'm usually still laid off for the season when we spring ahead. I say we bump it an extra hour! Spring way ahead! :P

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So there I was this morning, waiting at a stoplight while on my way to church, and this guy who needs a coffee hops in his car and backs into the passenger side of my car.

No damage to his bumper, of course, but a dent in my door, and of course, please don't go through the insurance company.

For this one, not only do I blame Pod, but I blame Ser Scot as well. :p

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The bright happy newscaster who annouced our lost sleep would be compensated for with "an extra hour of sunlight!" about made my head explode. The amount of sunlight is the same regardless of how the clocks are set. Lord have mercy people are idiots.

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This extended daylight savings "energy saving solution" of Congress just proves what I have long expected. No member of Congress actually has to wake up before 830 am. When I was working days, this time of year and towards October I was having to get up 3 hours before dawn. How does that save energy if all of the lights in the house have to be on in the morning to get ready for work / get kids off to school. In addition, I would have to drive my son for the month of March and the Month of October instead of letting him ride his bike. Again, how is this saving energy?

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The bright happy newscaster who annouced our lost sleep would be compensated for with "an extra hour of sunlight!" about made my head explode. The amount of sunlight is the same regardless of how the clocks are set. Lord have mercy people are idiots.

The actual amount of sunlight is the same, but the amount of sunlight people actually experience and enjoy can vary, depending on their schedule. For me, it means moving an hour of sunlight from when I'm still trying to sleep (and having trouble due to my blackout curtains completely living up to their name against the sun) to an hour in evening when I'm done with work and can go out and enjoy it.

As I've said many times, I love DST. Its standard time that's total junk. And it'd be fine if the US just adopted DST as the year-round time, there are already other countries that don't set their clock to the closest solar hour.

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I decided i am no longer going to complain about the time change. I've never actually been clear on which is standard and which is daylight savings anyway, and my life doesn't have many things thatbare dictated by the clock. Plus the cellphone just magically adjusts. Today i didnt even notice it. I hadnt changed my clock in the vehicle in the fall so now its back to normal.

I love that thing Paul Rudd says in Forgetting Sarah Marshall about how when he moved to Hawaii to be a surf bum he stopped wearing a watch.... because his cell phone always has the time on it anyway.

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