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Which Faction are you Rooting For?


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Not counting individual characters like the Hound, Bronn or Jorah that many people want to succeed, which overall family or faction do you want to see not only survive the end of the series, but be in a very high (or the highest) position of power -- be it the Iron Throne or something else -- and why?

Some options (but you can choose any I forget or a combo):

1) Loyalists -- The KL folks still fighting for King Tommen, and to a lesser extent the Lannister family in general.

2) Stannis Baratheon -- We all have this sad feeling Stannis will die sooner or later, but do you want him to make it through?

3) The Northmen -- Very divided here, so take your choice. Do you want the Bolton's to reign supreme? Or Bran and Rickon to make a comeback?

4) The Tyrells -- While they are constantly scheming politically, it's obvious by now they're about done playing nice with the Lannisters.

5) The Dornish -- Do you want to see Doran and Quentyn extend their reach all the way to the top of the Seven Kingdoms? (NOTE: Currently the Martell's are Targaryen loyalists. Please note if you want to see them succeed not under Daenerys)

6) Daenerys & Company -- Will the story follow its 'given' path, and simply have Daenerys return and become the Queen of Westeros?

7) The Ironborn -- Be it Theon, his sister, or an uncle, do you wish to see the Iron Islands conquer the Seven Kingdoms?

8) The Sparrows -- Will the religious zealots that are gathering in mass end up more powerful than we ever imagined? Would you love it?

9) The Brotherhood Without Banners -- Without Beric, many fans abandoned this group. But many of us still hope that UnCat will lynch her way to the top.

10) The Others -- Forget about the humans, you're sick of the backstabbing and political bullshit. Kill them all!

11) The Riverlands -- The Blackfish and Edmure Tully are not going to fade quietly into the night...!

12) a Wildcard -- Littlefinger, Sansa, Jon Snow, Gendry, Varys (in a non-Targ supporting revelation)... anyone that you think will end up on top of the food chain, and not just because they're your favorite character.

13) None of the above -- Tell me who I forgot, or why you want nobody at all to succeed...


Let me know who you're supporting!

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The Dornish are Targ loyalists. They are not a separate faction.

Fire and Blood remains Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

This is a good point and sometimes forgotten. Now that Quentyn is on the move perhaps we will see some open support to Daenerys. I'll still leave them separate in case people want Daenerys to die and the Dornish to go at it alone. Edited the main post to note this. Thanks!

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Hate to be boring but it's almost impossible to say... the factions are in a constant state of flux; I tend to root for individuals to pull through regardless of whether their cause is successful or even just.

If I had to pick, then the Stark loyalists in the North, what's left of the Tullys, and the Tyrells as well because if there has to be a rich devious family at the top it's time the Lannisters gave someone else a turn. Plus whatever side Sansa and Arya are on. Can't support Dany till I know who she's up against.

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Hard to say, really. Most of the families or factions have individual characters I'd like to see on top; I usually don't consider them as a whole. But I guess it would be a toss-up between the Brotherhood without Banners, the Tyrells, and the Sparrows, though not because either of these groups would necessarily do a good job at governing the realm. I'm just curious to see what would happen if any of them did rule the Seven Kingdoms.

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Used to be the Starks. Now, with half dead, the rest scattered, I'll settle for some survivors at the end.

Dorne, weirdly enough. Doran Martell's plan, despite the setback (i.e. Viserys Crowning) was just so... cunning. And silent, and unexpected, and worth many goosebumps on reveal. So, Dorne. Tyrion and Dany and Dorne, and maybe Jaime gets a reprieve but if he dies, so be it. But yes. Dorne.

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Hate to be boring but it's almost impossible to say... the factions are in a constant state of flux; I tend to root for individuals to pull through regardless of whether their cause is successful or even just.

I agree with you that it's sort of boring to look at it this way. I think many of us are rooting for secondary characters at this point, just hoping they live to the end of the series -- be them a villain or hero.

I thought it would still be interesting for people to put aside their favorites and try choosing a big picture sort of ending.

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The Freys!

Sick of all these bloody Tullys (apart from Blackfish) they're all annoying and incompetent. So the Freys begin with Riverrun, then extend North of the neck and scatter around the South. There's no shortage of them so they can marry into all the major houses, with plenty leftover to marry and secure positions across the narrow sea.

Then I want the late Walder kidnapping and marry Daenarys, sitting the Iron Throne, heh, and naming Damphair his Hand.

The realm gets then driven further in to the ground and the Others overrun Westeros - karma baby.

Millions die, summer comes eventually, Hodor is granted Lordship and the Iron Isles and guess what he renames them..

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Oddly, I'm not rooting for anyone so much as I'm rooting against the Ironborn. Bunch of conceited savages that deserve to be knocked down a peg or two, if you ask me.

Yeah as much as i'm pro Dornish i'm equally anti-Ironborn. Not because of their savagrey just their general dickheadishness. With the amount of rebelling and pillaging they do against people in the same kingdom as them it's a wonder why the crown didn't just forbid them from owning warships.

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I'm Team Tyrell tbh. The Queen of Thorns is hilarious, and pretty much what Cersei wishes she could be. They seem to be the family that are going to cause the Lannister's doom, so I'm rooting for them all the way. They're manipulative and scheming, but not necessarily evil, so I don't feel like smacking them every time they speak. Which is more than I could ever say for Joffrey/Cersei. :P

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I'm rooting against the Ironborn. Bunch of conceited savages that deserve to be knocked down a peg or two, if you ask me.


I would love for the Starks to come back and crush their enemies.

And while I would love to see the Lannisters fall, I really do not mind a King Tommen.

I also hope the Tyrells fall. They are just as bad as the Lannisters except people love them instead of fear them.

While I expect Stannis to die (quite possibly bassass heroically), I would like if Shireen survived and married the new king to legitimatize the the throne.

And for crazy awesomeness that almost certainly will not happen, I would love to see Lord Stokeworth take King's Landing while it falls into chaos to restore order. Eventually, he gains enough support and declares himself king.

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